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Posts posted by -d1m0n-

  1. Bringing this here from another thread: 

    • -d1m0n-
    • PC Member
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    • 3 posts

    Please add "Hold to melee channel" keybinding ASAP (for PC mouse and keyboard). I used channeling in melee for a fraction of second every few seconds on my lifestrike excalibur build. Now that is totally unusable - not only you have to click twice as much as before, but also you completely lose track of channeling being on or off at any given moment. Channeling visual effects are completely overshadowed by other effects in the heat of battle. Before I knew that if i hold the button channeling is on, if i don't then it is off. Now it is a mess. Anyone please feel free to try Excalibur lifestrike build on any endgame content and see for yourself.

    So one more time - please add "Hold to melee channel" keybinding ASAP.

    Thank you!

  2. 14 hours ago, Elrandir said:

    Overall the new melee has potential, but for me one huge drawback. The combination of auto-blocking, toggled channel and the fact the channeling key can't be on a mouse click have ruined Excalibur EB life strike. He gets through WAY too much energy to be playable. So, grrr from me because that was my favorite build to play.

    We really need an option to bind "hold to channel" key instead of being forced to use toggle channeling only.

  3. 3 hours ago, Genitive said:

    The first is channeling – it shouldn't be a toggle. It is too easy to forget about or activate by accident. And it is not visible enough to actually see if it is on or not. I think the previous version was better – hold to activate. I know channeling is going to change anyway, but for now I'd prefer the old system. 

    Exactly this. Why was channeling switched from hold to toggle? Please give us option to use hold to channel.

  4. Please add "Hold to melee channel" keybinding ASAP (for PC mouse and keyboard). I used channeling in melee for a fraction of second every few seconds on my lifestrike excalibur build. Now that is totally unusable - not only you have to click twice as much as before, but also you completely lose track of channeling being on or off at any given moment. Channeling visual effects are completely overshadowed by other effects in the heat of battle. Before I knew that if i hold the button channeling is on, if i don't then it is off. Now it is a mess. Anyone please feel free to try Excalibur lifestrike build on any endgame content and see for yourself.

    So one more time - please add "Hold to melee channel" keybinding ASAP.

    Thank you!

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