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Posts posted by lordpie

  1. Could anyone turn this into a tennogen skin?  I think it's the most beautiful thing.  It's Meesa!meesa.png

  2. The only thing that seems wrong is the cap.  It would make more sense if the cap was just the number of weapons in game or some factor of that. Other than that rivens work.

  3. I think it would be an excellent idea to make Cetus Wisps a purchasable resource.  I would gladly pay 20p for 20 wisps without even thinking twice, since I hate farming them.  I would be forever grateful if this got added into the game.

  4. The funny thing about all of this is that a sound quake banshee is hardly viable past level 50, while a good mag with a mediocre team can easily go into the 300s.  The community as a whole is fairly ignorant in terms of using creative and effective teams.  The community tends to pick a  meta build or setup and beat it to death until something else is found, and somehow, people enjoy that.


    If you can't tell I like to play mag.

  5. So in the new room we get, you can create a funny bug if you invite a friend over to your orbiter.  Invite the friend over, go into operator mode, and kneel at the glass pannel.  Then, when you start to move again, your friend will see this: 

    It's kind of funny.  Not sure if it is 100% reproducible.

  6. Whenever I equip the Tulok fishing spear, I cannot unequip it.  I am unable to switch to any other weapon, use abilities, or use transference.  I was able to replicate the bug by just simply equipping the fishing spear.  I am able to access the gear wheel but I cannot access any of the items on it.

  7. I just spent a night on the plains to get some intact sentient cores.  I was very happy since I got 48 of them.  Once it was morning, I mined a bit then came in to get some standing.  The quill master told me I have zero cores.  This is frustrating; I have no idea why I lost all my cores.  I had experienced no bugs before that.  Please fix.

  8. So I have just received my 5th 2000 endo reward in a row, and I can tell you that I am so thrilled.  I also understand that many other people have been having this same thrilling experience.  Are sorties not working properly right now, or have I prayed to RNGesus' nemesis or something?  I have never had this happen before, so I am a little confused.

  9. 9 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

    You did not refute my argument...


    But let's keep going with this, math is always the solution to everything, right?

    In order to walk over to the fridge to grab a soda I probably shouldn't drink, I will have to move a linear distance of 8 meters. However, I do not live in a linear world, I live in a 3D world. Thus I must do some math.


    The total volume of my body is total volume is 66.4 liters, in order to move towards the fridge I will have to displace that entire volume so If I was trying to best represent how far I was going, I should calculate that, right? The total volume that must be displaced is (8)^3*66.4. Thus in order to move my body to the fridge I must move 33996.8 liters.

    That... is stupid, using volume to measure how far I moved is completely impractical, while still being mathematically correct.


    You have to use logic to know what math to use when, you can't just spew equations and say they apply.


    I like to think people are not that evil.

    Ok.  Lets get some things clear.

    1.  I responded to you to the best of my ability.  I had no idea what you were even trying to say because it was about as clear as an algae filled pool.  

    2.  You are not using logic.  You are using a mangled version of reasoning, which is something else entirely.

    3.  I have no idea once again what you are saying in regards to your soda example.  I honestly do not know what you are trying to prove.  If I were to follow your argument using just basic mechanics, it is still strange.  A work equation or power equation would be better, but this is getting way too technical when you are being vague.

    4.  I also never stated that math is the solution to everything.  I stated that when dealing with a subject that contains math, i.e., programming, you must use math.  It would be strange to quantify a Shakespearean sonnet with math.


    I have been 100% transparent with my methods.  I am saying that from a volumetric perspective, there is a 70.36 or 70.37% nerf (depends on how many decimal places you chop off each time you do a calculation).  Lying through statistics is something else entirely.  If I was lying through statistics, I would not provide my methods.  Again, I state that these are the theoretical nerf values.  In practical experinece, there are way too many considerations to be taken into acount that involve enemy type, tile set height differences, speed traveling, whether teammates are involved, mission type, enemy placement, whether you are using an AOE weapon, and a whole host of other factors that would only obscure relevant data that cannot effectively be tested in simulacrum because of the spawn limitations.


    Also, there is a vacuum megathread.  This is different.

  10. 8 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

    Just because you use math does not mean you are right, stop mathing for a second and let's logic.



    Math and logic are almost the same exact thing.  You cannot seperate them.  You cannot discount my argument just becuase it does not fit with yours.  You have to mathematically counter it.  This game is coded in C++ and action script to my knowledge.  For anyone who has programmed, you need math to make a fair game.  The fundamentals of vacuum are literally based in math, not in pure logic.  Also, I do not understand your argument or example at all.

    If I were to solve your problem though, I would use calculus to create a general solution because that would be easier.  If I am doing area, I would create a lambda constant.  If I am doing volume, I would use a roe constant instead.  If I want to know how many sheep are within a given area, and can attack me at once, I would use area, not some meaningless value that describes the perimeter.  You ultimately get area no matter what you do, if we are working in a plane.  If we are working in three dimensional space, then its volume.

  11. 9 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

    Please stop this thing where everyone seems to think Volume is how you measure Vaccum's effectiveness, because it isn't.


    The only measurement that matters circumference because as soon as a mod reaches the circumference, it is picked up. All of that volume is dead space.

    And the relationship between radius and circumference is linear so... it is a 50% nerf... so now all sentinels have 1.5 precepts (Their original precept and now half of Carrier's old precept). If you are upset that it is too much of a nerf, you are entitled to say that, but the 70.37% nerf thing is straight up false. (And before you counter with "but Surface area", no... we fight on a 2d battlefield, the vertical axis does not matter unless it is bug related... and the better solution is to remove the bug)



    Circumference is not the correct measurement.  Time to go into math mode.


    Circumference has units of [l] where l = length.  This means that it is a one dimensional measurement.  If you want to graph this, it would be fitting to display it on a number line.  This however is not how warfame works because warframe is not a one dimensional game.

    Area has units of [l]^2 where l^2 = length^2.  This means that it is a two dimensional measurement.  Now, things get tricky for a few reasons.  1.  We do not know the tile set we are playing on.  2.  We do not know if the center of the circle is at the sentinel or the ground.  It is probably at the sentinel though.  For area, you are measuring how much space your can suck up items along a level plane to the horizontal.  This means that the flatter the map is, the less the nerf is.  For maps that have multiple levels or many walls, you have to go to volume.

    Volume has units of [l]^3 where l^3 = length^3.  This means that it is a three dimensional measurement.  Ultimately, this is the best theoretical value for the nerf because vacuum acts in three dimensional space rather than two dimensional space.


    Here is the math by how I came to my conclusions for percentages.


    A1 = 12^2 * pi = 144pi       A2 = 8^2 * pi = 64 pi       //These are respecitvley the area of the old carrier vacuum and the new universal vacuum taking into account default radius

    A3 = A1-A2 = 80pi                                                   //This is the difference in area.  In other words, this is the amount of space that A2 does not cover

    %difference = 80pi / 144pi x 100% = 55.55%          //This is a concise expression of how much area you are losing for A2



    V1 = 4/3 * 12^3 * pi = 2304 pi   V2 = 4/3 * 8^3 * pi = 682.66pi //These are respectively the volumes of the old carrier vacuum and the new one taking into account default radius

    V3 = V1 - V2 = 1621.34pi                                                        //This is the difference in volume.  In other words, this is the amount of space that V2 does not cover

    %differnece = 1621.34pi / 2304pi x 100% = 70.36%               // This is a concise expression of how much space you are losing for V2


    So, mathematically, you are just not correct.  It is visually confusing because when you see circumference pictorially represented, it is shown in two dimensions.

  12. I personally disagree.  In my opinion, if scaling is fixed, there may be a period of time in which quite a few frames are either wildly under powered or overpowered, and that would further disrupt game balance.  In my eyes, it would be easier if scaling was made to match the effectiveness of a collective frame base rather than adjusting the base to scaling.  I have more opinions on this, but they would probably have to go in another thread.  I just wanted to get the problem out in the air.  Each of the points I made I have much more detailed opinions on, but that is not for here.


    24 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    Happy thirdframeversary

    Thank you.

  13. Dear DE,

    In two days, I will have played warframe for a total of 3 years.  I have seen quite a few changes: invincible rhino, original quick thinking rage, enemy level changing, many star charts, the death of rainbow elemental builds, many frame changes, the death of coptering, etc.  Warframe has been one of two games that I have played, the other being CSGO, so I have spent countless hours in the game.  For the most part, I have really enjoyed warframe.  Yes, the grind gets to me every now and again so I have to leave, but I still come back.  After 3 years, that means you were doing something right, but now that has changed.

    I personally feel that the quality and direction of this game has not improved much since the second dream.  We have been distracted from any major changes the game actually needs with tiny events, and I am now fed up.  It has almost been a year since the second dream has been released, and I feel that this long time is killing the game.  I have many friends who I play with who have just stopped playing because the wait is too long, the grind got too repetitive, and the direction of the game has not gone in the right direction.  From a personal view, I am watching the veteran community (2+ years) slowly fracture and fall away from the game.

    There are still many frames that are wildly under-powered.  Nobody wants an Oberon in high level missions for a reason--he is just not good.  Nobody wants a limbo in high level missions--he is not a team-player.  There are obviously more frames that are still under powered and under used, and some of their fixes would be remarkably easy to implement.  As a result of this DE, you have in effect created an oligarchy of frames that rule warframe.  If you want to do endurance runs, there are a select few warframes that will give you maximum results.  This is a problem, and it is killing game life.

    Frankly, I do not like the direction that this game has headed since after the Operation Shadow Debt (acolytes).

    Now, with the latest update, you have tried my patience.  The 6m passive range of sentinels is a massive nerf from carriers 10m.  When you add your innate radius in, we are comparing 12m to 8m.  This may not seem like a huge nerf, but it is beyond massive.  In terms of area along a plane, we are looking at a 55.55% loss.  For volume covered by the sentinel, it is even worse.  We are looking at a MASSIVE 70.37% nerf in volume.  That is inexcusable, and to appease us, you have us a machete because everybody just loves machetes (sarcasm alert).  This update was a major mistake.  I don't see why we couldn't have the original vacuum radius; I could understand a SLIGHT nerf, but not one on this scale.  DE, this has gone too far.  I personally feel that these updates are more or less equal to CSGO's sound updates--pointless, conflict generating, and not what the community wants.

    While I do appreciate the effort in creating universal vacuum, and the fact that you listened to the community, I definitely do not appreciate the result.  So, I will provide a discussion of items that the community actually wants fixed instead of vacuum nerfs, new mastery fodder, and uproar.


    The first thing that should be addressed is the current state of each warframe.  Some warframes are just beyond underpowered, and some support stupid play styles.  Some have no team play whatsoever, and some are good, but widely underused.  Nobody uses oberon because every other frame can do what he does, but better.  He is not requested in any high level game play.  Hydroid has two purposes in this game: a farmer and a source for crude jokes.  Hydroid is probably the worst frame in the game and is only requested to mess around or do lazy farming. He brings nothing to normal team gameplay.  Limbo is the butt of many jokes as well.  He has 3 abilities that more or less do the same thing, and one ability that only works for himself.  At the moment, the best thing he brings to the team is energy regeneration and the occasional hostage rescue, but trinity can do all of those things much better.  Zephyr has no teamplay.  Atlas has no team play.  Ash is a press 4 to win frame.  Banshee is an awesome frame, but nobody plays her (except quiete shy because she is great) because she has no survivability.  Ember also needs survivability.  Loki is too OP at the moment and supports cheap gameplay.  I have some minor problems with the other frames, but the point I am trying to make is that there are select few frames that everybody wants and are viable in end game play for a team.

    This brings me to my second problem: the end game.  Warframe's end game was always the void.  If you wanted to do an endurance run, T4 survival was the way to go.  You might end up getting some nice items while doing it.  Now that the void has been nuked, which I think was a good thing, warframe has no end game at all.  This leaves veteran players or high level players wanting for something to do.  With no end game whatsoever, the game starts to lose its purpose and becomes solely a title where you just collect weapons until MR22.  This is a problem, and it has to be fixed fast, or the game life of Warframe will dramatically diminish.  Many other games that have an inherently repetitive nature still have end games to an extent. For example, your end game in CSGO is Global Elite.  You will most likely never reach it, but it is a good goal to have.  You can watch yourself improve and have a sense of accomplishment. This is how they maintain a massive player base.

    This brings me to my next point, mastery rank.  At the moment, mastery rank means almost nothing in this game.  You might get a little more syndicate XP, but that is hardly anything to be joyful over.  Make mastery rank mean something so players feel a sense of actual accomplishment.  This would also tie in well with the last point I made.  There is no clear cut solution to this problem, but at the moment, MR22 just means you did a lot of grinding on draco or whatever your new favorite node is.

    The next major point I want to bring up is enemy scaling and AI.  I know that many players are against an exponential enemy scaling, but I am fine with it.  My problem lies in the fact that not all warframes can play high level effectively.  If you make enemy scaling linear, then you ruin any end game.  If you keep it exponential, then you are going to have the current problems. In my opinion, you cannot touch this right now because you have not addressed the first point.  Only until all warframes are more or less on the same level can enemey scaling be finally addressed.  This in turn will solve another minor problem; what is considered high level.  There is no clear cut definition.  Some less advanced people say level 50, I would think the majority of the community would say around 100, for me it is 230+.  With all of these different definitions resulting from unequal frame potential and massively over powered weaopns, the community is divided.  This also ties in well with AI.  The current state of AI is abysmal.  I have stood in front of an enemy within less than 5m and not been detected.  At the same time, I have been miraculously detected when I am 20m above an enemy and not making a sound.  I can provide more examples, but the point is already made.  The AI for all NPCs is just terrible.

    The final and most important point I want to make is power creep.  This has been a quickly growing problem ever since the release of the second prime, ember prime.  The power creep in this game is beyond massive.  If you look at the release order for each prime and compare it to the original, the difference grows massively.  Now with our latest primes, the differnece is comical.  The stats of nekros and nekros prime are just widely different.  Also, did we really need a tigris prime and a galantine prime?  Does anybody remember when Dakra prime was the best thing ever?  Now, there are plenty of things better.  You are constantly releasing weapons and frames that go far beyond their predecessor, and this has been happening slowly.  Its almost like you are a drug dealer slowly getting us hooked on power creep.  When will it stop?  It is terrible for gamelife by encouraging even more grinding, and is a poor way to make the community happy.  This has to be addressed very very soon.


    Those, in my opinion, are the few major problems in warframe at the moment.  There are other smalleer problems such as making dojo's matter, making relay's matter, etc. that can be addressed later.  Each problem I listed is vital to game life.  Each problem I listed has been around for a very long time--probably since I joined almost three years ago.

    I want to say thank you to DE for giving me a mostly enjoyable three year experience, and I am writing this because I care about the game.  I am putting off some college work to write this, so please know that I definitely do care.  I mean all of this is a constructive way and say it for the improvement of the game.  When I was first recommended this almost three years ago, little did I know how much I would end up loving this game.  I wanted to spend my three year anniversery proud of the direction that the game has gone, but I sadly cannot do this.  I truly mean that.  So please DE, don't focus on nerfing everything into the ground--give each frame a level playing field and increase the game life.  I do not want to see this game die, but it is heading that route.



  14. Nyx would win the presidential race easily.  Mind control everyone into voting for her.



         Foreign Policy:

    A lot of easy solutions.  There is a problem with GTA V or CSGO, mind control them until they agree with nyx.  Simple foreign policy that will always work.  When dealing with non-susceptible heads of state, nyx will use her superior mental reasoning capabilities to come up with a great solution.


    Nyx supports a comprehensive immigration reform to allow new members easier access into the warframe community.  Nyx promotes understanding and helps develop a great community.  This will be accomplished by expanding the current guides of the Lotus program.  New members will be welcomed into the game and the community easier.


    Nyx supports in-game trade reforms.  While the new trade chat is vastly superior to the old system, more improvements can be made.  Nyx plans on doing this by overhauling Maroo's Bazaar.  The overhaul would include the addition of specialized rooms to sell specific item types.  Players would be able to trade without a kiosk; this would demand more taxes.  The gathered funds would be used to expand and rebuild tenno relays, thus increasing the economy of warframe even more.  Nyx would like to bump the platinum tax up to 600 credits.  These extra funds would be used to expand Maroo's Bazaar, which would encourage more trading, thus increasing government revenue.  Nyx would also like to raise the tax rate on primed mods from 1 million credits to 1.2 million credits.  The extra money would be used to expand the tenno weapons development teams laboratory. Doing so would increase the tenno arsenal with a promise to have no more budget cuts.  These budget cuts have resulted in poor weapons such as the twin Baslock.  Nyx supports the creation of new alliances and "super alliances".  A "super alliance" would be a conglomerate of other alliances.  These "super alliances" can request government funding and would control the dark sectors.  With only a few and lots of consolidated power, the origin system would be more diverse, and the tenno would be better able to defend against the sentient threat.  Alliances would fight smaller battles, while clans can also contest against each other.


    Nyx supports tenno militarization.  With increasing sentient attacks across the origin system, the tenno have to be prepared.  The sentients have attacked without provocation, thus a war is coming.  Nyx would like to allocate tax funds to create a standing tenno army.  This would consist of a united tenno force.

         Health care:

    Nyx supports a salary raise of warframe type "trinity" in order to increase tenno health.  Simple solution is simple.


    Draco is a cancer to the warframe community.  It decreases game life, creates terrible players who have un-quantifiable amounts of arrogance, and makes the game boring.  In order to solve this problem, nyx supports the development of star chart 3.0 and other mission reworks.  These reworks will be applied to extermination, rescue, capture, deception, hijack, and mobile defense.  Each mission type will receive its own unique rework.  In general, the reworks will make these mission types worth playing by adding interesting rewards.  These rewards would increase the amount of each mission played.  Doing so will make the warframe universe more excitable.  Furthermore, Nyx supports the creation of new mission types with interesting rewards.  Doing this will create more diverse preferences in the warframe community, which is better for the community.


    Nyx encourages exploration outside and inside the origin system.  Nyx would like to create new technologies to explore other systems, which would make resources more accessible.  New resources would also be discovered, allowing for new technologies.  Inside the origin system, Nyx would like to look into the fall of the Orokin empire and tenno civilization before the great sleep.  This would create jobs that add to the warframe economy.  Another product of this would be the discovery of ancient warframes and weapons.  This would better the tenno arsenal.


    Vote Nyx!!!!

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