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Posts posted by (PSN)kindredjeffry

  1. 5 hours ago, Hyroncore said:

    Ok here is something I can discuss. Sure it can be an issue for veterans such as myself to wait. BUT we do NOT know what is coming. All the complaints at this stage are mere speculation. What IS NOT follows:

    1. A system that is allowing veterans like myself who had no access to resources like Nitain the chance to finally get them. 
    2. A system that allows REAL choice not just a fake choice created by an algorithm plucking x number of alerts from y pool that I will not always have time for.
    3. A system that is brand new that WILL require and of course get tweaks as the ones we mentioned (PS the chicken frame bad joke was related to Vay Heks Earth Raid :P)

    Most veterans were ignoring all bar very specific alerts and this allows you access to rewards YOU CHOOSE. This has been a long time coming frankly and the fact people said hardcore players could get 15 nitain in the same time frame as the reward tiers allow currently ignores the major fact that THOSE ALERTS WERE TIME SENSITIVE and now they are not! 

    Also I want to correct you the 2 dailies were there since launch and I believe unless you can stack them like you can in other games that is a false statement saying 1 was yesterday and 1 was today. Until I can be sure when they are supposed to reset both for the daily and weekly reset I will not speculate further though.

    It is now way to much of a grind to get certain material,  for me Nitain.. No other way for me to get it but do a crazy amount of missions. I miss the alerts already,  now I'm skrewed and have to play for ? IDK how long it'll take me to get to 3rd standing..  That's the soonest I'll be able to purchase any..  And it's way more than I'll need,  I just need 2. It's a fix to some problems I guess,  but a major problem in another area.  I don't have long amounts of time to play.  And Nitain is also untraceable so I can't even get any from friends or for platnium

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