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Posts posted by Shadow62051

  1. 6 minutes ago, Ishinae said:

    My only question about her so far is her passive: It states that the invincibility trigger refreshes whenever your shields refresh to full. This does not seem to always be the case though. I've been in a situation where I was sure my shields hit full, then when my shields hit 0, instead of going invincible, I've died.

    Just a clarification: Should she go invincible upon losing her last shield, or can damage spill over and she be one shotted without becoming invincible (In which case her small health pool and 300 armor begin to matter)?

    I think shes supposed to go invincible when her shields hit 0 cuz thats what it does for me but that may be a bug if ur invincibility doesn't refresh when ur shields go to full. Never happened to me tho

  2. 1 minute ago, -Bv-Concarne said:

    I hear hildryn can't cast shield pillage while using aegis storm, big yikes if so cause it's not streamline to have to go in and out of it to get back shields, especially with the landing animation locking you in place.

    Also heard that you can't using any other weapon besides balefire with aegis storm. It's understandable with titania but hildryn should be able to choose to use weapons or balefire. 

    Ye unfortunately you can't use shield pillage while using aegis storm but I've been using arcane aegis and arcane barrier as substitutes for this. I've also tested max efficiency and duration above 40%, which makes the amount of shield usage go down by quite a bit. Also because I could only use balefire in aegis storm, I tested it out a bit and I've found balefire to be quite strong however I only wish for a bigger explosion radius so I can take out groups of enemies faster.

  3. I've been enjoying Hildryn however I do have a few small issues. Her balefire is pretty strong imo with corrosive being able to go up to 80k. However I do wish that the explosion radius was a bit bigger. Even charging it up doesn't make the blast radius that much bigger only taking out a few enemies here and there at a time. For her Aegis Storm, I feel that her mobility is extremely restricted despite flying in the air as you can't really go very high and she is very slow in moving around. I'm hoping that you guys could integrate her shift into Aegis Storm so that she can move faster even if its slightly or even make it so that she moves much faster like a thruster in archwing when holding shift. I don't really have an issue with the other two skills but I feel that using Arcane Aegis even at rank 1 makes her shield regenerate at an extremely fast rate, which is kind of my subsititute for 2 when in 4. I do enjoy Hildryn but I hope you guys make her balefire have a bigger explosion radius even if its just in her charge up with explosions similar to staticor and for more mobility in aegis storm and maybe make it fly slightly higher for that tad bit extra air superiority.

  4. I play with a bootcamped mac and can play POE pretty fine. Only problem with me is that when entering Cetus which has a large amount of players, I start lagging quite a bit and losing quite a bit of fps having around 17-20 fps, which is a pain. Have you tried capping your FPS? I usually cap my fps at 30 and sometimes I make my window resolution smaller. This helps most of them. I also go into task manager, details and the evolution engine (warframe) and set priority higher. I play on the lowest graphics when playing POE but at least I can play with a constant 30 fps. Hopefully you guys could try this and play POE. Good luck :P

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