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Posts posted by Love.Elemental

  1. I bought a pilot from Ticker first thing--it was my #1 priority when I was exploring my options--but I was really, really disappointed. What I was hoping for was an AI to take over keeping the ship moving, and pointed in the right direction, so I could shoot from forward artillery or the ventral and dorsal turrets more freely in single player

    The problem is, even at maximum Piloting rank, my railjack moved terribly sluggishly under the pilot, barely better at avoiding fire than sitting still. And the nose of the railjack never pointed anywhere useful. Because the forward artillery and slingshot are both oriented in the same direction of the nose, I was expecting the Piloting AI to point the ship in at least the vague direction of an enemy. But I was actually hoping for, and expecting, the piloting AI to prioritize focusing on objectives. For example, pointing the nose at enemy crewships, then at the airlocks onto enemy ships, and then at the nearest enemy fighters, in that order of priority, for example

    This would allow solo players to hit enemy crewships with the artillery without becoming sitting ducks for any enemy fire. Changing how the Piloting AI orients the ship would be a massive improvement, and basically guarantee a pilot a spot on my crew, but if the pilot were able, at higher levels of either command or competency, to use the dodge button to juke the ship out of the way of enemy fire, I'd be overjoyed

    The only other thing I'd really like to see changed is a way to give crew members secondary or even tertiary duties, so that under certain circumstances their priorities change. For example, defenders have little to do until a boarding party manages to land a sled, but could still be useful as engineers or gunners, for example. Plus, I'd like to know what my pilot crew member's job is when I take the helm from them

    I have no interest in using a lich as a crew member as things currently stand, but far too much would need to change for that to change. I don't need them as a defender for most of the time in every mission, there's no ability to mod their weapon, I can't change their weapon, and I can't so much as change their colors so they match the livery of my ship and crew.

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