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Posts posted by Aeodyn0

  1. With this batch of status effect changes, part of the intent was to rebalance how strong the different effects were against different factions, with Slash nerfed against Corpus, Toxin's damage bonus against armor removed, Magnetic gaining utility in the bleed-over, and with Gas absolutely destroyed. Barring the extreme effectiveness of Viral, this seems fairly succesful.

    However, this rebalance is missing an entire dimension of the question: How good are these elements with different weapons?

    As an example, consider the Quatz: Before this change, it was designed as the perfect corrosive-crit hybrid weapon, with innate electric, a high-status rapidfire mode to strip armor, and a high-crit semi-auto mode to kill with headshots. Contrast this with a Gas Daikyu build with Spring-Loaded Broadhead, or Viral on a low-status Hunter Munitions build. Or Gas being better against Corpus with high status, but Toxin being better without.

    With this change, each of Puncture, Cold, Blast, Corrosive, Radiation, Magnetic, and Viral have their effects capped after 10 procs, and last for a duration of 6 seconds. With this change, its no more a question of what weapons with what elements work best against what factions; no, now you can just bring the same weapon against every faction, only swapping the elements. (The fact that viral is ridiculous right now is another matter.)

    Another factor is the hard limits on these procs. What keeps bringing me back to Warframe, even more than the actual gameplay loop, is the min-maxing: Knowing to use a Mara Detron or a -IPS riven to armor-strip, using faction mods and +Toxin rivens on Gas builds, etc. With these changes there's next to no benefit on using the full-auto of the Quatz vs the semi-auto, or optimizing for an armor-stripping, low-damage secondary. Even with Melee 3.0 we saw this kind of change: Hard cap on combo counter, drastically reduced effectiveness of using a status weapon to "prime" for Condition Overload.

    DE, I get that you want to normalize overpowered mechanics like Chroma, Maiming Strike, and Condition Overload. But homogenizing them like this is removing the very thing that gives you long-term players.

  2. Just now, peterc3 said:

    From a realism perspective, nothing in the game should exist. This sounds awful to control and has no connection to how anything else in the game controls.

    It's constant acceleration vs constant velocity. There's already momentum for archwing in space, and control would be fixed by letting us control our relative velocity with just a single keypress, rather than having to decelerate or hope the melee lock-on works as we do now.

  3. See the title. Instead of using the environment to parkour around, you have to avoid it, and even take damage on impact. We have hands and feet in archwing; we would be easily able to control our impacts. Let us push off of walls to change speed and direction.

    From a realism perspective I also think that speed should be unlimited in space, but with us able control our relative speed by "attaching" to objects or enemies. Think something like magnetic tethering, or the in-game wall latching and archwing melee.

    Let us use the environment, instead of it being just another enemy.


    For reference, solo Archwing interception with the asteroid is actually fun, and I really enjoy the 6DOF ("The enemy's gate is down!"). But the Corpus tileset is just awful.

  4. As the title says. Because of how Maiming Strike and certain rivens gave a flat crit bonus, they used to able to be very effective on status-based weapons. This is no longer the case with how they are now based off a weapon's base crit chance, and so the use-cases of these mods are completely different. In addition, with the stance changes I'd rather we weren't incentivized against using them, and so I think the mods should affect heavy attacks instead.


  5. I don't have Bullet Dance, just High Noon, and it's forward-aim attack is really easy to use. Doesn't use up combo either.

    Even more important actually is that the combo attacks are affected by Berserker now. Redeemer hurts from the CO nerf, but wow does Berserker make it fast.

  6. Interesting: A "Follow-Through" stat in the next update, with exponential decrease per-target. That was another idea I considered, but I thought it would be too weird for trash mobs like larva to block damage so much.

    To clarify my original idea, if you are cutting through butter sticks, you have to cut twice as much for two sticks as for one (linear decrease on the last stick, as opposed to the exponential decrease with Follow-Through). But some weapons prefer cutting them one at a time in a row (sword, hammer), while others prefer chopping them, all at once (whip).

  7. Melee weapons should be the option to use against immediate close-range enemies. However right now, with heavy blades, polearms, and the Atterax, they are best used against groups in general, with effect comparable to a dedicated primary such as the Ignis Wraith. As a side effect, close-range or single-target weapons are neglected due to their drastically lower efficiency. In addition there is relatively little difference between these dominant weapon types aside from stances, especially when spin-to-win is so dominant. Thus I have a suggestion for Melee 3.0 in order to help rebalance it, and to distinguish the types.

    Each weapon has two stats for damage: the "total" damage able to be dealt with a swing; and the maximum damge able to be dealt "per-target". Each enemy hit with a swing of the weapon reduces the total damage left in the swing, according to the per-target damage and the enemies' health.

    Consider for example heavy blades vs whips: Heavy blades would have a high per-target damage relative to the total, so they can deal killing blows easily, but are limited in how many enemies they can hit at once. Whips could have higher total damage but lower per-target damage, so while they are weaker at killing individual targets, they can hit many more targets at once, allowing for better damage against groups and improved ability to apply status procs. (Most likely status effects would only be applied on enemies that are acutally damaged by the attacks.)

    This differentiation would also cause low-range weapons to have comparable DPS to the rest without having to radically buff their stats. Stances could also vary the per-target damage within the combos, giving more reason to use different stances.

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