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Posts posted by (XBOX)Nikolai420

  1. Hey guys Nikolai420 here. I am an active member of Inner Tennos Wrath clan on xbox and i want to do something special this year. I' d like to give back to the the community that, for the most part, has been pretty generally cool to me. I don't care if you offended me or wronged me in any way i just want to do my part to help out my fellow tenno.  I'd like to do a 12 days of xmas giveaway.

     For the 12 days leading up to and until xmas i am giving away items to players based on the 12 days of christmas(day 1 1=item/day2=2 items/day 3=3 items etc)from prime frames/weapons to prisma and vandal weapons, rare mods to riven mods, arcanes and pretty much anything and everything i can trade with 1 random player getting the gift of..well hunhows gift as gift #12 on xmas day. Players will b chosen at random with appropriate items for mastery rank.

    The rules are as follows:

    1. Add me on xbox(nikolai420) and send me a message stating what you enjoy most about warframe, what you hope to see in future content, and what kind of item or items would benefit you best if you were to be picked and i will do my best to accomodate.(please do this before the 14th of December)(I will try to message everyone back in a timely manner to confirm entry)

    2. only tradeable items, w/occasional reactor/catalyst or forma for those Mr 27's who have it all, will be gifted.  Frames, rivens and weapons will b given out but there will also be rare mods and arcanes as some gifts.

    3. I want everyone to be able to participate in this event however only players Mr12 and under will receive the final gift on day 12 of Hunhow's gift.

    4. The event will start on Saturday December 14th and the furst item will b given by 12 am eastern time on this date. so i hope to hear from my fellow tennos. Sleigh on all!

    P.S i tried to post this under events but it seems i do not have access so i posted here.

  2. Easiest spot is pond to the left of where u enter(the first pond there with the geiser in the center) Look for an ore to mine by the pond, catch the fish then mine the ore, then shoot one of the grineer in the center of the pond by the geiser. Riven done. The one without being detected is a little trickier but definitely doable. Just use loki, have a silent weapon and do the same thing while invisible. You kinda gotta scout for the ore first and mark it. Go back over the hill and recast invis. Then go to spot with the ore( the silenced plasma drill widget from smokefinger on fortuna helps cuz for some reason the drill is classified as "alarming"). Catch a fish, mine the ore and then shoot an enemy. Oh and u gotta do it on the outer rim of the pond because when u throw bait for sone stupid reason u alert enemies lol.

  3. 4 hours ago, (NSW)Fiftycentis said:

    For those an exterminate would work too, If it's not written, you have no problems on running more missions.

    Never had big problems with them, there's always a way to cheese them, from the simaris target with no traps/abilities without taking damage with an hobbled dragon key (ivara), to solo defense no damage to target alone (saryn) to headshots in a single aim glide (once upon a time limbo, now kitgun with pax seeker).

    I think the one that takes me more time is the dargyn with bow because I usually don't cheese it

    No cheese just go to the assault mission on kuva fortress..think its toro..the bottom node..on the bridge after u initiate the door 6 dargyn spawn there..shoot em down with dread, cernos etc..if its more than 6 just repeat mission as needed.

  4. 10 hours ago, -BV-Rawry said:

    Well, you see, I'm not at my computer 24/7 like it may sound, I'm just genuinely interested in this universe DE has built up and really want to watch it keep growing. But, with nothing to really do I minus well just drop the game entirely for a different which is something I don't really want to do. It's why I find it bothersome that the alerts haven't been returned as they kinda acted like daily side quests and with no second season in sight it's pretty boring.

    Arbitrations are basically "elite" alerts...they r almost always changing mission types...and when they pop up with your favorite frame and a decent gun youve been meaning to level up or forma. Although most r 4 and 5 dispos and most r trash like heat sword etc..there are alot of great 4 and 5 dispo guns..my very first arbittation was inaros and twin gremlins..i was like hell ya one of the OG's of tankiness and survivability plus the prisma twin gremlins sign me up!!.. i do admit most of the time i just bring melee and primary to level up or forma with my catchmoon or tombfinger or gaze to decimate every thing that moves..its still a nice diversion. When im not doing arbis i run kuva or exploiter to "try" and get some great rolls or get my daily standing...when im not doing that im getting groups together for 2x3's or fishing for oestrun standing...point is theres ALWAYS something to do in warframe..granted im only at 282 logins..that doesnt change the fact that warframe has some of the best combat ever created..the fluidity of the parkour mechanics and gun/melee play is unsurpassed and will probably never be..ill admit i took a year hiatus because opening rivens was boring the "hek" outta me..thats all i did after war within..but i came back to tons of changes/weapons/frames and content. And after detoxing from my riven addiiction, and only opening them occasionally, ive never enjoyed warframe more..maybe OP just needs a long hiatus to come back and remember just how fun warframe could be..*end rant i gotta get back to work* lol

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  5. Rewards like ephemera and such should be either skill based or grind based...either conquer an insurmountable challenge to get it or get it after doing things a set number of times..not rng based..as far as the exploiter and thumpers are concerned that is totally unfair to the "vets" and others who took the time to gather all these materials AND grind for the standing..as it us now an mr 2 can be carried to get all the mats they need then just get to the requisite level for that faction and buy the bps for say amps and just craft em..its a slap in the face to people who actually took the time to gather all this stuff..same goes for arcanes from factions..took lots of grinding for some...easy pickins for casuals and newer players..and dont get me started on tri caps..low mr/no gear players by all means should be able to do teralysts they need it to level up the quills..but tri caps should be mastery locked til players are about mr 15 or so where they at least have a decent frame and amp and possibly a good sniper..we need mr locked content with rewards to boot so veterans arent left out in the dust while DE caters to newer players....make it happen DE plzz..end rant...

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