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Everything posted by Menderino

  1. Since when Boreal's Contempt was added it always stated "60% damage from status effects". Unlike the recently added Melee Elementalist this mod seems buggy and/or inconsistent in granting a 60% damage buff to the DoT that result from statuses such as heat, toxin, electric, gas (in theory blast too) and slash procs. It instead seems to sometimes lower the damage of status effects to be even less than a build with no mods, whereas other times it increases it by around 30% ish. Can we have an updated UI text or a better explanation/eventual fixes for this mod?
  2. Can you make it emissive-color based like Chroma's Elemental Ward or Equinox's choosing what form to start the mission in? At the cost of maybe reducing its potency on subsumes AND not be compatible with certain warframes that already have an ability to reduce damage like trinity, cytrine, nezha, rhino and so on (just like Roar cannot be added on specific warframes without removing a damage buffing ability it already has)
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