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Posts posted by Psycoris

  1. I must apologize I used the "N" word, lets just move past that.  - The focus of the post is to emphasize our poor Tenno aren't very useful, and need an overhaul.  Active operator abilities aren't particularly useful, or too time consuming compared to Warframe abilities, and weapons.  Once invested into you cannot go down tiers for something that is more efficient.  When was the last time you heard of someone trying to get a Void status proc, it isn't really that useful.  Amps the Sentient slayer weapon, is not efficient at all at killing our regularly spawning Sentients - Anomalies. 

  2. I sincerely hope this is read by a member of the staff with some "swagger".

    TLDR; Don't nerf re-balance poorly the least use portion of our player arsenal. Buff the neglected.  Operators, Focus Schools, and Amps need a rework, not nerfs that inhibit short sighted goals.

    Ensure that all portions of the operator, Amp and focus school are relevant at all tiers of play "mid to late game".  Particularly with new "hard" and "very hard" modes coming soon.



    Within the feedback megathreads I feel there is a majority of players who feel they way I do about "Focus" - Schools, Operators, Amps.  Our Tenno, space wizards need help...

    I am upset at the some changes, and not improvements to the the Focus schools.  You find that one thing that a percentage of population use and smash it with a nerf bat.  These things need finesse, a touch of care.  Our Operator forms are the least powerful, garbage for time reward investment, and when we find things that do great things that emphasize the use of them.

    After long hours of affinity to focus farming to gain the exponential focus lens farming to make us use very specific builds on a regular basis to capitalize on "later punished with riven disposition due to over use". The alternative is countless hours of Eidalon hunting using the most efficient "as we should" builds.  To gain abilities for our Tenno that only one school dominates usage due to poor abilities gained thru the focus trees. - The Why of the post.

    Operators "Tenno", Amps, Focus Schools need a rework. 

    Primarily - Abilities gained should be pertinent to all level of scaling.  This is my number one kinda beef.

    Secondary - As you have current systems in place to require the use of operator form.  Give us the resources "abilities" to make this the most effective form of combat.  As we move into the next generation of the game.  Sentients are great, I want to see more Space Wizard.

    Tertiary - Some things are broken overpowered, others are completely useless.  Bring balance to the spectrum. Our space wizards need some real love!


    Finally while I do have some specifics in mind I don't have the full set of data, nor the clout to even be considered. -

    Final advice for [DE} Use the resources at your disposal.  Evaluate the cause and effect of current gameplay, events, missions to anticipate what the players "might do".  I know you have NDA partners, use them to Alpha test.  Take their opinions to heart.  Use Beta test servers "private or open" to see how players will respond to a given situation.  Typically these accounts have no bearing except knowledge and meta development for live.  If you don't like the meta go back, "possibly" to the drawing board and see how you could implement it differently to get a different outcome.


    Thank you for producing such an intensive and diverse experience,


  3. Just got my Madurai Lua Lens and same deal as described above with the <> instead of the Madurai symbol and no focus gains or potentially very low.  I also noted that the Convergence booster pick ups were giving unusually low numbers.

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