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Posts posted by (PSN)ObnoxiousLunatic

  1. On 2020-04-18 at 11:26 PM, schilds said:

    Gara works fine. You use Splinter Storm on the oplinks in addition to Mass Vitrify. However she has to actively keep it refreshed, so she's more energy intensive and a bit busier to play.

    I almost use her exclusively. When I get it right, by the time we get to wave 14, I am over 300k damage on splinters. My range is 181 so when it's time to drop the oplinks, I cast a full range Mass Vitrify. It pretty much covers the whole map and blocks all entrances. With all the Grineer I solidify, the wall's health is ridiculous. They do not break through it before the upload finishes. The team can safely run to the next spot. I just cast shards on two, sometimes three if they are spaced weird, of the links to keep them all protected.

    Vitrifying the sentients is very satisfying. The sound of broken glass everywhere as the team pummels them into powder is music to my ears.

  2. A little late to the party, but a simple fix for the energy issue would be to make Energizing Dash way-bound so it can be unlocked in all other foci.

    In the end, Zenurik still has the advantage with the extra energy from orbs with Energy Pulse but it would level the playing field.


  3. I think it would be a bad idea to mess with core mechanics like this.

    It's not perfect, but what game ever is? Not Destiny; not COD; not Borderlands, Overwatch, or Battlefront. The list goes on.

    What is really at issue is the never ending conflict between two groups of players:

    Mages vs Fighters (ability-centric vs weapon-centric)

    The fighters complain about abilities being too strong. The mages complain that the weapons are too strong.
    The fighter complain that abilities are used too often. The mages complain that ammo is too abundant.
    The fighters complain that their defenses are too easily defeated by abilities. The mages complain that fighters have too much hp and armor.

    What I like about this game is that you can be either and still be effective. SInce this game is very far from PvP-centric, how much energy or how fast it can regen is irrelevant.

    At very high levels, we need to use our abilities liberally, especially if we have builds that are ability-centric.

  4. I think all of her abilities are good as is. I would have agreed with others that Sol Gate could have used some tweaks but with the new update on the horizon allowing heat to strip armor, it will be a powerhouse.

    For me, Breach surge/will'o'wisp, is what I build around. My current build has 144% Dur, 140% Eff, 91% range, and 250% str.

    Using breach surge with will'o'wisp hits many targets and when combined with the shock reservoir, allows for unlimited control. Combine that with staying in the air most of the time and you almost never take damage. Add to this the 3-second invulnerability post-wisp-cast and you are a roving, nigh-unkillable control freak. I never really get top damage dealer but every arbitration I bring her to helps the team immensely and I .almost never die, and when I do it is because I got lazy and forgot to refresh my buffs.

    I just do not see the need for a Wisp rework but I do appreciate your insight.

    One thing I would possibly tweak is to speed up will'o'wisp when holding for faster teleports and casting while aim gliding does not break aim-glide but I could live without either of those changes seeing as how other frames are more in need of reworks.

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