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Posts posted by (PSN)jamdjedi

  1. 53 minutes ago, MJ12 said:

    Oh hey, yet another disingenuous conflation of difficulty and frustration. And the rest of your post is a gigantic non sequitur and a transparent deflection from the fact that literally nobody is suggesting that this will somehow make the game trivial, because a few health per second is literally irrelevant when player power becomes high enough that the game becomes "too easy" or whatever the latest complaint is.

    Also, I like the whole "it's how you learn from said failure that builds character and experience" phrase because as  everyone else noted, the lack of early non-consumable healing literally teaches you how to play the game all wrong. It teaches you that running away from combat so your shields can regenerate is good, when in reality in the later-game you get tools like Life Strike, Inaros's heal-on-finisher, Hildryn's Pillage, Saryn's regenerative molt, and more that make it so that you can, and should, stay stuck into fights. It teaches you to mod for shields when in the late game, scaling enemy damage means that outside of Hildryn who has something like 3 times the base shields of the next most heavily shielded Warframe, shield modding is suboptimal. It teaches you to spend extensive amounts of time scouring missions for the minimal drops that come from lockers and containers when rewards in Warframe are almost always ridiculously backloaded.

    In other words, everything it teaches you is wrong.


    ahhh I got it now! so when fighting level 120+ enemies we aren't supposed to hide when shield gated? We are expected to own the few frames that can face tank said enemies? So what you're saying is make the beginning mimic end game when you have end game Warframes and end game mods/builds? End game weapons and are MR12+??!! 

    What if said player does not have Hildryn-purchase only ATM- Nidus (tough farm), Inaros ONLY from a Baron mission that you can ONLY get by having his credits?  


    you are making my point for me:facepalm:

  2. 11 minutes ago, MJ12 said:

    "Isn't hard" and "can be frustrating" are not, in fact, antonyms. Nobody is saying the new player experience is somehow so hard that it can't be beaten without passive health regen. The OP didn't say the new player experience is so hard it can't be beaten without passive health regen.

    What the OP, @(XB1)alchemPyro, said, is that the lack of passive health regen makes the game feel bad. And that's pretty true. The difference between playing without Medi-Ray and with Medi-Ray, back when Medi-Ray was new, was like night and day. I could definitely beat all the content without Medi-Ray, but the game just felt so much better when I had a source of passive healing.

    Anecdotally, I also noticed a lot fewer complaints about Toxin damage and Slash procs ever since Medi-Ray was released, which should suggest that the difference between having a source of passive healing and not having one is actually pretty huge.

    perhaps the OP is taking this game too seriously? So what if you faceplant a few times?  Shoot I STILL DO and laugh :laugh: while I do so! failure isn't the end it's how you learn from said failure that builds character and experienceIf by MR2-3 you are doing the same things you did in the first few days of your initial Warframe life then you haven't learned anything. If you take the time to break open every chest, open every green door in each mission, you have more than enough RNG health drops. I just think he wants to face stomp everything from minute 1 RAWR!  :facepalm:

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  3. I had taken a Warframe hiatus like 4 months ago- I hadn't played in well over 6+ months. I played Hitman 1-free on PS4 a few months ago, completed it got all the DLCs. I then purchased Hitman 2, played the fist Hitman mission (beautiful game BTW) then I decided to dust off Warframe - I haven't gone back to any other game. I may have played  Madden a few times since then but thats Madden ...anyway I digress, Warframe is a FTP that I enjoy to give $$ to because its worth the investment!  

  4. my 9 year old son started playing a few months ago and if he could get to MR5-6 relatively solo 70% (he plays with me the other 30%) - Playing Excalibur- of the time, most of your people complaining can as well.  He still likes Fortnite better so doesn't play everyday.

    Jesus!! 😐

    I purposely did not start to help him with stuff (mods etc) well into MR3 so he could figure the game out on his own with no hand holding like most want in this thread. Heck he still used his Boltor and only recently got the anniversary items -he's now using the  Dex sniper, melee and side arms as his weapons. It wasn't until he hit MR5 that I gave him plat so he could purchase Ember Prime. Since then he's unlocked, Frost, Limbo, Rhino.

    This game isn't hard, you all want to make it easy.

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  5. I agree with most of your suggestions; while solo MOT isn't a barometer of anything I was able to do 40 mins relatively easy(outside of the damn animation getting me killed that is so annoying) last night and I see no reason 1 hour is not a possibility. Is it as easy as Nidus? nope but two different play styles. I actually prefer Valkyr's playstyle TBH 


    What I'd like to see:

    - a BIT more HP

    - Make 2/4 instant -or at least 4 instant

    - allow 2 to be casted anytime and not tied to a timer

    - 25% base speed increase 

    - 100% knock down resistance 



    Having come from Nidus he can do everything she does and better, shoot Umbra can probably do it as well.  I'm still plugging along and playing with different mod setups. I never got to play Valkyr when her 4 was God Mode-QQ- but I still think she is viable. It seems that Warframe is making all these new frames, new Primes and forgetting about their older ones which is fine-new shiny stuff=more $$ so from a business standpoint I understand this. She is already severely bugged with not being able to use her weapon after using her abilities. DE are pretty good at a addressing bugs, perhaps they will revisit her when addressing said bug.

  6. That usually occurs when enemies are at the fringes of Larva's range and/or then walk into its range late and it picks them up. I did notice it occurred less often when I was initially  leveling or just having just added a forma(s) and didn't have as much range as I would at lvl 20-30. Sometimes it will pin an enemy to a wall or stairs as it pulls through walls. My favorite Warframe soo fun

  7. I would like her #3 and #4 to be faster, at the very least her #4 should be instant. Having to use a mod to increase cast speed on is a bandaid, I dont know how many times I've died in mid animation because of the cast time. We should be able to keep Warcry up and recast as long as we have the energy to do so. 
    a base increase to innate run speed since she needs to get in close to do her job

    also why is her #3 bad does it not work as intended? Granted I'm new to her but I try to keep it up at all times on the group I'm in

    Edit- #3 is her stun that I never use I confused it with Warcry


    3 hours ago, Vanilla_nuka said:

    I dont play valkyr all that often, but those builds seem pretty fine to me, basically what I would run on her. Maybe drop Blind Rage for Transient Fortitude so your efficientcy isnt so low, gonna make those casts take more energy, and maybe get a hold of primed continuity when it comes around. 

    Your venka build though, why blast and not something like corrosive or even viral? Corrosive is good on everything, and viral synergizes with the high slash value better. Berserker would also be good, as well as blood rush, those are staples for crit melee weapons

    ok thanks I'll try and trade or purchase blood rush tonight and give it a whirl,  I had blast on because of the nightweave requirement. I usually have corrosive on 

  9. Hello, 

    I’m late to the ValKitty/X-23 party and love, love her kit. My ‘mains’ are Umbra/Nidus but shes quickly becoming another. My playstyle is to have her buff up on my team when I can. Then go around and kill stuff with my Ignis/Melee. I use her 4th as an ‘oh crap’ button. id love to keep that up longer if possible. Ive checked here and some youtube videos to work on her build.  I havent maxed my Umbral mods yet -I tend to jump around allot. 


    Valkyr prime build

    Valkyr Talons

    Venka Prime build


    any help/advice would be appreciated 





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