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Posts posted by ReclusiveMerc

  1. How on earth do the arcanes still cost the same when you need more than double to get a full arcane? Magus repair for instance has gone from 100k standing to 210k standing, luckily I already had 2 sets so just needed 1 more. Also I've gone from being able to fully negate a radiation proc to now needing 7 more arcane healings to be able to do the same, not cool.

    • Like 6
  2. I've been trying to level my Amesha for Empyrean and every single time people go chasing enemies down corridors and end up miles away from the objective, you always get one person going one way and another going the other, in that case nobody is getting shared affinity, you're hindering what we're all there to do.

  3. 4 hours ago, tzadquiel said:

    play with syndicate sigil equipped, this is a great way of passively accumulating syndicate standing. with this, you will be able to max out standing pretty quickly, the more you play, the quicker. for 20k standing you get 5 relics. for 120k standing, you get 30 relics. 


    in the last 30 relics I bought, 7 of them were Ivara prime parts. 

    3 relics for 20k, so 18 not 30.

    • Like 1
  4. On excavation the waypoints don't go away, it leaves them everywhere and you don't know where the next excavator is. 

    And oh look, a thread from months ago, I'm absolutely shocked.

    Imagine caring so little for your own game. Just literally don't care that your game is bug riddled.

  5. Same kind of thing happened to me, I was at eso, I think, zone 5, host migrated and was at zone 8 with with a completely different squad. Only got 1 reward from the last zone.

    Unfortunately, as usual, this isn't new. 

    Every time I encounter a bug like this in this game I find threads going back months or years with the same issue, they simply don't care.

  6. A couple of times I have died for seemingly no reason and it just happened again, I was Loki, invisible, standing at the exit platform waiting to exit when I just spontaneously died right before the timer ran out. 

    Here is the relevant output of EE.log:

    5696.068 Game [Info]: Deevy was killed by 299 / 299 damage
    5757.960 Game [Info]: Deevy was killed by 1,132 / 2,508 damage from a KUVA BALLISTA using a FortressGrnSniperRifleAI
    6646.878 Game [Info]: Deevy was killed by 86 / 109 damage from a level 37 CORRUPTED |ENEMY| using a SlowGooDamageTrigger
    8041.820 Game [Info]: Deevy was killed by 86 / 112 damage from Deevy using a OrokinExplodingBarrel
    8985.794 Game [Info]: Deevy was killed by 8 / 9 damage from a KUVA HYEKKA MASTER
    9426.052 Game [Info]: Deevy was killed by 299 / 299 damage


    As you can see twice I took exact damage from nothing.


    Edit: I don't think that last death is in the log as I have all these entries after and the last mission was a fissure and I shut down after it, so I guess it didn't get logged?

    9429.171 Game [Info]: Celestial Twin was killed by 5,804 / 5,804 damage
    9437.708 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 11 / 37 damage from a level 27 KUVA HYEKKA MASTER using a FortressFlameThrower
    9472.305 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 92 / 205 damage from a level 27 KUVA SHIELD LANCER using a FortressGLAPistol
    9479.047 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 11 / 19 damage from a level 28 KUVA ELITE LANCER using a FortressGLARifle
    9495.375 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 110 / 256 damage from a level 25 KUVA GUARDIAN using a GrnHalberdRoyalGuard
    9504.101 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 13 / 15 damage from a level 30 KUVA TROOPER using a FortressQuadShotgunAI
    9506.105 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 110 / 195 damage from a level 28 KUVA GUARDIAN using a RoyalGuardPowerSuit
    9547.845 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 43 / 85 damage from a level 15 HYEKKA using a CatbrowMeleeWeapon
    9558.411 Game [Info]: Celestial Twin was killed by 6,258 / 6,258 damage
    9709.676 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 3 / 7 damage from a level 25 MUTALIST OSPREY
    10187.269 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 11 / 35 damage from a level 33 MOA using a Rifle
    10204.368 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 13 / 29 damage from a level 28 MOA using a Rifle
    10270.855 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 1 / 4 damage from a level 25 KUVA LANCER using a FortressGrnSparkRifle
    11517.676 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 2 / 7 damage from a CORRUPTED |ENEMY| using a AIGrnBurstRifle
    11522.688 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 3 / 8 damage from a CORRUPTED |ENEMY| using a Rifle
    11524.967 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 4 / 8 damage from a CORRUPTED |ENEMY| using a AIGrnBurstRifle
    11534.973 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 4 / 7 damage from a CORRUPTED |ENEMY| using a AIGrnBurstRifle
    11682.172 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 3 / 25 damage from a CORRUPTED LANCER using a LaserRifle
    11714.428 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 25 / 36 damage from a CORRUPTED |ENEMY| using a AIGrnBurstRifle
    11730.946 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 2 / 9 damage from a CORRUPTED HEAVY GUNNER using a HeavyRifleAI
    11941.485 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 8 / 16 damage from a CORRUPTED |ENEMY| using a Shotgun
    12002.767 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 3 / 10 damage from a CORRUPTED |ENEMY| using a AIGrnBurstRifle
    13227.460 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 17 / 17 damage from a CORRUPTED CREWMAN using a LaserShotgun
    13242.961 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 22 / 40 damage from a CORRUPTED |ENEMY| using a AICrpLaserRifle
    13408.461 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 5 / 15 damage from a CORRUPTED |ENEMY| using a AICrpLaserRifle
    13413.068 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 3 / 17 damage from a MOA using a Rifle
    13896.745 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 32 / 36 damage from a CORRUPTED |ENEMY| using a AICrpLaserRifle
    13960.081 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 13 / 71 damage from a ELITE CREWMAN using a AICrpLaserRifle
    14024.394 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 37 / 46 damage from a MOA using a Rifle

  7. I ran ESO today and host left at zone 4, got host migration and then 2 of us ran til 8. I'd leveled my amp by zone 2 and the other weapons by zone 5 or 6, after the mission it seems I lost all the affinity gained before the migration. I definitely leveled all 3, I had an affinity booster as well.



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