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Posts posted by Ruddertail

  1. 10 hours ago, FelisImpurrator said:

    My Onos gibs Steel Path level 200 Corrupted Heavy Gunners very quickly (and that's without an arcane, I forgot to even trigger my own Cascadia Overcharge when testing it lmao). It has enough raw to kill things with headshots on the base fire mode with a full build and no +Damage, all of the tier five perks are incredibly strong (although Impaler only counts the railgun shot as a PT hit if you're in Incarnon mode), and the incarnon form absolutely devastates anything in its path. I can't tell if you guys are just building it wrong or something.

    I love how you say killing level 200 SP is some kind of feat. You know what a Tenet Arca Plasmor and other good guns one/twoshot? Level 9999 SP.

    • Like 6
  2. Every other game developer learned one particular lesson in fast-paced PVP games. This lesson was that primary weapons need to be either hitscan, rapid fire, or explosive. You'll even see this in DE's own games - Unreal Tournament - so they can't pretend they missed it somehow.

    The rockets and flak bombs are slow projectiles but they explode, which helps them actually be fun to use. Bio rifle is slow projectiles, but practically explosive. The basic pistol you start with is hitscan. The minigun is rapid fire and hitscan. It's good design.

    I don't understand why this lesson was discarded for Warframe because very slow-moving projectiles with tiny hitboxes that barely deal any damage would make any game mode a slog.

    • Like 2
  3. 30 minutes ago, (XBOX)K1jker said:

    So what? You'd rather have them exclusive to a 90 dollar package that disappears in a few months?

    Give me a break xD

    Personally I feel like it'd be nice to get at least some new free cosmetics that aren't just Day of the Dead Skin #324234 for Naberus while everything else is locked behind plat.

    • Like 5
  4. 31 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

    Brozime very specifically avoids the reasons people are upset with the package. Their reasons for buying it are 'I'm having a good time in Warframe and want to support the developers.'

    Which is, like, not... the issue. People that are upset want to support the developers, too, they just don't want to get screwed through their pants. 

    And yeah, his 'well it's really $50 for the skins with $40 of regal aya, so it's really not that bad!' ... The idea of 'but what if you don't need/want regal aya' isn't even touched on. Because it's ridiculous. 

    Speaking personally, the price is kind of egregious, but it's the 'get it now or forever hold your peace' FOMO bs is the worst part. Like even Brozime admits 'this is Mag's best skin and it's not close.' The idea that it then disappears to never be acquirable after December is psychotic to me.

    Mag's best skin remains Ferro (and it's not close!) but otherwise I agree with you. ;)

    • Like 3
  5. Just now, Slayer-. said:

    I don't know why some are bothered, when DE introduced a new currency called Regal Aya a lot HUFFED AND PUFFED AND CHEST PUMPED, but Regal Aya is still here and players are buying it.

    The same will happen with this pack until its time runs out, who knows, they may start doing this type of thing in the future, it's up to DE to decide.

    Remember that community feedback is why Regal Aya is the way it is now. The original deal was significantly worse.

    • Like 10
  6. 1 minute ago, (XBOX)The Neko Otaku said:

    Eh in comparison of the $200 artbook 90$ but for the stuff i use frequently and things i was going to get eventually its alright.

    The worth is very dependent on  your view of mag and frost. And hiw much use you'll get from the crowns. 


    The big problem is that even if you love Mag and Frost and these new skins you're still forced to buy 6 regal aya to be allowed to buy the skins, which is the part that has me scratching my head.

    • Like 6
  7. Yep, agreed with the topic really. It's not like I'm a stranger to spending money on this game, I've probably spent like $500 at the very least over the years. But that's all been purchases that felt worth it and not insulting by including trash that I don't want. If this is the way the monetization of the game is going I'm not going to buy anything at all, this kind of stuff degrades the developer and there's plenty of other games out there. But imagine if any other business worked this way? Sure, you can buy a new washing machine for your house, but you also have to buy a microwave and three trucks of fertilizer or we're not selling. Who does that?

    Yes I know I'm just some random person and very insignificant, still gonna vote with my tiny wallet.


    • Like 4
  8. 8 minutes ago, Mr.Holyroller said:

    I don't know what content you're doing where it becomes necessary.

    I've never struggled in any content while not abusing shield gating, using rolling guard, or using primed sure footed

    Well, if you never get killed or even knocked down without shieldgating on squishy frames (say, Banshee?) on STP, you're probably in the top 0.001% or so of Warframe players, simply good enough to dodge all dangers and hazards. Either that, or you've invested so many slots for survivability mods that your abilities don't really do much in turn.

    • Like 1
  9. Shieldgating is unfortunately necessary. There's no way for squishier frames to survive otherwise. It doesn't make any difference if I have 250 health or 1250 because it's going to get oneshot anyway in Steel Path, even just a few rotations in.

    There is also the fact that shieldgating at least keeps my attention on the game. It's skill-based and active in that I have to make sure I have enough energy to cast my abilities and keep doing it to survive. Clicking my invincibility ability like Revenant, or just stacking health and armor mods? That's much worse.

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