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Posts posted by M0RGION

  1. Waking up a dormant Void Angel in the Mobile Defense mission bounty which specifically tells you to kill a void angel didn't count. In a squad, playing as client.

    EDIT: Waking up a dormant Void Angel in the Exterminate mission (non-bounty) didn't count. Client. I have now awoken and killed 2 Void Angels, Nightwave shows 0/5.

    EDIT: Third try, identical to first, worked. 3 killed Void Angels, Nightwave shows 1/5.

    EDIT: 4th try, identical to first except hosting this time. Counted. 4 Angels now killed, NW 2/5.

    EDIT: 5th try, identical to first. Didn't count. 5 Angels now killed, NW 2/5.

    EDIT: 6th try, same as first. 6 kills, NW 2/5.

    EDIT: 7th try, Exterminate, non-bounty, client, counted. 7 kills, NW 3/5.

    EDIT: 8th try, same as last. 8 kills, NW 4/5.

    EDIT: 9th try, bounty Exterminate, client, counted. 9 kills, NW 5/5.

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  2. It is still happening as of current update, just experienced this today on the Vallis with the Amesha, Inaros Prime and a MOA companion. MOA's health resets from 17k to around 3k, which matches the health differnce between Inaros Prime (10k) and Amesha (1.8k). The actual point where it resets is unclear, maybe when you fly up too high/far on the Archwing to trigger the companion/specter teleportation range? Because it doesn't happen immediately.

  3. I just failed a mastery rank test because of this. Somehow I managed to not trigger it in practice, but did trigger it in the actual test. DE pls.


    EDIT: I just passed the test on the second try.

    To not trigger the bug(s) and to make your life easier:

    1. swap into your secondary weapon at the start of the test
    2. make sure that you have your secondary weapon equipped (i.e. it shows e.g. Pyrana Prime on the lower right) before picking up a canister
    3. after you have picked up a canister do not switch weapons or use quick melee or ground slam. Doing one of those will either make the canister disappear or mess up the keybinds. Only move via regular parkour and aim glide
    4. aiming isn't enough, your Warframe needs to be facing the direction you want to throw the canister in
    5. throw canister, shoot canister, kill blue enemies

    If you're not carrying a canister you can use whatever form of movement (Void Dash, melee slams etc.) you want as long as you pick the canister up with your secondary equipped.

    (I used a max range Larva on Nidus with Preparation, Primed Flow, Streamline and a punch through Pyrana Prime.)

  4. I only found out about the F6 support ticket afterwards so here goes.

    Grineer Forest Interception had a bugged room where the floor had risen up, some textures and lighting were missing and you could slide under the floor to trigger the "death fall" animation and subsequent teleport to your last position.


  5. From a visual standpoint it obviously needs quite a bit of tweaking but the performance is stellar with the "Optimized Flip-Model" enabled on my mid-level machine, even better than original rendering. FPS suffered a very small drop but everything is much smoother now with less micro-stutter.

    PC: Intel i5-3570, 16GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, Win10

    Graphics: 1920x1080, DX11, borderless windowed, everything maxed. AA, Vsync, FPS limit, DoF, Motion Blur and Screen Shake are disabled.

  6. On a Void fissure Defense mission in the Void, after wave 10 or 15, one of the players got shown still selecting a relic even though the selection timer had run out. It got stuck like this for several minutes with no timer visible and accepted no input apart from the chat interface. As you can see from our chat, we assumed he had disconnected. We were about to Alt+F4 but the game (fortunately) continued. The player hadn't disconnected and played the rest of the match normally. He never communicated with the rest of us so we don't know what happened meanwhile on his client. As you can see from the chat, I used the /unstuck command to send an automatic report when this happened.



  7. I googled for a solid hour or so and read the Wiki, but couldn't find a definitive answer and I don't have access to Simulacrum to field test.

    How does Assault Mode work with Deconstructor? Longer range, obviously, but any other differences? Only attacks with one glaive since it doesn't state the "with 3 glaives" as maxed Targeting Receptor?

    Which one should I equip for max DPS?

    Also why are rank 2 and rank 3 of Targeting Receptor identical? (Except rank 3 having more drain.) Bug? Oversight? Hidden stats?

    I am seriously confused by this. Is this only because DE decided to keep (some of) the old attack precepts and Assault Mode is the one I should be using since the Targeting Receptor is obsolete? Or is it only for if I want Helios to have a shorter range?


    EDIT: It seems that Assault Mode, even if unranked, works like fully upgraded Targeting Receptor in that it attacks enemies with three parts of itself. I haven't tested the range yet.

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