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Posts posted by LocasMaxis

  1. So I've been playing around with the Zarr, love it, freat weapon, but I started to notice something off when firing it up high, on walls and such.
    Its bomblets have a directional bias independent of all other factors. Let me explain in detail.

    When you fire the shot high into the air and let it time out it'll send out its little bomblets in random directions. But they're not really random. No matter which direction you're firing the bomblets will travel (roughly) in one universal direction. If you hit a wall and the bomblets explode away from it they'll strive to head in that direction even if it means ultimately cancelling out their initial momentum in the opposite.

    This means that firing in one direction will give entirely different results compared to another. Here are some examples:








    And that's it really. TL:DR Zarr's bomblets are directionally Biased

  2. So I went to update my Nexus App and just at the end of the download I got an error with the Error code -103.
    After some searching with the assuption it was a problem on googles side I descovered that its most likely a pakaging backwards compatability problem. The explination can be found here: https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/4030/google-play-installation-failure-code-103/2


    I would much appreciate a fix for this as its sad that even a phone only a year old can't install this wonderful app.

  3. DESCRIPTION: Warframe visuals freeze but game still runs and you can hear it.

    Who Me

    What Warframe

    Where Anywhere





     1. Play Warframe on Windows 10

     2. Wait

     3. Let game Freeze


    According to another player in this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/567219-possible-crash-fix-for-windows-10/#entry6454043

    Its a problem with the Xbox app.

    I'd use the fix in that thread but My Windows Apps are currently bugged so I can't fix it yet and would much appreciate an ingame fix.

    Update, still happens even after I managed to get the fix I linked, confirmed not happening because of input as it happened while I was AFK.

  4. DESCRIPTION: Warframe visuals freeze but game still runs and you can hear it.

    Who Me

    What Warframe

    Where Anywhere





     1. Play Warframe on Windows 10

     2. Wait

     3. Let game Freeze


    According to another player in this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/567219-possible-crash-fix-for-windows-10/#entry6454043

    Its a problem with the Xbox app.
    I'd use the fix in that thread but My Windows Apps are currently bugged so I can't fix it yet and would much appreciate an ingame fix.

  5. In light of the modest list PvP mods that became available for PvE, there by adding more utility mods for general weapons, is there any news on the idea of maybe giving weapons Exilus Slots?

    We have Syndicate Primary and Secondary weapons and they're all great, but any word on Syndicate Melee Weapons?


    Also last stream we heard of a new wave of warframe augment mods being voted on by the council, when can we expect to see them and any spoils you could share with us?

  6. With the recent Formorian threat resurgence is there any plans for more resurgence of other past event threats? For example the Cicero Crisis's poison injector sabotage.


    Also. With the weapon situation on the chopping block is there any chance of status being able to go over 100% chance and gettting an effect along the same lines as red crits?

  7. After watching the last dev stream it got me think about a frost rework and I just wanted to give my two cents on his ult.


    It needs to be redone, no doubt about that, but I honestly think its already on the right track, so here is my suggestion. Leave it at the same damage and range but change its CC too a custom freeze. What this custom freeze would do is freeze them in place for about a second and then slow thaw them over a longer period of time, say about 5 seconds(Modified by duration). This I think would give his avalanche; or as I'd like it to be re-flavored to, Cold Snap; a good amount of CC and really supplement his kit while staying true to his theme and not being too strong or uninspired.


    And yeah, my two cents. Looking forward to the Frost rework in the future and keep up the good work.

  8. If you've some here for an exploitable bug, don't worry, regular farming is still more effective.


    What this bug is, is that in interception if you neutralise a capture point you get 300 affinity. But the thing is you can leave the point before you capture it and it will return to the enemy in a few seconds before you even start the round by capturing a point. So you can walk in, neutralise, walk out, wait, repeat with no hassle. Now other real methods would be faster but this is still a problem that should be fixed.

  9. So I've made this topic in the UI feedback section but decided to move it here and reiterate after recent events.


    So in the Oceania server, the recruiting channel is deserted and the region channel is full of recruiting. I assume nothing has been done to remedy this because Oceania hasn't got a large enough chat population to warrant moderating bots being in effect. I have tried remedying the problem, a bit toxicly I am not to proud to admit. But I do this out of passion for a return to the old times of fun conversations in region chat, unmarred by walls of recruiting where it ought not be.


    So I implore DE, please do something to remedy this. The community might be smaller then other servers, and I assume those have adapted to the new system, but I have seen person after person have absolutely no clue about how the recruiting channel actually works. So one thing that would help fix the problem would be to add to the opening message of recruiting that the player list only shows the people who have spoken in the channel. Or some line to that effect. This would surely stop at least half the people from recruiting in the region chat because almost every person I've talked to about this have said something along the lines of not using recruiting because no one is there.


    Another idea is to add a player count to the chat rooms, one that shows how many players are currently in each room. This would show people that the recruiting channel is in fact full of people.There are probably more solutions but that's up to DE to figure out. I just hope this gets remedied soon, so I don't get permanently muted in the mean time.

  10. So since update 14 changed recruit chat people have mostly abandoned recruit because of the changes, not because they were bad but because most players didn't notice them. I don't know how these changes went down on other regions but it has gotten more annoying as time passes. And it has been getting better, slightly. But its still a major problem. And also an easy fix. Just add a small message when you open recruiting chat reminding people that it hides those who haven't posted. Or better yet, add a message that tallies the number of people observing the channel when you enter. All in all, things could be better in the Oceania chat and I think quite a few people would much appreciate it if something was done.

  11. So with the Ark wing out and being tested I was thinking. There isn't many missions for it at the moment, which is understandable what with it being so new. But it got me thinking, when they do expand the missions, where will they go? Sure they can add some here and there to existing planets, but those are already getting pretty crowded and our fill of Ark wing missions will likely over saturate some of the planets in mission nodes.


    So my solution is a new "Planet". And by planet I meant the Asteroid belt. With its lack of any real gravity, abundance of debris and likely mining and other operations, it'd make a prime location for conflict to arise. And it doesn't have to be all Ark wing missions, I can see a few asteroid or ship mission nodes fitting perfectly into it. And hey, there's even the possibility of having an Ark wing boss eventually.


    Really though, I expect DE will probably come out with some idea similar to this to make room for more Ark wing missions in the future, just wanted to put my idea out there.  So yeah, that's it really. Feel free to comment or put your idea here if you want. Just please keep it civil. And thanks for taking the time to read my idea.

  12. You both seem to be miss interpreting what I was saying. That,s fine, I left a lot of information out because its what Steve has said are main parts of focus already. Mainly the Tenno clans that Focus will centre around, each based off of a different Polarity symbol. So Focus is always going to be a branch system, no matter the form  it takes. Also I didn't explicitly point it out but I said that this Focus mode strengthens you as you focus. This is supposed to convey that Focus gives you increasing bonuses as you Focus more; bonuses that you select as you level up, as you become more disciplined.


    Basically you're taking my words literally when they were meant to be taken a bit more inspirationally.I wrote this to DE because they're having trouble agreeing on what focus should be and I wanted to hopefully give some of them a new perspective to try and focus on what Focus is in the end.

  13. Though it sounds like an interesting concept, I would've hoped they keep to it being a bonus across all frames no matter what. I like the concept of a super mode we would be able to go into, but sadly the mobs we face at the moment don't last long enough for us to be able to do it. If it was on a timer or something I'd be annoyed because the damage multiplier that melee has is stuck on a timer, and it still sucks and melee isn't as viable as most would think.

    You're right, but I suppose I didn't explain it clearly enough for you, which was kind of my intention as its supposed to be open ended. But basically how I see it is that you have things that you do that help you focus and things that happen to you that make you lose focus. These change depending one what clan of focus you go into.

  14. Focus: Meaning: The Centre of interest or activity. [iI] The state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition. [iV] Pay particular attention to.

    The Focus system should reflect these three meanings. It should bring the Tenno to their centre, it should be the way they see themselves, it should show what makes them who they are, how they fight and what they fight for.

    In truth, it should be three things. It should be a way to fight, a beast mode as it was originally envisioned. It should
    give them the strengths they desire. It should give them identity.

    This is how I see Focus should be, in short.

    More in detail, I think Focus should be foremost, a mode used in missions for that extra edge. It should give you bonuses when you fight, when you are in the zone and doing everything the way you know you can.

    So to reflect that Focus has a bar, the way this bar works depends on how you use your Focus. Are you more of a slash and smash happy melee user? You Focus by being in the thick of the fight, slashing your foes. Are you more of a all out damage kind of tenno, killing all that fall before you? You Focus by dealing damage, killing enemies. Or are you a living wall, dividing the line between your enemy and thier goal? You focus by stopping anything that comes against you and living to tell the tale. Basically what focuses you should relfect how you Focus.

    So now you have Focus, but what does it DO? Well that also depends on how you focus. As you gain focus, you should start doing what you do best, BETTER. When you Focus, you're on a roll, your doing everything just the way you want to and its working better for you. Whether that's laughing at your enemies trying to pass you perfect defence, or mowing down enemies left right and centre. The more you Focus, the better you fight YOUR way.

    You choose the bonuses and as you Focus you become better in what you do best, what ever that may be.

    But you can't Focus for ever, there are many Distractions. One Tenno's speciality is another Tenno's weakness. This is why we run in packs, to make up for what makes us weak.

    So while you might Focus when your up close and personal with the enemy, once their out of your reach, you start to slip out of Focus. You might deal all of the damage, but taking it is distracting. You might be a living wall, but moving just doesn't keep you centred. For every situation you excel in, another takes that strength away.

    All of this brings together part of you, where your from and where you go. It is a part of you, no matter where you go or what you look like. You are a Tenno, you might be different from other Tenno. But its those differences that together make us strong.

    That is what Focus should be and should mean. At least the way I see it.

    So DE, I hope you read this and get back your focus on Focus. Because it feels like its going to be one hell of a system no matter how you spin it to me.


    With great hope, the aspiring game designer you so much inspire.

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