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Posts posted by sknz

  1. Just did the Alert Hive Mission with my fiancee and it bugged completely...


    First of all the scream and the flicker of the Juggernaut appeared (when we were at the 2nd Hive) and he didnt spawn. Happened to me countless times in infested missions today, dont know why, never saw this juggernaut in action...


    Second, we had to destroy 3 Hives, the 1st and the 3rd one were easy, the 2nd one bugged, the progression said we destroyed 5 Tumor Nodes but the Hive was still invulnerable...


    The strange thing about this was that i could destroy the tumor nodes again. The problem about the "2nd" tumor nodes was that they were invisible...


    Together we destroyed at least 4-5 invisible tumor nodes but the hive stayed invulnerable. (shot blind at the infested walls...lol)


    Maybe the appearance of the juggernaut had reset the misson progression and bugged because of it, resulting in despawning the juggernaut and respawning the tumor nodes but just not visible.






    We had to abort the mission in the end....-.-' 

  2. Name: Adam, Eden's Successor


    Theme: Hes an Nature themed Warframe who supports his allys by gaining a slight disadvantage. His Abilitys are based on Seeds he can spawn. Hes a melee based Support Frame who stands on the frontlines.


    Short Lore: The Corpus tested an unknown spore sample they found on the frozen wastes of Europa. Hes in a way connected with the roots that can be found on the orokin ships. 



                                        Base Stats:


    Health: 150 (450 at rank 30)

    Armor: 70

    Shield: 90 (270 at rank 30)

    Power: 150 (225 at rank 30)

    Sprint Speed: 1.0

    Polarities: 1x Vazarin 1x Madurai

    Aura Polarity: Madurai





    Leeching Spores [Key 1]


    Enhances the equipped melee weapon of Adam with spores. If he deals damage to enemys, every hit restores a % of health and energy. If one attack hits multiple targets he gets the % for every enemy hit.


    Percentage per Ability Level: 1.0/1.5/2.0/3.0

    Energy: 50

    Duration: 10/15/20/25 s

    No CD, can be recast while active



    Lingering Seed [Key 2]


    Adam places a Lingering Seed at the targeted Location. The Seed supplies an amount of health and energy with a pulse every 5 sec to nearby allys. Every active Seed drains a bit of Adams Health and Energy.

    The seed can be picked up by allys by pressing the [Key X] while near the Seed this will increase the amount of health and energy per pulse but only for the ally who picked it up.


    Amount restored stationed: 0.5/1.5/2.5/3.5 % of Adam's maximum Health/Energy 

    Amount restored attached: 1.0/2.0/3.0/4.0 % of Adam's maximum Health/Energy

    Drain on Adam: 1% of Base health and energy of Adam.

    Energy: 75

    Duration: As long as Adam has more than 10% health

    CD: 30 s



    Natural Stasis [Key 3]


    Adam calls all his active Seeds to his side giving him the strength of Eden which protects him from any damage. His Health, Energy and Stamina can't change, making him invulnerable to damage and status damage as long as this ability lasts.

    Recasting this ability will end it right away and resulting in the destruction of every seed called to him.

    He cant cast any ability in this state, but can move and attack as always.

    (Art: His appearance changes - branches grow on his back, the seeds circle around him, his armor changes slightly)


    Energy: at least 1 active Seed

    Duration: 20 s + 10 s for every Seed called

    No CD



    Rebirth of Eden [Key 4]


    Adam calls all active Seeds to his side. He places all seeds gathered at his current position, those start to grow rapidly and covering the area around him with roots. Every enemy within this area will be slowed and take an initial damage. After 5 seconds flowers will start to grow on the affected area that emit spores into the air. If an enemy gets in contact with those spores he will get his vision blurred resulting in reduced damage and aim.

    Allys within this area will get increased movement speed and get health and shields back for every enemy killed that is affected by those spores.


    Initial Damage: 500 at all ranks

    Slow: 20/30/40/50 %

    Reduced Aim and Damage: 50 % at all ranks

    Energy: at least 1 active Seed

    Duration: 20 s + 10 s for every seed called



                                 Ability Augment:


    Proliferated Seed

    If an ally with an active seed attached to him would fall beneath 1 health, the Seed will take the damage instead resulting in an explosion that damages and blinds nearby enemys. The ally will be healed for a small amount.





    The normal version of Adam should use the orokin derelict roots as his art.

    The Prime version should use the white roots of the Void Towers.



  3. Hallo Tenno Kameraden! :)


    Nach nun langer Zeit suchen wir, der Six Realms Ghost Clan, neue Member die Spass am Spielen und der Kommunikation mit den anderen Tenno haben.


    Zu uns:


    Meine Wenigkeit spielt seit dem Update 7 und bin mittlerweile bei MR12 angelangt (Immer wieder einige Pausen der Abwesenheit dazwischen) und einer der Gründer des Clans.


    Shrecky ist der zweite Gründer des Clans und spielt wie ich seit Update 7 und hat gerade die MR13 Prüfung hinter sich.


    Zudem haben wir noch 2 weitere Member die derzeit nicht so aktiv sind aber dennoch gerne zocken.


    Wir haben uns nun dazuentschlossen einige neue Member zu suchen da wir gerne mit einer Lebhaften Truppe einige T4 Defense und Survival Missionen machen wollen, die nicht direkt nach Wave 20 oder 15 min enden.

    Die Herausforderung wird gesucht :)


    Das Dojo ist vll ein wenig Eigenwillig aufgebaut aber dennoch ist alles vorhanden^^ - Trading Post, Forschungen (bis auf die neueren Sachen, werden aber bald angestossen/abgeschlossen sein), Arena, etc...


    Zu euch:


    Spass am Spielen und häufig online für Farm-Runs und T4 Versuche.

    Ihr müsst kein Veteran sein aber dennoch soweit das Grundprinzip verstanden haben.

    Uns fehlt es aber auch nicht an Erklärungsfreude also sind auch Neulinge gern gesehen ;)


    Nach einer kurzen Nachricht an mich oder Shrecky werden wir uns mal 2-4 Spiele mit euch ansehen, ob ihr auch super zu uns passt (menschlich) und dann kann man eigentlich nur mehr: "Herzlich Willkommen" sagen. :3


    Falls euch unser Clan gefällt, bitte eine kurze Nachricht an Mich hier im Forum oder Ingame an Shrecky.


    Danke euch! :)

  4. The changes are a bit tricky i think.


    I just found some things i dont really know if they are intended or not:


    1. If you cast WoL on a target and directly after that, casting EV at the same target i get about 4k dmg per tick on the target on lvl 78 ancients.

         without the WoL on the target i get like 311 dmg on the same target? is that intended?


    2. Link: Is it intended that the dmg of my teammates is redirected too? My friend was shooting at me with the Ogris and every single bit of the dmg got redirected to the enemys linked and i didnt even got a scratch to my shield?

    Acrid didnt work though


    For the changes to WoL and EV:


    If you cast them both on the same target its much more efficient than on a single target. But there is a little bug i think. I cant cast EV a few seconds after i cast WoL on the Target. But it works right at the first second after i cast WoL and vise versa?


    EV: Is there a tick of energy right when you cast the ability? If not why not change it to that?

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