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Posts posted by Soii14

  1. So, we got 4 different relic types in Warframe and you can upgrade them so that you might get better stuff. However, i had 3 relics that was radiant and i got the SAME bronze item every time...

    What i'm trying to say is that please DE make at least one upgrade wich will cost a lot of void traces but you get somehting around 10% chanze of a bronze, maybe 30% chance of each silver item and 30% gold item: at the cost of 300? 400? void traces.

    If this was a function in the game it would help a lot of people get platinum easier, help them rank up in the game and get the gear that they might want. Things from relic will cost less platinum of course if they are easier to get but that will also make new players able to buy let's say a Frame Prime set. Thanks for my Words... 

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