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Posts posted by HKS-DK

  1. It's not, as before, relatively easy to rank Warframes and weapons in Akkad on Eris. In fact, it has become a pretty difficult one.

    In the past, taking 40 waves solo wasn't a problem for me - now I really have to do well if I try to handle 20 waves. Well, even 15 waves is hard.

    The problem as I experience it is solely because the amount of the yellow sticky, burning Napalm that some of the infested spit out, has grown larger and is MUCH more damaging. It's too much damage IMO.

    It can neutralize Rhino's Ironskin (6000+) AND Shield in an instant. Before the update, it only did the expected damage and didn't even touch the Shield.

    If it hits a Specter, he/she dies almost immediately. Before the update, the Specter did take some damage but did not die.

    It almost instantly kills Moas, which is equipped with Link-Mods. Previously they suffered only minor damage and could heal over time.
    Companions in general now have a hard time in Akkad.

    It would be so nice to have this fixed. 😊
    Hope there are others but me and my regular game buddy who can recognize (and confirm) my experience.

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