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Posts posted by Ellani

  1. 1 hour ago, Els236 said:


    Sorry, but for something I spent 7 weeks grinding out challenges for, this is one hell of a major let-down. The Fracta Shoulder Guard at Rank 29 is much, much better than this final reward.

    You did not grind seven weeks for that one item. You ground seven weeks for tons of other stuff, plus nightwave cred. that was just a nice bonus at the end.
    That's like saying an advent calendar is all building up for the last chocolate. The whole thing is a gift my dude.

    • Like 2
  2. 19 hours ago, Els236 said:

    New ship looks good for the 10 or so seconds you see it while loading into a mission, but is that really worthy of 7 weeks of missions?

    The ship support should be a hell of a lot better than it is to warrant the grind for the ship.

    The ship supports are separate from the ships for this exact reason. Imo, not a big deal.

  3. 39 minutes ago, 16Bitman said:

    If they don't answer to chat pings or PMs at all, I do end up getting annoyed to make topics like this after it happens repeatedly on the same day.

    I get that, but you just can't let it get to you. For every quiet newb who is oblivious are at least a dozen that would be thrilled to be taught the ropes. Sometimes you get bad luck, and I get the frustration.

    • Like 1
  4. While there are some mods that help curb sentinel death (or in the case of Djinn, permanently avoid it) - it seems very out of place among the Kavats, Kubrows, and Moas. In lieu of sentinels having a bleedout with a revive timer, I suggest we have a consumable craftable item similar to the energy restores that we can use to revive sentinels. Perhaps a "repair kit".

    I and many others have resorted to just letting our frames be killed so we can revive with our sentinel, which is a very janky workaround. I do however understand that constant revive options might be seen as exploitable with the spare parts mod. So in the case of that, perhaps just add a caveat to the mod: "Note: Will render sentinel un-repairable."

    ... That's it, that's the suggestion. Nothing too long-winded. Thoughts?

    • Like 4
  5. There are some dialogue hints about it. However, I have sincere doubts you are running into people that are intentionally antagonistic. The majority of players I run into are receptive to feedback (if they see it - chat sometimes doesn't ping notifications).

    Perhaps your tutelage is a bit harsh and unhelpful, as you seem quick to call them clueless and unhelpful. We were all new once. Be patient.

  6. 1 minute ago, BloodKitten said:

    the more phases you do the more credits you get, just hope you have someone on the other side to get/send codes.

    I get that part, I was just unsure what the relation of operation points to scarlet credits is.


    Just now, xD34No said:

    My missions rewarded me with 1 scarlet credit per operation point. I saw in another post that you can earn bonus points by staying in the same flotilla and earning 5k creds. You also need that flotilla to reach a total of 200 murex kills to reach max bonus of 10k creds. 

    So if you finish a flotilla (get all the murex kills) do you have to remain on the flotilla to get the bonus?

  7. There is a lot of confusion having there be "operation points" (a score for leaderboards) and "Scarlet Credits" (currency for the little duck shop). The table on the info page specifically says "Every kill code gets you scarlet credits", but then proceeds to show a table that shows the OPERATION POINT reward - not the scarlet credit reward.

    Does anyone know specifics on what the scarlet credit reward is? Is it 1:1 with the kill code points list they posted? Are there some other secrets I am not divining from this page?

    (Link to the thread with the table in question, it's under the FAQ spoiler:


  8. 1 hour ago, Azvalk said:

    the 4) seems to be the better solution in my opinion '-'
    Of course, the mission should be immediatly replayable if it's successful.
    And maybe there should be a warning somewhere.
    On the confirmation pop up of abandonning mission maybe '-'

    This is an interesting alternative, I like the idea of it giving a hard consequence to aborting it but encouraging repeats.

  9. Warning: Spoilers to any who haven't visited the shiny red blinky thing in Veil Proxima.


    As it stands now, there is no incentive to actually play out the entirety of the mission while the anomaly is active. Whenever it is live, if you are joining a public group, the vast majority of players do the following:

    1. Rush to the point, ignoring all objectives and fighters
    2. Tuck the ship in the "bones" of the anomoly to avoid drawing ship aggro OR scoot the ship far away from the spawn point to avoid aggroing fighters, and archwing-fly to the outpost
    3. Clear out the sentient outpost
    4. If anything good dropped, they finish the mission. If nothing good dropped, they ABORT the mission and run it again

    This is really unpleasant gameplay. Anything that encourages force-quitting to optimize the farm is awful. This also means anyone who wishes to not do this "meta" method is stuck between either running it solo, attempting to find a group of people who are okay with slugging it out through the whole mission, or accepting that if they allow pugs aboard their ship, they will all force quit right after the outpost is done.

    There have been a few different ideas bounced around to "fix" this, and I think there can be a happy medium found for casuals and farmers.


    1) Change the outpost rare drops into unidentified drops. This would require a lot of fiddling with how the outpost works now, but this seems like a really great way to encourage actual mission completion. This could be implemented so that instead of rare random containers you break open, players seek out resource caches. Have 3 per outpost, with unidentified drops, and make the rare parts (shedu, ephemera, etc) part of that table.

    2) Change the anomaly to not be on a timer. While this would not remove spamming as the "farming meta", it would perhaps lessen the crazed rush players have that encourage this rush/abort method.

    3) Change the rare items (shedu parts, ephemera, etc) to be bought with currency, a currency dropped exclusively by the sentient mobs on the outpost, thus requiring players to finish the mission to obtain the currency - while also still rewarding players who are skilled enough to speed clear the zone.

    4) Change the anomaly to operate similar to an Arbitration mission, in that you only get one shot at it per spawn and if you fail the mission, you have to wait for it to respawn again.


    Personally I'm a big fan of 1 or 3, but anything is better than the current setup.




  10. For robots: Helios is my first suggestion, however SHADE is really nice for a beginner! The invisibility from Shade, while not super consistent, did help me get out of a pinch now and then as a wee little warframe. Taxon can also be good for the extra shields.

    For non-robots: Do the kubrow quest!  https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Howl_of_the_Kubrow 

    Kubrows (and Kavats) may be a bit of a hassle to obtain initially, but they have nice bonus of being revived if they fall. So while your robot may just explode and be gone for an entire mission, you can keep your Kubrow/Kavat with you the whole time if you're able to revive 'em!

  11. Rhino is VERY good in my opinion! I'd highly suggest getting him, as his Iron Skin ability helps you get through really tough situations. He may not be a huge offensive force early on when you can't afford all the fancy mods, but his survivability REALLY helps. As for weapons, I really enjoy the Hek, Boltor, and the Braton for early-on weaponry. However, I'd suggest just opening the marketplace, going to primary weapons, and grabbing whatever weapon blueprint you think looks snazzy 🙂

  12. If they're actually AFK, ick. Just because that feels gross. However, if they are simply underperforming due to low level frames/weps, I don't care. I'm a big plague momma Saryn, I sorta enjoy helping people get their affinity up. If you run around and avoid dying, try to hit things (even with pissy low damage), and maybe even - *gasp* - chat with the group, then I love you please group with me more THE SILENCE IS DEAFENING.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, -GrT-TheAlphaDubstep said:

    This was showed to me and i started a big conversation with some buddies of mine And I was quite frustrated Not only me but others I've seen posts of others complaining over it

    Hypersexualization in games is always a hot button topic. I don't get your original issue in this thread though which is about wisp specifically. I see as many complaints about her as I do any other fem frame. It just comes with the territory. It's no more prominent than any other.


    I think you just need to get better friends that are less upset over pixel booty.

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