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Posts posted by Sarnir

  1. For out frames, we have alternate helms and skins but will we ever get new chassis, so to speak. If I recall it was mentioned on a prime time/dev q&a maybe? What do you guys... and gals, think should be the first frame to receive a new body type entirely? My vote goes to rid Trin-trin of that god-awful lobster crapace (intentional misspelling of carapace) skirt. Let's all share! I'm bored. 

  2. Personally I liked the Auction House in Tera. It was simple and allowed you to profit while not playing at a simple expense that was a percentage always of what you personally set the cost to be of your product and also allowed for bidding on a timer and buy now price. 

  3. Blessing has a casting time, all that's needed for so called "balance" is a cooldown timer for blessing of maybe 3 seconds. The perma bless build leaves her incredibly fragile and one-shot-able. Also there are times when blessing IS necessary as sometimes things are just to damn hard to do even when doing your best to coordinate with teammates in a T3 survival or defense. If you have an issue with bless you might as well take issue with iron skin and stomp among many other abilities but for now let's make stomp the example. Stomp is beyond over powered in many cases and leaves a lot of people pissed off because the corpses/bodies linger in the air for ages, not to mention makes killing them as simple as stand there for 10 seconds and shoot. Why focus solely on something that's already got a long enough casting time as it is to allow the frame to be dispatched? I defer to the idea of a CD (cooldown) timer if you think trinity casts bless to quickly. 


    Also, for as many players have said trinity is "cheap" to me, just as many if not more have asked why I don't perma-bless on higher level missions past a certain time to help. Trinity isn't fast, she isn't sturdily made or well armored, she's just eh, and if you nerf her then there'll be nothing keeping anyone playing her and she'll join Ash and Saryn as an unplayable until buffed frame. She'll be a piece of paper that can occasionally heal the team and deflect a meager amount of damage. 

  4. There's an option for limiting ping levels of match-ups.

    It doesn't help very much, you still get attached to laggy games, I set my ping to 300 and get really bad hosts only slightly less often than with it set at 500, the hosts ping changes as they go from hosting just themselves to hosting 3 others. A simple solution would be allowing the game to switch the host over to another player properly capable of hosting if one is present. 

  5. I don't understand people that say trinity is OP, trinity uses 100 power to activate her blessing. blessing at rank 1 is 3.8 seconds and at rank 3 it is 10 seconds, with the aura helmet and a good set of mods trinity's blessing can reach just over 30 seconds, but the mods that are needed to make this power max effective are fairly rare, a key mod in this build is Narrow minded which is a rare mod to come by and an even grater difficulty to upgrade. over 1.000.000 credits and about 600 mods that i a damn lot of stuff. The best way to balance trinity is to give Blessing a range this would make the Narrow minded needed for this fit affect the range of blessing and would not give the team that weren't in very close proximity the the trinity the invincibility. and the hole she can survive an end game map solo is totally rubbish.

    ^Thank you, also even if they added a cool down for blessing, the damage necessary to kill this build can be taken while link is on and while casting a bless. 

  6. I think, that if you've leveled your frame to 30 you should be able to hunt down a blueprint for some sort of extender that adds another slot row but at the loss of 10 points or so. So unless you're a forma lord you're not going to be to OP, but just strong enough to go the extra mile and retain things I wish I had points for like intruder, enemy sense, or handspring which have no place in anyone already limited yet "perfected" builds. 

  7. One moooore thing, btw. How about a frame that is essentially a blank slate that can take on any ulti (one at a time), and any other three abilities from warframes that you have or have ability cards for? It would be the epitome of customization I think and would allow for truly amazing solo play and group play as well. Of course with that comes the difficulty of modding it properly but we're intelligent young gamers and gamettes we'd figure it out. Maybe even add a penalty to energy consumption to make it more fair, so you don't have invisible molecular prime iron skinned desecraters running around being op as heck. 

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