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Posts posted by LaRode

  1. anyone else experiencing the same issue?

    after 13.8.0 patch, badges dont display right on some frames for example like ember prime.

    any fix on this issue soon?

  2. hey there! its LaRode

    after a little break i am looking for an active and fun clan!

    i play the game since VIP beta and i am currently rank 6, going up fast :)

    i personaly am not that hardcore type of player but u will for sure find me online everyday for at least one hour.

    so i am looking for some matching type of clan that most likely wants to use ts3 as well.

    feel free to send me a messege, contact me ingame or arrange a ts chat with me for more infos about me, etc.




  3. richtig! stealthen geht mit sentinels nicht. die werden immer vom gegner entdeckt.

    wenn du willst das dein sentinel angreift dann musst du die mod namens "warrior" einfügen. umso höher die stufe umso öfter greift er an.

    aber um ehrlich zu sein. ich habe zwar einen rang ~15 aber setze ihn nie ein.

    die meisten sind auch der meinung das die sentinels weitgehend nutzlos sind außer dafür deine schilder schneller zu regn.

    das war definitiv rausgeschmissenes ingame geld :D

  4. Nyx isnt as useful in normal missions something i am discovering while leveling with my friend. chaos? yea by time it goes off he's cleared the room... mind control? useful as a stun... absorb? unless its a boss probably wont use it... i find myself just running aorund slashing stuff to bits and rarely using MC on anyone.

    i have a rank 30 nyx. first of all, chaos is good in defense as well as in normal missions. i dont know what u are doing besides sleeping during missions but first thing i do when i see a large group is launching chaos. they have killed eachother before an excalibur or a saryn even touched em.

    mind control? clearly is a better version of a decoy when used properly. absorb? pretty much useless true. on a boss? totally worthless.

    and then there is psychic bolts. i have maxed em out and i can one shot up to 3 lvl40~50 enemies without shield. so i use em occationally to show other people that nyx is capable of duing direct damage :D

    and then the solo play... for me personally she is the best for duing any type of mission solo. as due to chaos she is never playing solo anyway :DD

    over all i am counting nyx to one of the best warframes at the moment

  5. Overheat give the user damage reduction or at least it should.

    Update 5.3 - "Blazing Embers"


    Ember powers reworked:

    Overheat moved to second ability, acts as a shield and radial damage power.


    update 5.3 huh? good thing we are on build 7.7 already xD

  6. Ja ändert aber nix dran das es Zufall ist, der nur die Wahrscheinlichkeit ändert sich.

    Aber stimmt Chassi scheint am häufigsten bei allen Frames zu fallen.

    Hab inzwischen alle Frames zusammen (außer banshee natürlich ...) und Frost und Nyx waren die welche mir irgendwie wirklich auf den Sack gingen.

    Andererseits Kollege von mir 3 Runs -->3 Drops--> Frost.

    ja logisch. drops sind zufall. die wahrscheinlichkeiten der drops aber nicht.

  7. the effects, imo, are fine. cause, they also should be used for distraction of enemies.

    and there are plenty of games which have tons of effects where u dont know what to do if u see them. so u just have to get used to it :)

  8. es ist nicht nur rein zufall.

    von den erfahrungen anderer spieler und meiner eigenen zu urteilen (und ich habe 6 warframes) sind die systeme der seltenste drop von den warframe teilen. ich wuerde sogar fast sagen das chassis der häufigste ist weil ich die von fast jedem waframe schon habe :P

  9. Well I think overpowered is saying too much. If you're talking OP we should talk Volt and Ash' Bladestorm :P Now obviously I don't design or work on this game and its Warframes so there's no way for me to make this sound like it will work. But it IS an idea. One that may or may not be implemented one day. But I just felt I wanted to tell someone. Because honestly the more Warframe ideas out there the better.

    point taken mate. thats just my opinion on this warframe idea. volt and ash are not OP. if a warframe is OP at the moment it might be saryn.

    quick explain why: mix between rhino, loki and ash. moult as loki's decoy just a little weaker but not much. contagion as rhino's iron skin. almost same effect and miasma is a more powerful bladestorm.

    but thats not the point of discussion so forget i said that xD

  10. i have a 30 nyx. i dont have any problems with the psychic bolts. keep in mind that they are following ur crosshair. so keep it straight or pointed at the target

    edit: as they have a big spread radius when u start using the skill keep in mind that u dont stand close to a wall :D

  11. Druid wasn't supposed to be a name. Honestly haven't thought of a name. I was just thinking of a Jack of All Trades Master of None type Warframe. I just thought of it because I feel there aren't enough Warframes out there where you would see someone use all 4 abilities. It seems like its usually the 2-3 abilities that you prefer and build on that. I was just thinking what kind of class could have 4 abilities which each skill could be used at any situation where as most of the skills now seem situational, which I understand is the purpose. Also enter and shift enter does not seem to work for me. lolwut?

    well first of all. i have 4 different warframes. 3 of them on level 30. i use all of them skills depending on the situation and faction i am fighting so no point there.

    and then a warframe that has damage, tank and heal skills? that would be totally overpowered. doesnt metter if the skills are weak or not. 50hp heal can be enough in worst case scenarios and then u still have a gun to shoot with.

  12. i am on the same opinion. ember is underpowered. she does fine on high level infestation cause of her tons of fire damage but very weak against corpus and grineer.

    ember really needs some love from the devs

    as u cant change her skills completely (and i mean turning her fire damage into something else to make her effective against other factions) i would say she should rather get some defensive skill which could also support the squad. like a fire wall that absorbs bullets and redirect it to the enemy as fire damage.

  13. i guess this topic fits best in here.

    so all i wanna point out is that since the 7.7 hotfix today, my sentinel, even if i put it away, it keeps showing up after completing a mission or moving from the foundry back to other menues.

    i hope it gets fixed again cause it is really annoying as i am not really using my sentinel.

    cheers in advance!!

  14. aso. zu meiner verteidigung: hab noch nie mit einem volt auf high lvl gebieten zusammen gespielt =P

    mit meiner saryn könnte ich mit voller energie 3 mal hintereinander aoe spamen xD also ich hab keine enrgie probleme :P

    loki braucht halt doch ein paar sekunden mehr um den selben effect zu erziehlen. daher verständlich wenn es weniger energie kostet

    nichts gegen loki. hab selber einen :D

    am besten beide im squad haben =)

  15. Noch ein tipp Loki und ash sind für dieser mission meiner meinung am besten geeignet.Durch Unsichtbarkeit kriegen sie 100% crit chance womit du die vielen gegner leicht reduzieren kannst ;)

    besser volt und saryn. ulti skill und alles instant tot :D

    aber jedem das seine ;)

  16. it does, similar to Saryn. It has shields and HP. Once it runs out, it poofs. Not usre how to increase it though. I think Saryn's lasts longer though... or has more HP.

    i have lvl30 saryn with maxed moult (decoy skill)

    the decoy from loki lasts longer. even if not maxed. therefore saryn's decoy skill is cheaper in use

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