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Posts posted by atantony77

  1. So I was doing that mission and... well we werent doing that well but we held together and fended off hordes of grinneer and barely held the lifesupport at 50 %. We reached 19 minutes and we decided to extract. We reached extract just as our lifesupport ran out and the extraction point was 20 meters away from us. Suddenly it was all laggy and it said host migration... Next thing i know im in some guys private game... Low level mission and the guy is all like "dafuq... How did you get in my game this is a private game..." While he is writing that i realized what happened was raging and almost broke my hand from punching the wall... I lost really good mods, resources, money and a tower 3 Capture void key :'(

    So the point is can I get all that stuff back i was 10 seconds away from victory and riches :'(

    Please DE do this one simple favour for me

    P.S. I cant send the EE.log because im $&*&*#(%& and cant seem to find it on Windows XP

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