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Posts posted by (XBOX)BRANDONB35ERK3R

  1. I've been reading through this chain since the original post and I understand why people were getting annoyed, but I also see it from people defending on the other side. (I'm not saying there are sides, just more for the explanation than anything else.

    When DE posted this thread with 'In Dev' instead of the usual 'In Cert' most people freaked out because it wasn't specific. I was one of those people, but tried to remain patient as there is usually another layer that shows itself with time. It would have been good for DE to give a rough timeline like 2 weeks for example as it would have helped those people who were freaking out and give them time to calm down. The other half of this, is we already had a rough idea if we go off of past updates. It usually takes 2-3 weeks for DE to work on an update for consoles, so it would be at minimum today that the update would be released as from today they started work 14 days ago (2 weeks). That would also mean that the update is 1 (2 at max) weeks away from release. DE have also stated that they will give us a release date when they have one, so we will get some heads up.

    I know that people freak out when no timeline is given, but at the same time it takes as much time as it will to make the update for consoles. It sucks, but it is what it is. Trust me, I would love to get my Necramechs out with my mates and fight big ol sentients if I could right now, so I get it.

    In future, it may be better for DE to explain that 'In Dev' means that they are roughly 2-3 weeks (or whatever the timeline is roughly) to give people an idea of when it will come out instead of all this guess work. If it is stated as a rough estimate, it can be changed and updated as the update is finished off and if there is a delay it will be updated too. I'm sure that small piece of info will go a long way.

    To the same regard though, I think that we as a community shouldn't freak out when we get some new news about change. At least 90% of the time it's there to help us in one way or another. It may be surprising at first, but if we calm down we can see the full picture instead of sweating the small changes we fixate on.

    I hope this helps clear things up a bit for anyone still reading this chain.

    • Like 4
  2. Clan name: FUBR Corporation

    Clan tier: Shadow Clan (Rank 10)

    Clan platform: Xbox One

    Clan role: Founding Warlord (Builder & Designer)

    Feature Video:

    Albums: (I couldn't seem to post in any images so I put them in an Album instead. The two links are the same Album, just in case one doesn't work the other will)



    Clan Dojo Bio:

    The Clan of FUBR have been funding me in game with resources to build the FUBR Dojo MK2. This is the newest version of our Dojo and it has more detail, more gold, more beauty, more secrets, and more turtles. We are proud to be a 100% research Dojo and we are open to new members (No Requirements) and will help anyone & everyone with their Warframe journey!

    Originally, the turtles in the Dojo were brought in to make the Dojo livelier, but as the clan has evolved so have the turtles. They now work in all different sectors of the Dojo from construction to gardening to void science to ship control. The turtles serve the Tenno via our Dojo and are there for all the Tenno’s needs, happily living in their own small community. They are not all work though; the turtles are all over the Dojo messing around or trying to start a something of their own. I’ll show you a couple of the them, but you’ll have to check out our Dojo to find them all.

    Thank you for viewing. Stay Awesome Everyone!

    • Like 1
  3. As a followup to this, I just logged into warframe after the update and tried it. A couple of other issues have popped up. If you punch it sometimes freezes you in place. If you groundpound you launch to the other side of the screen in half a second. If you crouch and press 'x' for an uppercut it freezes you and if your opponent hits you you get stuck on the ground in the knocked position, even in later rounds.

  4. I know this isn't about what the Category says, but there was no other way to put something about frame fighter. Frame Fighter is great and me and my clan have had some mini-tournaments on it just for fun. A little while ago it broke in a way that ruined it and we could no longer play. When you load in, you choose your frame, but when you try and jump it freezes you in place. If you attack or ground pound it freezes you in place. Please fix this fun little mini-game as it's a treasure 🙂

  5. On multiple occasions, I have launched a railjack mission from my dojo and all of the people in my squad got loaded into the correct missions, but got put into separate solo matches, so none of us were in the same session. If they left their mission, then I invited them, they were able to join. So it's only on the initial launch that the squad gets separated. Hope this was helpful and it gets fixed soon.

  6. Clan name: FUBR Corporation

    Clan tier: Ghost

    Clan platform: Xbox One

    My Clan role: Founding Warlord

    This Dojo was built (design and layout) to look like the interior of a capital ship that the Tenno would actually use as a base-station (Outside of their Orbiters of course). The crew on this ship have been turned into stone Turtle-Dragons, but we still love them all the same. The Ship/Dojo is simple, but I hope you enjoy it's charm 🙂



    Video Submission: 



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