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Posts posted by Tzykrow

  1. Could you please undo the range nerf on Nezhas augment and maybe re-check the damage multiplier to be lower to balance it out thus making the players to rely on status guns moreso because in its current iteration even with mods like Overextended, and Stretch doesn't make an impact anymore and only hurts the builds thus making the mod mostly unusable, unfun and only used as a niche in tight corridors.

    • Like 8
  2. This sword has a special "fanction" that change the graphic of the weapon depending of the stance you equip (dual swords or greatsword) it may be it.

    Example "Tempo Royale" stance will turn the weapon into greatsword and "Crossing Snakes" stance will turn the weapon into dual sword weapon.

    Please re-check so you can be 100% sure.

  3. 1) Most of the time when I change the colors and emblem of my railjack and leave the menu or even the Dojo, it will reset to a previous version (As if it hadn't saved).

    2) When I launch the Railjack from the dojo and plays the cinematic the emblem is misplaced. It floats and follows the ship (it appears floating down left before the ship is "teleporting").


  4. Indeed! Stasis freezes bullets but the boss just walks casually inside the cataclysm or he/she is not affected at all!! And that's my problem it essentially makes Limbo almost useless in bossfights and cannot add any effect to solo or a team.

    That is why am proposing reduced power duration against bosses. Because Limbo will get really OP if you can use his powers at his regular duration.

    As for the "bug?" I mention. My observations are that when I banish 1 enemy and use Rift Surge to him. I go into the rift to my victim (in Stasis of course) I wait to be swarmed by the non-rifted enemies I use banish again to the rift surged enemy and the banish effect goes like Saryn's spores to the other enemies and get banished. BUT! At far away ranges it only Rift Surges but not banishes them. This should not happen since LImbo cannot Rift Surge non-rifted enemies.

    So... is it intended? If not... Well its a bug.

    • Quality of life - Most of Limbo's powers doesn't have any effect to bosses.

    I recommend that the do have an effect albeit a reduced one. For example staying in the rift by Banish and and having Stasis will have a lower duration and the boss will break from them quicker. Rift Surge and Cataclysm will affect and retain its durations.

    While in the effect of both cataclysm and stasis the boss will break the Stasis but not the cataclysm (Much like when it reaches the bullet limit).

    Powers and Weapons from the boss will not affect Tenno in the rift and vice versa. Only when in the same realm Tenno and the boss share.

    • Questions

    I have noticed when I Rift Surge an enemy while in the Rift and kill enemies or re-banish to spread the effect, it effects and stays to non-banished enemies. Shouldn't be banishing them to the Rift?


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