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Everything posted by Tzykrow

  1. An other anniversary has come and gone, Dex weapons and Dex Skins were nice, some helpful boosters and items here and there.Yet I have a small gripe, there is no Profile Icons for those warframes that have a Dex Skin (Excalibur, Rhino, Wisp). I wish we could have been rewarded with those said skins or bought them with 10 Plat each like normal or deluxe icons of frames as an options I'd like to sport an icon like that as my profile or for my loadouts. And for some frames that have alternate helmets they do not sport an alternate profile icon, namely Titanias Mab helmet. I didn't spot an other missing profile icons on other frames with alternate helmets. If I (don't) spot anything else I will update.
  2. Could you please undo the range nerf on Nezhas augment and maybe re-check the damage multiplier to be lower to balance it out thus making the players to rely on status guns moreso because in its current iteration even with mods like Overextended, and Stretch doesn't make an impact anymore and only hurts the builds thus making the mod mostly unusable, unfun and only used as a niche in tight corridors.
  3. I'd never expected a strength Loki and... well here we are...😅
  4. That happens to me too but not to all of my melee weapons
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