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Posts posted by CicaedaV

  1. well you see, its not a leecher if you dont mind them leeching off of you. that being said its by case. If i had a group going on to do "X" mission and i needed specific roles and one guy replies saying he has what i need then proceeded to do nothing once we actually played then he is a leech. If i start a group for "Z" mission and a person replies to me asking if he can join because he needs to get that place done but he's not strong enough to do so then he's not really a leech, just a charity case ;D

  2. But yea

    19 minutes ago, AsharaClaudia said:

    whether your date goes to the restaurant with the flu or not, the restaurant may not actually be as good as they said it would be. the restaurant was teased as being super great and something that will make you see food in a whole new light but no matter how many months you've waited for your reservation, the place will be dirty and full of bugs...


    "the wait within", 10 times better than "less update, more wait" :P

    /end thread

    4 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:



    I get it now... Sheesh. Should I take it as a good thing that my mind didn't leap straight to that?

    i guess

  3. whether your date goes to the restaurant with the flu or not, the restaurant may not actually be as good as they said it would be. the restaurant was teased as being super great and something that will make you see food in a whole new light but no matter how many months you've waited for your reservation, the place will be dirty and full of bugs...


    "the wait within", 10 times better than "less update, more wait" :P

    /end thread

  4. "less wait, more update" LOL yeah right...

    " Do you want a rushed update full of game breaking bugs or a polished one with no major bugs affecting gameplay ? " but its still going to come out with lots of game breaking bugs so honestly whats the point.

    i hopped off the hype train almost a month ago, so should you.

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