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Posts posted by Poyomon2

  1. Abandon mission for this setup, isn't fine even in theory.

    Not only is it easy to exit the circle, but all of the objectives have either a time limit or something you need to defend. There isn't a reason to have it abandon the mission for leaving the circle, because if you're not close to the mission area you're going to fail it anyway. The circle should just be a guide showing the general location you should be in.

    That said, why does it trigger when only one person is outside the circle? If somebody is significantly lagging behind then it will abandon the mission as soon as it activates.

  2. 22 hours ago, (PS4)mahoshonenfox said:

    Go ahead and try to find ANYWHERE in the game that says that. You can only learn about it outside of the game like wiki or other people. That's actually Limbo's real problem. Not enough in game information. His abilities need a tutorial of their own.


    "Dodge to enter and exit the Rift."

    There you go.

  3. 17 hours ago, (Xbox One)UrbanHybrid23 said:

    Yes but how long is that gonna work? Especially with identifying relics, are they gonna continue the ABC and 123 thing or are they gonna stop at some point? 

    It will work for as long as they need it to work. It's not like they're going to run out of letters and numbers any time soon.

    The system you suggested was what they had for the old system, and it was terrible.

  4. 7 hours ago, Stormdragon said:

    For some reason this reminds me of the old void keys, and I don't see DE going back there.


    It reminds you of that because that was exactly how the system used to work.

    Also, when they vault stuff they add in new relics, which contain both new and old stuff in them.

  5. That is selling the game. Just because it's a micro-payment doesn't mean it's not selling the game. You are paying money for in-game product, you are purchasing part of the game.


    Micro-transactions and 'Selling the game' are not the same thing. Selling the game means you are making people pay for the right to play the game.

    Micro-transactions are COMPLETELY OPTIONAL and have nothing to do with it. Warframe is A FREE GAME and it will always be that way.

  6. Clearly there is a lack of understanding about what Alpha, Beta, Gold Release, and Retail product means.

    Your product cannot be considered Beta (pre-released) if you are selling it to the general public. Once something is FOR SALE TO EVERYONE, it cannot be considered un-released. 


    You can get away with calling something open beta, IF you aren't taking money for it.  

    You can take money and still be beta if the user has to be a developer or have a developer account to test the software out, and the money is for a developer kit etc or special developer access.


    BUT openly selling a product to the general public, which means you are opening releasing the product to the general public, is the definition of a retail product, and that cannot be considered a pre-release version in any way.


    I don't understand why you're repeating the same thing over and over again. Also, they aren't selling the game. They're giving you the ability to pay money to help you play the game. Warframe can be played without paying a single cent/penny/whatever-your-currency-is.

  7. Part of the Software development glossary:

    In software development, a beta test is the second phase of software testing in which a sampling of the intended audience tries the product out. (Beta is the second letter of the Greek alphabet.) Originally, the term alpha test meant the first phase of testing in a software development process. The first phase includes unit testing, component testing, and system testing. Beta testing can be considered "pre-release testing." Beta test versions of software are now distributed to a wide audience on the Web partly to give the program a "real-world" test and partly to provide a preview of the next release.

    No where does this state they cannot have a cash shop. Beta means they are testing alongside players. They game is not marketed, it has not been advertised, it is being tested and developed based n our requests and what Devs still want/need to do. You can hate the idea of them making money off the game before launch, but with games being as large scale as they are now this is the model that helps them finish it.


    Agreeing with this, but also, to the people who are saying 'It's not in beta because they accept money for it' (I'm guessing you paid money for platinum as well, so why are you complaining), but... who forced you to play if you're hating on the game so much? Because I certainly don't remember being forced to play and spend my own money on a game that I enjoy.

  8. BETA means pre-release, NOT that it isn't finished. Windows/Linux/Mac OS constantly get updates, they aren't finished, does that mean they are beta? NO. Beta is pre-release software. If they weren't taking money, they could kinda get away with saying they are open beta, being tested by masses, but ever since the market place opened and they started accepting money, they became the definition of retail and CANNOT be considered pre-release in any shape or form.


    Um... What?


    I didn't say that when it's out of beta it's immediately branded as 'finished'...


    Also, you just insinuated that it can be branded as 'finished' while in beta.

  9. Guys, if you don't like the game, don't play it. Why are you complaining about a game (which you spent money on) supposedly 'not being in beta' when the game isn't even finished?


    Look at steam. Early Access? Another phrase that is pretty much the same as BETA. You have to BUY those. This game is FREE.


    BETA doesn't mean they aren't selling it. BETA means it ISN'T FINISHED.


    Also, I'm sorry, but supposing that I'm wrong, I guess that means that Warframe has been a completed product since we could first play it, since you had to BUY INTO THE GAME.

  10. Sorry, it hasn't been in beta for a long time. The minute you accept any money for the game from the general public, you are officially a retail product. Once a sale has occurred, you have crossed the threshold and there's no going back.

    Uuh, you have a strange idea of this. Just because it's a retail product, doesn't mean it's not in beta. Have you seen how many games are in beta yet you can pay money for?

  11. Frost has 100 base power.  Leveling to Rank 30 gives you +50% power.  100 +50% +150% = 300.  All Warframe mods work off stats at Rank 0.

    This is the same reason why not many frames have over 1000 health with a maxed vitality which gives '+440%' max health.

  12. The reason everything dies instantly is because if an enemy gets up to the platform where the terminal is, the simulacrum kills all the enemies, much like when you go up there after leaving it. It's less of a bug and more just a bad application of the commander's mechanics.

  13. As far as I've seen, this is a problem with the scanning system in general. Sometimes when I go into a mission, I use the codex scanner and everything is flashing orange, even if the entry is completed for that enemy. It doesn't seem to be a bug with helios, just the scanning system.

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