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Posts posted by BalintJuhos

  1. Vasca cat plushie is described as from the ranges of Vallis? Like, that's as much detail as I can give.

    Reproduce: Go to Teasonai, and the floof says from the ranges of Vallis.

    Images:I don't have any, really.

    Respectful:I'm not even frustrated, just was a bit bugged, as a major floof collector.

  2. This is not as much a bug, as a minor inconvenience of immersion, but as finding a place to make a minor-inconvenience-to-immerssion-report, I did this. In the description of the plushie at Teasonai of the new vampire cat thing of the plains, it says something like ´´cute little fella from the ranges of Vallis``, but it is in the Plains, and that is just something I noticed, you guys are awesome, thank you for the new update, and everything you did for us.

  3. 6 hours ago, (PS4)Atbui-2007 said:

    I'm a noob and idk what's popular

    You can just always look at the trading chat, and if you have something to sell, either type "WTS(Want To Sell) *insert item* for *insert price* plat, PM(personal message) me", or just search WTB(Want To Buy) on the chat, and if you have something someone needs at an acceptable price (I recommend checking https://warframe.market/ for what other people list it for), PM them, and either go to a relay, or if one of you is in a clan, your dojo, and then simply settle the trade. No one is a "noob" for not knowing popular demands, as they always change, and there aren't any always popular items.

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