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Posts posted by PoisonedTea

  1. where have you been. if you hit z it toggles it on and stays there, z again to close and it only take you out of combat for the instance you press z.


    they literally fixed and implemented this 2 days ago

    Still does not show sheild

  2. I like playing them but I got an issue.

    I can't see the health bar or shields of my teammates.

    Sure you can press "z" and see health but if you do that it takes you out of combat.

    you can't see there shields at all.

    I love to see that stuff always it could be a toggle or some UI you can place on but is not normally on.

  3. I will join

    In-game Name: PoisonedTea

    Steam Name:PoisonedTea

    Most used Warframe: Mag|(lvl 30), Trinity, Ember.

    Current Profile Rank: 4(needed that hek)

    Time Zone (GMT -/+):-4(I live in east Canada)

    Your reasons for applying to join our clan: To have players to play with

    Anything else you wish to tell us or express: I am an on and off gamer I don't really have a time I play(a job might change that), If anyone wants to join me on "Gun's of Icarus" I be happy have you. That is a really good game too. I mainly a PvP gamer(yes I know there is no PvP in this game).

  4. If he could see through it then all of loki's powers would be useless against him and considering how squishy he is, it would be game over very quickly.

    On the other hand, I've HEK'd the stalker in the face with impunity many times because of invisibility. Same with Iron Skin, but if that skill didn't work either the Rhino would at least have a lot more shields, health and armor.

    Hard to balance I guess.

    so he be like most anyone else

    he still get his crit from invis

  5. "Through" sorry was typing without thinking

    I mean he should


    According to the wiki Warframe Ability's don't work on the Stalker

    some might still

    it doesn't seem fair that Invisibility is just an instant win

    where I can do nothing with my Mag

  6. the sniper is to be consistent


    where the bow depends on your charge


    The sniper uses a clip so you have a reload(not sure the speed of it)


    the bow does not


    sniper has a V


    Bow has a -


    take that as you will

  7. I support this idea. Limiting the alerts within certain periods of time (say month, week, fortnight) would help raise the probability of actually getting something you want to see; right now, with probabilities spread thin, it is quite likely that the particular rare item a player wants will appear at a time said player is not logged in.

    But this game is all around the world at least a good chunk

  8. The way I am proposing now and your way both give DE more money. I would like skins not to be in the alerts personally, however it's something they chose. This way also ensures them more of the money they deserve. New cash shop items hype is probably the number 1 revenue in a game. However if it can come up a week later.... why buy it?

    The skins give stats(or change stats) so they need them in the game

    else it will be clammed pay to win

    there setup is good at avoiding that people will still say it but it like no you can get that in game.

    But it does encourage buying stuff like Reactors(which they may need to add a higher chance in alert drops later down the road they are important).

  9. it is fine but

    it does feel incompete the running up wall and jumping things that you might need to get through levels

    maybe even crouching you don't seem to have any area's that you need to do that

    it just I can be hard on a new player cause you just don't know what to do

    you get many new player lately and you likely get more(at least I hope so)

    and you don't want to have them leave before they get in, in the first place,

  10. I dont know what i got cause im rolling in the dough but DE has to stop doing this.

    You cant give stuff away every time there is a complaint cause that is just going to have people freak out on purpose.

    Wait till U8 and watch a freak out happen again.

    At most give us ONE color box of one of the color pickers or a one day 25% discount on a weapon. Small silly stuff like that.

    Or if this is haxxors....... no one spend the money and wait for DE to take it back as show of how cool we are.

    It is game credits is the cheapest thing they can give you

    it would cost them money to give anything else

  11. According to the game's lore, the Corpus are a group of HUMANS. While in game they may speak like humans, it is very rare and instead the majority of the time they make some wierd alien-like sounds. Constantly hearing that unusual chattering makes it hard to comprehend the crewmen as "humans" and makes them seem more like a completely different race. If they're really humans, I'd like it if they would speak/sound more like such and less like an extra-terrestial race.

    Last I checked Earth has more then one language

  12. why not change the mods to like

    10% pre lvl up Vitality so up to 100%

    and 5% pre lvl up Redirection up to 50%(beacause shields recharge)(but maybe thisd at 10% too)

    Steel Fiber is likely ok

    then the mods give you that extra tankyness but are not this omg it cant be done without this mod

    they are at 40%

    the is like 4*What you already have

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