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Posts posted by elitedarkzero

  1. Everything is working fine, my network is totally fine chrome works, other online games work perfectly fine with no issues, I cant even log into warframe right now, it just keeps saying network not responding and eventually it will just say login failed,like what the hell DE, you guys dont usually released totally unfinished crap like this, this is ridiculous. 

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  2. I really hope you guys are working on a hotfix for this, can't do a pug because it disconnects every time, it wont let you start sealing fractures due to "enemies being nearby" when there are none, I haven't been able to get a single fracture finished from these constant issues, had quite a few done the first time around and dc'd from the mission and couldn't get back in, 2nd time disconnected before I even found a fracture, 3rd time around, fracture broke and wouldn't let me even start it because there were supposedly enemies nearby. 

  3. They change direction away from where I throw my fishing spear before it gets anywhere near the water, they change the instant I click to throw it and its the most infuriating bs, it seriously needs to be fixed/changed, I very rarely miss when it comes to fishing in warframe but I cannot get these three... whatever they are at all lol. 

  4. Were going to make a damage ______ hhmmm what could that be? so here are the letters gathered from the text H E A iL M E R so heres my theory, its either A. something about a damage meter, B. maybe something to do with a damage HEALER, either way I am 100% certain its got something to do with melee 3.0 what do you guys think? 

  5. 51 minutes ago, Reefermun said:

    I dislike how they did away with the heal effect on the halo debuff that you attached to enemies. Now you have to hoard tons of health orbs rather than delivering a little AoE heal pulse. Also, the targeting on the bouncing version of the skill is really dubious, and the punch-through version of the skill only really works if you're the host.

    Yeah, there are too many variables that effect the actual performance of it, I think hes ended up being a lot like Harrow in that he is pretty good in solo, but in public matches with enemies dying quickly to everyone else, the laggy enemies, etc. really just makes him kind of useless until you get pretty high up there. Srotie+ really. And to make sure you are not ever running out of energy you pretty have to run equilibrium and health conversion in your build otherwise you wont get enough energy from drops to maintain your defense and the enemy debuffs/ult 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Elyndr said:

    I have had no problems with it. And I rarely get killed. So, maybe there is nothing to fix?

    There absolutely is lol, might want to go watch a video or two of all the issues people have had with it, hell I had one guy in my survival mission get stuck in a wall teleporting to the ring. 

  7. I have had it go through the ground time after time and I end up stuck or falling through the world, missing enemies point blank standing in front of me, not bouncing between enemies at all even when they are all in a very tight group, it just does not work properly, its so inconsistent that it has actually gotten me killed more times than I can even count. It is extremely frustrating. 

  8. 1 hour ago, NocheLuz said:

    I thought it is 0 Catalyst too...

    Seem like I just get my hope up for nothing...

    Eh, Catalysts are pretty easy to come by, sorties, alerts, selling a couple cheap mods, etc. XD though if you really wanted you could probably get by with dropping serration since the majority of the damage comes from the 75% damage boost of corrosive against ferrite armor. 

  9. So this has been an issue for years, especially when you are reinstalling warframe or installing it for the first time, the download speed of the game went from 15 m/bs to 30 k/bs and I am not sure how that is even possible. And just to rule out anything to do with my internet in any way shape or form, I normally download games off of steam at 30-35 mb/s stable so that is not the issue. Every time I read about this so many blame it on server traffic or slow internet speeds but I do not think either one of those are the issue, something else is going on and DE has never fixed whatever that is. 

    This is something that can occur at any time at any day, and I am not sure why it is still a problem. 

  10. Just now, VPrime96 said:

    Ooh the Sorties. Sorties normally don’t have the damage modifier.  They damage you like lvl 70 - 100 enemies in Ani. At least you had problems with the Lancer because the Corrupted Crewman is a bigger issue.

    I never have issues with corrupted Corpus enemies lol, everyone is always afraid of the nulies but there is a little device at the top of the bubble you can shoot to totally disable them.

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