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Posts posted by TokenAznGuy

  1. Ah my bad, I was using Fang and +melee damage mods, not any +charge damage mods when I noticed this, so thats probably why. Think it might bypass armor anyway tho, I was able to one shot low level grineer with my heat swords which dont have any +dmg mods. could the be +ap damage applying tho. W/e still useful for non-charge builds/utility.


    It's actually hilarious if you have a Furax.

    It's a massive uppercut when you do a slide attack, and if you actually land a killing blow with it, they rocket into the air.

  2. Well I can't comment on the foreign part, but I suspect I knew this already and was trying to make a point.

    But that's neither here nor there.

    Please say where you got them, so we can figure out if it's random on location as well as reward level.

    I've gotten one helm from an alert, The others were from Kiliken and I believe it was Eligor?

  3. The reload speed on Snipetron makes a 10 month pregnancy seem short.

    And that's with the reload mod.

    I still like it better than Paris though.

    But I suppose that just goes to show how much I dislike the Paris.

    Stick with the Hek til it gets nerfed.

    Or if you're dead set on sniping, try the Lex.

  4. Well, first of all, you're not using redundant right.

    Second, Gorgon is for suppressive fire, not burst.

    You're right in that it eats more ammo, but that's why you put in max ammo/clip size.

    It's not a problem for anything except maybe certain defense maps, and I don't even think Gorgon is good for defense in the first place.

    Or if you go full auto on certain bullet soak bosses like Lech Kril (which you shouldn't be doing anyway).

  5. Lowers the ramp up time, also the power of Gorgon is the fire rate.

    You want as many bullets flying as fast as possible for it.

    Also because you're modding every element, you're looking to do alot of little damage fast along with all the effects like slow with freeze, and mini stuns with electricity.

    Stun actually a pretty good mod as well on Gorgon.

  6. That's... not even close to how armor works lol.

    Armor only begins to get calculated when you start taking health damage.

    Doesn't even affect your shields, so while it's nice to have; it hardly makes it a requirement.

    Like the 2nd poster said, shields are regenerative, so people tend to focus on that first.

  7. What you bought was the Avatar profile picture.

    Click your picture on the top left where it shows your name/credits/plat/Mastery xp.

    You can pick it there.

    I'll be honest, it's pretty useless.

    Prob would've been better off buying a reactor or catalyst.

    And Excal is a great warframe.

    Should just play whatever suits your playstyle.

  8. I'm not positive it drops there, but Xini always has at least a rare level mod for even wave 5.

    I've gotten Fire/Electric mods for rifles, so I'm hoping it'll have Deep Freeze as well.

    Honestly, I almost always get Streamline though.

  9. It used to work. I haven't touched the thing ever since I got it to rank 30.

    Pretty sure DZ is 20%, but not absolutely sure.

    I know the crit% is much higher than the others, so it's pretty much the only thing even considering modding with +crit%.

  10. Just a thought, maybe try normal missions instead of defense? I'm clearing ~300 mobs (infested) per mission of whatever type (less on extermination for obvious reasons - no spawns everything predetermined at start). And is way faster than defense where after a certain wave depending on level it takes longer and longer to kill them (or wait for them to kill eachother in Chaos).

    Hmm, I'll try that. Thanks.

    And yeah, RNG sucks.

    There's about ~135ish possible mods, including the various types of Fusion Cores.

    I've probably looted well over a thousand by now, considering at one point, i had about 35 pages of mods with 0 cores.

    That's with me fusing and selling useless ones for me like Revenge/Ghost/Thief's Wit/etc.

    Yet 0 of the rifle freeze mod.

    I think I've literally looted EVERY other mod, including at least one of every skill for every warframe.

    Anyway, I don't want to go on a rant.

    Thanks Anelyn, I'll try doing some normal missions as well.

    Defense missions are just easier since they basically just swarm you in one spot.

    Also I noticed I get more mods in Defense than normal ones considering I usually leave with ~10 mods; but no harm in trying.

  11. Welp, four days later, grinding defense maps for all 3 factions and still no Deep Freeze for rifle.

    If anyone has gotten one recently and remember what faction/where, I'd really appreciate it.

    I know they're supposed to be random drops, but it couldn't hurt.

  12. He's actually talking about your profile page, it lists all the weapons you've ever used, up to what rank along with other stats.

    But it's probably better to do it for the reasons KBTKaiser said since that's actually practical rather than aesthetic.

  13. First of all, headshots are not criticals. They're just hitting weak points.

    You can crit a headshot and that damage compounds.

    Second of all, AP mods do work on Paris, it's just that elemental damage is screwed atm if you're not the host.

    When it does work, it shows up as another number like any other elemental damage.

    Third, "half" charging a Paris does absolutely nothing.

    It's the same damage whether you 0% charge or 99% charge.

    You have to fully charge it for it to do the extra damage.

    Atm, it seems crit chance is only feasible on the Snipetron and Dual Zorens since they have 20% crit chance innate.

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