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Posts posted by WakeTheShark

  1. You dont play heavy characthers because...

    Boy, than I'm sorry. thats your problem.

    I can project myself on every character. so can most people that play this, even if they dont admit it. Its perfectly acceptable and natural as long as you consider it natural.

    So, to be honest... I think its you who isn't grasping the concept. 

    You can project yourself in a character that is nothing like you.



    I suppose you'll also support a project that aims to make a skinny rhino,or a beefed-up nova? or, well, a big mesa? Because those will all help with people projecting themselves into the characther.

    Indeed, by your logic, characters shouldn't even exist, because that way you couldn't perfectly project yourself in all of them.

    Of course, by now, people will start saying that you can just choose another character that you project yourself, or simply deal with your difficulty with projecting yourself in characters that dont look like you, instead of basically changing the whole game and loosing half of the defining traits of every character in honor of "projection".

    And so, we get here.

    Every creation with a personality will make it easier and harder for some to project themselves. its natural, and it isnt a big deal.

    I'd rather have a bunch of unique characters (and, regardless of being pawns of not, we all can admit they all have personality) than of empty shells.

    Personality makes everything so much fun.

    I never called it a problem, I enjoy how I play the game, the lack of a genderbent feature isn't gamebreaking for me. The only one who has a problem with it here is you. It's a game about personal customization, choosing a frame, choosing the colors, customizing your operator, etc. I don't care how people want to represent themselves because it's up to them but you're argument is a slippery slope fallacy which really doesn't sway anyone or provide anything constructive to think about.


    You have a very narrow view, "If I can do this anyone can!" and you're very condescending about it so again it really only seems like you're the one that has the problem here. People have preferences and just because you enjoy doing x doesn't mean that everyone else does.

  2. What does this have to do with my feelings?


    Don't even care.

    In Need For Speed 2, there are cheat codes so dumb that there is one to race as a Bathroom. be careful what you ask for :)


    Then please don't post if you don't have anything constructive to say.


    But it does matter, if the Warframes are based on a specific person.


    Why would you make a tribute to a specific person and then change their gender?


    i.e. you got a statue dedicated to you, but it was the opposite gender as you - not only can that be insulting but then it's not even a tribute to you but someone elses concept of what you should be.


     Again it doesn't matter, you're trying to compare me, a real person, to a fictional person in a fictional universe. On top of that we have skins that are candy canes and moustaches which are hardly lore friendly too. So even if it did impact the lore there are already things present that do as well.

  3. Because I don't like pistachio flavored ice cream. But I know I don't like it because I tried it. OP wont even try the ice cream.


    And while I pretty much play female frames 90% of the time, I will use male frames such as Frost or Loki for when I actually need them. If someone asked you to be a EV Trin for a co op mission, would you say "No because I don't play girls?"

    Except Ice Cream requires you to actually taste it to know if you like it, you don't buy ice cream based on what color it is. It's a food you eat which hardly tells anything about yourself. There's no denying I might like the gameplay of one warframe or the other (much like there's no denying that I might like playing as a mage in Skyrim) but because I feel like that's out of character for myself I won't play Ember or a mage in Skyrim.


    Also I wouldn't say no because I don't play female frames, I'd say no because I don't have that frame. Why would I own a frame I don't play?

  4. Fine, using fictional people - Luke Skywalker wouldn't work as well as a female, nor would Leia look quite to nice in the slave bikini.


    It does matter, if the 'frames are based on specific characters.   


    You're right, but if it was a person based on Luke Skywalker or based off of Leia they could be either gender and still show visual cosmetics/characteristics that connect to the person they're based off of. These are Warframes that aren't the actual people they're based off of remember?

  5. Like I posted, we don't have enough lore to support gender bending nor to prevent it.  


    As to gender bending even if the Warframes are supposed to represent specific people - does that mean that you would support portraying male/female historical figures in different genders, or representing them in two genders at the same time?


    Einstein just developed a duel personality with bewbs while Amelia Earhart just grew a penis?  It doesn't work.  Unless the 'frames aren't based on specific people, then it works and I have no issue with alt genders - I even support it because I believe that the more options the better.  


    This is irrelevant to actual real historical people, this is a game where the lore is made up and the characters aren't actual people. The game is here for the players not the other way around which is why I feel like it hardly matters.

  6. I'm in agreement with what you're saying but I'd like to touch on your last sentence.


    There is no way of knowing if the Second Dream quest was due to DE catering to people and I'm willing to bet that it's something they're been working on for awhile, before gender bending became such a hot issue.


    My stance on the concept of gender bending is generally in favor of but, in the instance of Warframe I'd prefer to get the lore being the Warframes themselves before backing an alt gender skin.


    The reason behind that is we don't know why the Warframes were made the way they were yet.  They could very well be modeled after the first Tenno children - they're ideal adult body or Orokin maturity projections, who knows - and if that's the case, I don't think they should be gender bent.   


    Because then we lose the lore that is behind that 'frame.  It's not any longer; Mag was modeled after the Zarimon child, Noamuth.  It'd then be; Mag is just a 'frame someone came up with and it doesn't actually have any meaning behind why it looks the way it does.


    Second Dream was a step in the right direction to actually giving Warframe a coherent story, but I don't think there is enough concrete lore to explicitly argue away genderbent warframes. Even if a warframe is based on a person in history it really doesn't devalue that lore if there's a warframe that still is Mag that is still based off of said person.


    The majority of players don't want gender options. It would take quite a while to make each variant and it seems most of the community would rather new frames. While a number of players do want gender options, it's far from the majority. Ultimately the decision is up to DE, and I highly doubt they'll change their official statement any time soon.


    If they do at some point, cool. That's good for those who want it. (Even though after The Second Dream I don't think there's really a point to genderbending the frames but that's neither here nor there). Alternatively DE said that while they aren't going to genderbend frames, they would be open to making alternate gender frames with a similar theme. This way both parties would be happy, more or less.



    Correction: Most players don't care about gender options.

    There's little to no reason to be against the addition of new cosmetic content that doesn't effect players that wouldn't use it (again pointless to bring up time and effort on DE's part since it's entirely based on assumption and will always be debatable.)


    You're right, the decision is ultimately up to DE but again they're not the end all be all to the discussion of the option which is why players will always bring it up.


    The Second Dream at least for me is irrelevant in projecting myself onto the Warframe. Your Operator hides away in the ship 24/7 and your representation is the Warframe, the thing you are playing as 95% of the time (other 5% being the Operator ability.)


    It's like how in Titanfall you are not the Titan you are the pilot, but that didn't stop me from projecting myself onto the titan (preferring the agile frame over the heavy or medium).


    I don't see this as sexist. I just see an insecure man. Would it be sexists if a woman came in asking to play female excal because she enjoys role playing as her characters?


    Now let me add I'm not defending OP, I use whatever the hell I want regardless of gender, BUT if it comes in female flavor, I will most likely choose female flavor. Just like ice cream, I'll eat vanilla, I'll eat chocolate, but I clearly prefer to eat one over the other.


    Why is it insecure to play the way you like and like how you play?

  7. Yur not the one doing the animating, programming etc.

    Look at the new Loki Skin as an example. 

    Skin was designed for a slimer Loki, more feminate Loki, but when placed on actual model, it looks garbage.

    That is only one of the many issue that will happen, from Modeling, animations, programming. 

    If yu think Modeling is easy , go look up on it. It is really difficult with meshing and takes up valuable time trying to make a complete Mesh that does not mess up. 


    Not only that, there is rigging to do, and painting the weights of the joints and making sure mesh does not detach during animation.

    DE will probably not put anymore effort into re-modelling a entire Mesh on a finished product, just because someone demanded a female version.

    This will mean :

    Remodeling the base. Remodeling the Prime variant. (Take note, Primed versions are most likely a whole new Mesh on their own, so there is that to work with) 


    Bug fixing in hindsight that some stances will cause the model to warp (Hello Germsi Valkyr with the crippled arm)


    Ain't no one got the time for that.




    DE already gives us cool delux skins already, and I can tell alot of effort is put into them. 


    Somethings are just not meant to be. Gender bending is definately not an option.

    The whole second dream ending where yu choose to make yur Operator is the entire basis for this : some people wanna role play as themselves, and they are trying to cater.

    You're right, I'm not a developer on the game, but neither are you. They made a pre-corpus model of Valkyr, they make reskins/remodels all the time so jumping from reskins/remodels to alternate gendered options isn't as huge as a leap as you think.


    The difficulty of modelling is irrelevant to the discussion as again is a cop-out response for just about any criticism or suggestion. ("Do you have any idea how hard x is to do? Therefore x is never happening").


    Gender bending is an option, decisions are only concrete when people make them so. Even though DE made a statement on it doesn't stop people from wanting it and requesting it. If enough people want it I'm sure DE would change their mind.


    Lastly the Second Dream quest, is an excellent example of DE catering for people wanting to role play as themselves which is why it doesn't have to stop there.

  8. It impacts the game negatively because it increases the workload on DE and slows down creating NEW content. You know, like actual frames instead of the same frame, but with boobs.

    This is still new content, but is content that you personally don't want. Which is fine, but at the end of the day you can call any content that you don't like in the game negatively impacting the game by preventing content that you do like from being developed. It's a cop-out response that I see all too often in the Warframe forums.

  9. Non the less it's silly to demand/ask for gender swapping due to this from games like this.

    A bit over-exaggerating to call it "demanding", why is it silly? Why is having more cosmetic options in the game silly? How does it impact you or the game negatively?

  10. note: saying that I can't play a characther because it's a gurl and I'm a man makes as much sense as to say I dont play heavy characthers because I'm skinny. That is, it doesn't make sense.


    It doesn't make sense? Have you honestly never projected yourself into the character you play? Have you never heard of anyone ever doing that? Some people like projecting themselves onto the characters they play, it's not some unknown anomaly. I actually DON'T play heavy characters because they don't match my body type, you know why? Because I'm projecting myself onto the character. I personally only play stealth frames because that's how I see myself in the game. I for the most part only play male frames because that's how I see myself in the game. I don't understand why this is a difficult concept to grasp.

  11. I suspect the delay is linked with connection latency. I certainly get some that seem longer than others.

    I've never noticed an inconsistency on the delays, everytime I hack something, it won't register until you end the "hacking"

  12. On more than one occasion I've fudged up stealthing a spy mission and I lose the data with 1 or 2 seconds on the clock because the hacking UI won't register the success until it's 100% disappeared. I'm sick of this happening, I'll use a cipher as a last ditch effort to get the data and it fails anyway.


    Hacking needs to be updated so that the moment you solve the puzzle or press the cipher button then it registers as a success.

  13. I'm not sure how to phrase this, so here goes.


    "Mind your own business".


    The losing party in a war WOULD up the ante, to get warriors to fight for them. We are mercenaries. This is what we DO.

    If we're following this "Up the ante" logic Alad V would've caught up with Nef Anyo by now in terms of rewards.

  14. Karyst with a pure toxin build would be awesome against Corpus, especially against Crewmen and Artimoas (100% shield bypass ftw).


    For the Paris Prime and Dread, I'd look at replacing the Toxin/Heat secondary element with +120% Puncture/Slash if you have those mods.


    Also Dread or PPrime are both better than Cernos for Corpus.

    For the daggers would you think putting on the faction damage mods (smite corpus) would also help? For Corpus I set up a karyst with fever strike, virulent scourge, Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike, Fury, True Steel (Karyst as a 10% crit chance), Melee Prowess, and Smite Corpus

    Would that do?

  15. Well I once did a 1hr Infested survival run using Sheev only. Sheev can kill lvl 100 Eximus Ancients. I believe I used viral (Vicious Frost, Virulent Scourge), Electric (Voltaic Strike), Buzzkill, Jagged Edge, Pressure Point, Fury, Life Strike. Using the Pointed Wind stance. 

    Would that be better than the Karyst? Since the Karyist has that 50 base toxin damage

  16. I had a similar thread way back when for just bows: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/161126-most-effective-bow-loadouts/


    But I was wanting to make sure the loadouts still hold true.


    Basically I like running Bows and Daggers regardless of how effective they are, and typically like to have a weapon per faction, Cernos/Corpus, Paris/Grineer, Dread/Infested and now I was wanting to do that for daggers too as well as have a loadout for Void, as it stands now here is my loadouts I think



    Paris Prime: http://imgur.com/9feoOkM Radiation/Toxin

    Fang Prime: http://imgur.com/OLCpASG Radiation/Toxin



    Cernos: http://imgur.com/IotZtoJ Magnetic/Heat

    Sheev: http://imgur.com/DQdn6BG Magnetic/Heat



    Dread: http://imgur.com/exA5Vtr Corrosive/Heat

    Karyst: http://imgur.com/FzWyCkx Corrosive/Heat



    Paris Prime: http://imgur.com/5UZiVjJ Corrosive/Heat

    Dagger Undecided


    Basically I'm trying to use mod loadouts that get out a good amount of damage for each enemy in it's respective faction. Any suggestions?

  17. It does show something because most of the corrupted mods you need to get max strength and max range are Rank 10 Rare mods.  Those take a long time to max.  You can stack different corrupted mods to eliminate any of the negative bonuses you don't want.  The reason those mods are rank 10 rare is because they are really really good mods.


    All of the builds for Viver required max range and max strength which comes mostly from corrupted mods.


    I don't know exactly what you are trying to argue against, do you mind clarifying?


    You were trying to claim that the issue with Interception missions was press4towin syndrome when in reality, people made these loadouts and set ups that locked down the map was because of the amount of grinding you had to do to get standing for syndicates, players no longer cared about the mission, they wanted what little the mission provided.


    You can try to counter the downsides of corrupted mods but in the end you're wasting mod slots and one stat is still going to be lost, hence min/max loadouts. The REWARD to min/maxing your loadout is that your amplifying one strength of your warframe at the cost of others, that includes maxing out the strength to an ability. That is also to say that not many players min/max and not many players press4towin

  18. I do not see a problem with this when you need to max out R10 rare mods to do that.  Hundreds of hours of farming to get to that strength point.


    Also in response to the OP, "high level players" will just drop energy restores or have trinity energy vamp and continue to spam ultimates and not move from a spot.  The "Press 4 to Win" issue that DE is trying to stop is only on Interception.  Could you imagine the cool game you made devolve into 3 people afk with a macro pressing 4 and another spinning his mouse with a macro on 2?  That's the problem they tried to solve and it has nothing to do with overusing abilities in any other game mode.  You should be able to feel powerful after hundreds of hours of farming.  When I first started it took me over 30 minutes to clear a single T4E key.  Now after all my efforts it only takes maybe 5 minutes.


    Saying "R10 Rare Mod" doesn't show anything because R10 or Rare does not indicate it's power, the direct stat effect does, and one can't make OP abilities without the corrupted mods that take away something at the same time. The problem that caused "pressing 4 to win" on interception was Viver, and the horrendous amount of grind you had to do to gain standing from Syndicates, don't pretend that "press 4 to win" caused that.

  19. After DE's bit about the "drinking bird gameplay", you think /he/ has the problem? I'm gonna call you even more dense than the person you're accusing.


    P4TW is an issue. I don't want to sit back and watch someone else play the game while I have nothing to shoot. Most people don't. If you can't understand that, it is you who has the problem.


    Calling it a problem doesn't suddenly make it a problem, and just because DE thinks that's the case too doesn't prove your point, that's an appeal to authority fallacy. I keep on stating this over and over but I rarely run into the issue of "I have nothing to shoot" the only times this does happen is when I'm playing with randoms which is what you're going to get for playing with randoms. There is little to no teamwork with random players, and most people playing open are just wanting to rush through the mission and more players helps speed things along. The issue lies with the people you're playing with, nerfing abilities and trying to make the game what it isn't is not going to accomplish anything and "If you can't understand that, it is you who has the problem."


    You guys are dense...
    For every Loki or Tryn, that are not all about #4, there's Saryn, Oberon, Ember etc. Which have #4 and that's all they need. And I don't have anything against powerful room clearing abilities, I love them! I'm against using it non-stop. 
    And usually all arguments at this point come to "Just obuse yourself, stop QQing". But that's not the point. It's not a racing game!


    And you're making up a issue that doesn't exist, even Rhino doesn't spam his 4th ability, he'll Iron Skin, Roar and do that slash dash copy way before resulting to stomp. I have no idea what kind of players you play with but all players I ever see use all of there abilities in synergy and equally. It sounds to me that you're having a problem with how a minority of players are playing the game.


    Yeah. My bad about a movie.


    But again, you are defending bad game design by that one situation when coptering+4 isn't a way to win. "Ooh, if you stay in survival for three hours, you won't be able..." Yes, ok, but I can easily number 4 the hell out of everything up to lvl 30. Which is, basically, most of the game.


    And the only way game can put a challenge is by spewing bullet sponge enemies, that proc-kill you and render most of the abilities useless by that point. I want a challenge in Warframe, but not that kind of challenge.
    I'm sure many thing, like new enemies, game modes, frames etc are made, having ability spam in mind. Wouldn't it be great if game balance will not dance around "Homer drinking toy" factor? If lazy people won't be able to nuke a room every second of a match, have to somewhat aim, maybe plan a bit - it would already bring some diversity.


    There *is* diversity in the game, the 4th ability isn't always the go to ability to use in any given situation, that's what the other 3 abilities are for. Loki for example, I'll keep myself invisible most of the time to either get breathing room or gain that stealth damage bonus with melee, I'll throw out a decoy to redirect fire away from teammates or from a defense objective. Players don't only use the 4th ability.

  22. Lol.

    Inception is a movie , Interception is a gamemode.

    And Ash's Bladestorm cannot clear a room of enemies in T4S or Defense, perhaps you should try leaving mercury once in awhile.

    Ash is the only Warframe (well maybe Mesa too) where I spam his 4th ability, and this is because I find his invisibility a extremely weaker version of Loki's, shuriken still sucks, and teleport is only useful on the occasion. That being said though I have nothing wrong with how I play him, I have fun, and it never prevents others from having fun too.

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