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Posts posted by parkel

  1. I was thinking... If there are frames that can control minds, fire, water, electricity, ice and even viruses, why not have a frame that can control time? 


    Main Concept

    Paradox's abilities revolve around the control of time. This frame is meant to be a CC frame, much like Nyx, but has the potential to dish out damage as well.


    Warframe Stats

    Health: 100 (300 at rank 30) 

    Shields: 100 (300 at rank 30)

    Armor: 15

    Energy: 150 (225 at rank 30)

    Sprint Speed: 1.25

    Polarities: 1x 20?cb=20150301001230

                     1x 20?cb=20150301001230

    Aura Polarity: 20?cb=20150301001230



    1. Hourglass

    This ability produces a slow moving ball which travels in a straight line, expiring when it hits a wall, or reaches the maximum range. Enemies which are hit by the ball will take damage every second. The ball will move at around the sprint speed of an unmodded Rhino. 

    Power Usage: 35

    Maximum Range: 10/10/15/15

    Damage per Tick: 50/75/75/100

    Range mods will affect the range of the ball. Strength mods will affect the amount of damage dealt. Duration mods will affect how fast each tick occurs. How this works is in the spoiler below.


    How duration mods will work for Hourglass: The amount of duration reduced is inversely proportional to the amount of duration added with a duration mod. For example, vanilla Hourglass will do 1 tick per second. If a maxed Continuity is used (which adds 30% Power Duration), Hourglass will do 1 tick per 0.7 seconds instead (1s - (0.30 * 1s)= 0.7s).


    2. Lost Time

    This ability generates a pulse of energy, slowing time for enemies caught in the cone and damaging them per second for the duration of the slow.

    Power Usage: 35

    Damage: 25/40/60/80 /s

    Duration of Slow: 5/7/10/12s

    Range: 10/15/20/20m

    Cone Angle: 30/30/45/45° 

    Slow Factor: 50% of movement/attack speed

    Range mods will affect the range of the cone. Strength mods will increase the damage per tick and the slow factor. Duration mods will affect the duration of the slow.


    3. Timeless (lol i can't name abilities)

    An AOE ability that stops time for enemies. If the enemy is affected by Lost Time, the damage per second of Lost Time will be multiplied by 1.5, then multiplied by the remaining duration to deal damage. 


    How the synergy works: Assume that Rank 4 Lost Time is casted (unmodded), which deals 80 damage/s over a period of 12s. If Timeless is casted 2 seconds after Lost Time is casted, the damage breakdown will be as follows: 

    -80 damage/s multiplied by 1.5 = 120 damage

    -120 damage multiplied by the remaining amount of time Lost Time is in effect (10 seconds) = 1200 damage dealt to each enemy affected by Lost Time.

    Power Usage: 75

    Damage: (see spoiler for synergy) 

    Range: 10/15/20/25m

    Duration of Time Stopped: 3/5/5/7s

    Range mods will affect the range of the AOE. Strength mods will not affect this ability. Duration mods will affect the duration of the time stop. 


    4. Time Capsule

    Time Capsule, by itself, will generate a bubble that slows time for enemies inside it. The bubble will be casted at whichever enemy the reticle is pointing at, much like Limbo's Cataclysm, except generating around an enemy instead of anywhere on the ground/ceiling/wall. The enemy which the bubble is casted on will be frozen in place (much like Timeless, except only for a single enemy), with the enemy being the center of the bubble. The bubble will collapse after a certain period, dealing AOE damage to enemies around it. The enemy which the bubble is casted on will also take the same amount of AOE damage as the enemies around them when the bubble collapses.

    This ability will synergise with Lost Time. For each enemy in the bubble that is affected by Lost Time, an additional bubble will be created around the affected enemy. The new bubble that is created will have the same effect as Time Capsule. This can potentially freeze a large number of enemies in place with a chain effect, as well as dealing AOE damage when the bubble(s) collapse(s).

    However, if the enemy is killed while the bubble is active around them, the bubble will collapse prematurely, dealing 50% of the damage as compared to the bubble collapsing by itself.

    Power Usage: 100

    Range of Bubble: 5/5/6/7m around the affected enemy

    Duration of Bubble: 5s

    Damage of AOE: 500/600/700/800 (halved if enemy killed before duration expires)

    Range of AOE: 7/7/8/9m around the affected enemy

    Range mods will affect the range of the bubble. Strength mods will affect the amount of damage dealt. Duration mods (!!) will affect the duration of the bubble. Therefore, use duration mods at the expense of bubbles taking longer to collapse.


    TL;DR, crowd control, more crowd control and burst damage potential. 

    Thanks for reading this! I just got bored because there were no Alerts that had good stuff.

    But even if you only read the TL;DR, thanks for your time.

  2. I was thinking... If there are frames that can control minds, fire, water, electricity, ice and even viruses, why not have a frame that can control time? 

    Main Concept

    Paradox's abilities revolve around the control of time. Paradox is NOT meant to be something like Excalibur or Ember, which can dish out lots and lots of damage over a relatively short period of time. Paradox is meant to control the flow of time for allies and enemies alike, making it something of a cross between Trinity and Nyx (...or just a buffed Oberon...). 

    Warframe Stats

    Health: 100 (300 at rank 30) 

    Shields: 100 (300 at rank 30)

    Armor: 15

    Energy: 150 (225 at rank 30)

    Sprint Speed: 1.25

    Polarities: 1x 20?cb=20150301001230



  3. I just experienced this problem during a Corpus defense mission. My Ash's and Karak's mods didn't seem to be working at all. 

    I had magnetic damage on the Karak, which was supposed to tear through Corpus shields, but I dealt significantly lesser damage than I did compared to the previous round against Corpus as well. Moreover, my Ash had 222 power (modded), and maxed Continuity, which meant Bladestorm only costed me 75 energy to use. But throughout the whole defense I only had 100 power and Bladestorm used 100 energy. 

  4. Hi, 

    Are you still recruiting? I'm a returning player. Played when Warframe just came out in 2013. Stopped playing after Frost Prime hit. Just returned a week ago, so I'm still getting used to a lot of things.

  5. The audio cue doesn't seem to work any longer AFAIK. 

    But I don't think the cameras should be changed in any way. 


    Neither more locations, nor should they have blinking lights. 


    I mean, picture this scenario: 

    You walk into 7-11 with the intention to steal something. 

    Would you notice the camera in the corner? 


    You might.


    But will there be a blinking light telling you there's a camera there staring at you waiting for you to snitch something off the shelves? No. 


    Also, neither will there be 15 cameras in a single 7-11. :/

  6. Here's my take on this thing: 


    Lotus has mentioned in the game (when clicking on the operations menu) that if we do not destroy the Fusion MOAs in time, the Corpus will gain a more powerful ally. 


    If we, however, manage to destroy the Fusion MOAs in time, we will gain some mystical Artifact that will boost something that we have. 


    From there: 

    -If we manage to kill Fusion MOAs in time: 

    We gain a global affinity/credit/rare mod drop rate boost. 


    Everyone who has participated gains an Orokin Reactor/Catalyst.


    -If we do not manage to kill them in time: 

    A new boss unlocks for Europa. 


    An entirely new sector, higher level than Pluto, appears and is dominated by the Corpus with a very strong boss.

  7. Looks to me like this event/game mode will be sticking around for a while.

    Understandably, first time events/game modes are always in beta.


    Since it is supposedly in beta (we're in OBT afterall), I see that there are a few problems that could be fixed: 

    1) Too much to kill within a short period of time (won't know until Monday, but I'll throw this in here anyway).

    2) No incentive to killing the Fusion MOAs.

    3) Spawn rate is way too low.

    4) Spawning of Fusion MOAs only exist in Europa (1 sector). 




    For point 1, as mentioned above, we won't know until Monday arrives. I do hope we make it to 100% though. 


    Something to add to the results screen (for the sake of eye candy) would be to show how many Fusion MOAs are killed, along with the amount of percentage a single player/his team has contributed to the overall amount (might be too hard to implement).




    For point 2, there should be an incentive (other than getting to 100%) for each Fusion MOA killed. 

    Currently, as it stands, killing Fusion MOAs mean nothing to people. They're just a new normal mob, much like Shockwave MOAs.



    My suggestion is to have incentives for killing them (be it alone or in a group). For each kill that a single player/a group makes, points are added to a universal system (for future Operations?) which can then be exchanged for either Rare 5 Fusion Cores (considering how hard they are to get now) or other Rare mods like Flow/Streamline. 




    For point 3, we'll also have to wait till Monday to see how it goes. As it currently stands, however, I feel the spawn rate is a little low, considering that we have to kill tons of them. 




    Point 4 holds almost the same degree of doubt as point 3 does. 


    But if I were the Corpus, I would deploy them in all available sectors to generate the largest profits by taking over as many Grineer/Infested ships as possible.


    What I mean by this, is essentially making a Fusion MOA invasion (of sorts...). In any mission you join, there will be spawns (around 5 to 6 per mission) of Fusion MOAs, no matter the faction you're facing.

  8. Preferred Frame: Rhino

    Preferred Primary Weapon: Strun

    Preferred Secondary Weapon: Akbolto

    Preferred Melee: Gram




    Rhino for Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp and generally epically heavy crowd control. 

    Strun... Well, basically any Shotgun would do. Hek might not be viable due to the low clip size. Boar is nice for just pumping shells into everything in front.

    Akbolto for that constant stream of bolts knockback stuff. 

    Gram for attack speed + 360 degrees of damage freedom.

  9. Mobile defense maps for Grineer Asteroid Bases (AFAIK anyway) have very little electronics for Volt's Overload to blow up to increase the effective damage and damage range. 


    The more the electronics in the area (Corpus ships for instance), the more damage and range Volt's Overload would output.

  10. I disagree with the combo mods part. I don't think we need duplicate mods, it would ruin the entire balance thing.


    For example,

    Serratation X (165% more damage) + Heavy Fire VI (15% more damage) = 180% more damage. (Defeats the purpose of balancing weapons)




    This however is a pretty good suggestion.


    Edit: Fixed typo.


    His post clearly states that there will be disadvantages to using those duplicate mods. 


    In exchange for 15% more damage, you get less max ammo. That basically kills the Gorgon and Grakata (some occasions Braton) in terms of ammo, though I feel the ammo reduction could be harsher.


    In that way, the balance will still be kept, without truly overpowering weapons.



  11. 1: Need a good solid ranged weapon.


    2: A good melee weapons since im thinking of perma play Rhino i love the playstyle.


    3: How the hell do i get these weapons im still using my starter weapons.. :/. If possible dont want to buy platinum with real money


    4: How do i chat with ppl team when we run missions... cant find the hotkey for it...




    Everything stated below is my opinion, ymmv.


    1) A solid ranged weapon would either be a Burston or a Boltor. 


    2) Gram is a good weapon for jumping in and smacking everyone with it.


    3) You can get these weapons through the Market using credits. You have to build some weapons with blueprints, they are at the last page of the Weapons list. Blueprints require credits, a set amount of waiting time and a set amount of resources, along with a set amount of credits to start building. 


    Based on my ranged/melee weapon suggestion above, the Boltor and the Gram both require blueprints to craft if you aren't spending platinum.


    4) Default chat key is T. You can rebind the key in the options > controls menu. 


    Have fun!

  12. YMMV, but I actually find the Grakata pretty easy to use. 

    Granted, I only got it up to Rank 10 and haven't gotten around to potato-ing it yet, the gun feels "heavy" in combat. 


    It feels almost as if it's a shotgun (tap fire) with a full automatic option for mowing down everything in front of you. 

    At short-mid ranges, the accuracy is actually pretty good, with controllable recoil. Again, YMMV. 

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