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Posts posted by (XBOX)LA DU7CH MA5T3R

  1. No that's not the problem. I would pay for a riven if it had the stats I wanted and was a fair price all things considered. That is how it should be. But when an mr6 player thinks that rivens all sell for 20k plat then they start to want that account of plat for their rivens and so on and so forth. To the point that a few weeks ago fulmin rivs were selling for around 600p-1.5k for the good to Groll. Now,  weeks later, after hella weapon releases ppl are trying to sell unrolled fulmin rivens for 2k plat. It's not because they're worth that much that people are posting like that, it's because this group of people that all have MB in front of there name keep flooding trade chat with ridiculous prices and then shaming people for not paying that price. Which also makes other newer players think it's ok to talk to people in that manner. That's the problem

  2. So the key to fixing a known problem is ignoring it?

    Player: hm for scoliac riv?

    MB***: 4.7k

    Player: Nty

    MB***: just another broke ass scrub

    Player: (ignore)

    Player:(receives Xbox message: hahaha #*!%in scrub git gud)

    That's how most conversations go when dealing with these players. That's a normal trade conversation? People behaving like that should just be ignored, tolerated? Those who try to stand up and actually say something should be told just ignore it? You're right that sounds completely reasonable. My mistake. I'll just ignore it next time

  3. If you haven't noticed lately that riven prices are ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS, then you haven't watched trader chat for longer than 5 seconds. And it all boils down to a group of players, dubbing themselves "riven mafia", spiking prices on the market to absurd prices and then shaming you for not having 15k plat to spend on a mediocre riven. Oh you wanted a riven that actually has relevant stats? Those start at 20k.

    Now must of us know how ridiculous these prices sound. A smaller margin of people, sadly, dont. And of course there's newer players and those who have just never had the need to trade,  that are getting on trade chat for the first time and seeing these posts. Now they have it in their head that that is how rivens are supposed to be traded and if good rivens go for that much surely a bad riven could get me a couple hundred plat right? 

    Welcome to the trade chat of today. 

    Something needs to be done, there's no reason that a group of people should be able to ruin the market, constantly express how they "run" the market, dub themselves the "riven mafia", constantly shame other players yet nothing is done. I've had a friend quit playing because her felt bullied in chat and didn't want to deal with it. I've had conversations with countless players in game about the things this group of people have done and how they treat people. 

    This isnt right. Something needs to be done. 

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