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Posts posted by BrainInvader

  1. I see where you are coming from, but casual play with goals to look forward to in new updates sure as heck seems alot better than endless hours of frustration where the only thing you have left to do is be "lucky enough" to progress further.

    As someone who "finished" the RNG game last night after 8 G3 encounters by farming(and a few extra by not-farming), I think over 200 missions while farming, killing them everytime with a nekros in team each time finally got the barrel and now it's in production :D


    I had a fairly interesting(to me anyway:P) way of getting everything:

    Dread, normal drop

    Despair, dropped in mission and picked up the orb, didn't get as reward, after a week talking with support got it back(Praise Microsoft for Return to previous version on the EE.log, making me able to get back my file that stated the despair dropped and got picked up by me)

    Hate, joined some Russians already in mission(selected a random node on the map, don't remember much more why I chose that node), turned out they had just killed stalker, Hate orb was on the floor waiting for me :D


    Detron...That was a farm...about 50-100 missions, only 4 encounters, but I got it :)

    Brakk...Even more of a farm... I think 200-300 missions, 11 total encounters, like 5 BP's >.<


    Having(I'm a hoarder) all the mods and weapons and frames and kubrows and sentinels I can obtain according to the codex, I can say that all I got left to do now is farm XP for mastery rank, fusion all my mods and scan everything. Currently on 872 hours of gameplay according to steam so at 1000 I should be "done" playing the game.(Although scanning might take a while thanks to the damned Eximus enemies)


    So I admit, just the farming being left isn't exactly pulling me into the game and just feels like a wall, but I think it is important as well not to rely on DE to make the game fun for you, but that you should also find reasons for yourself to keep going.


    All in all, I got fairly lucky along my way in comparison to some. Although it definitely didn't feel that way while farming.


    Good luck on RNG all of you, you'll need it... Maybe sacrifice some Warframes to RNGesus, could help xD Or spend 1k plat in trading chat in 3 hours, that sure made me skip a lot of RNG elements!


    That is not a reason. Instead of screwing over the builds of some people and buffing the builds of others, they could just not remove any slots and everyone would be happy.


    I haven't forma'd all slots on any frame.


    I don't understand the "The needs of the many are more important than the needs of the few" attitude. They could just not remove any mod slots and make everyone happy.



    Yes, because our frames totally aren't too powerful yet, yup, totally not.

    10 slots will just create an even bigger gap between low level players and high level players, and make end-game even easier than it already is. 

  3. True, but not all of them. I know of people who have every slot forma'd so they can use one ability to it's maximum potential. I don't necessarily support this playstyle but it does exist. 

    But those people who did forma enough, are getting punished for no reason.

    Why the hell would you forma all slots?! You only need like 4-5 slots AT THE MOST forma'd to basically run any build you want! 

    Formaing all slots is asking to get in trouble in the future, not the devs fault.


    And in this case, I fully agree with the devs. The needs of the many are more important than the needs of the few. This change helps new players a lot, and actually makes all abilities used(or at least possible to be used) instead of frames becoming a one trick pony which, let's be honest, is not all that fun and is kinda a waste of Dev time for making the other abilities. 

  4. G3 is insanely damaging sometimes, other time they don´t deal damage at all.

    I have been farming them for some short-ish time now(Only need barrel now...) and several times seen them down 3 of our 4 players in the space of 2 seconds, luckily the 4th either reviving us in time or finishing off the last one. 

    And the damage seems to come from nowhere, it just hits us and we go down o.o

  5. ありがとう  ^_^

    こんばんわ BangUrDeadTC-san. :) おげんきですか。


    *tries his best to use the little Japanese he knows*(I am self-learning it ^.^(sadly))

  6. I joined about a year ago, just after founders/Gravidus Dilemma(just my luck :/) 862 hours currently in-game,


    I'll respond to your points:

    -Visible marks: They be coming, everyone rejoice! I just hope that we can see it in our squad so we can make sure people aren't lying about being marked or not.

    -Adjustable mod levels: YES! Something I would suggest however is that we still need to upgrade a mod, but that we can scale it between each level we have unlocked.

    -Bleedout Crawling: I can work with it currently, but it is something has annoyed me as well.

    -running enemies: Quite annoying I agree at times, especially when trying to melee and you are stuck behind them trying to melee them and everytime barely missing and having to manually override my position to actually hit.

    -Visible Secondary Objective: This is coming! It is a bug(DEPablo said so in a thread) and will be fixed "in the next big update" apparently.

    -More mod info: I completely agree, I want to see all stats of a mod, total HP of iron skin, total range on nova wormhole, total damage of world on fire, energy drain of absorb etc. without having to go onto the wiki for this info.

    -Kubrows dying: Haven't had this issue (yet), but then again, I got all 4 types in stasis because they are terrible in comparison.

    -energy/power and reload bug: yup, that should get fixed

    -Event rewards: Founder things and 1 or 2 Closed Beta things are truly exclusive, will(If I understood correctly) never be released again. The rest are "in the vault" to be released someday...maybe...  #More info below on my opinion

    -Votekick: Could be abused, I am on the fence of how to fix this the best way.

    -Night time: Don't care, do whatever.

    -Codex Scanner: Why do we even have to buy scans for them, they cost next to nothing and are just an annoyance.

    -Balanced Event times: You mean alerts? Those are semi-random. There is a big list of possible alerts that get activated at random moments and picks a random reward of things not yet chosen in the list. If all is chosen, it resets.(That is how I understood the explanation of how they worked)

    -Resource extractor: I am against changing it. The main income should be from your own farming, not from waiting for your bots to collect all of it for you. I however am for making such resources slightly more common in general or making "common" materials more useful.

    -Destroyed tileset: I think I know which one you mean, but I have no problem there... Could you post a picture to be certain?

    -Blueprint removal: Fine with me, I'd rather have 1.2k xp for my already maxed frame than another furis BP.

    -Defense reward stacking: I have seen in a forum thread that it could be coming, but no idea when or if it is actually coming.

    -weekly quests: If made to work like I explained the alert system, I would be fine with that.

    -stealth mission mode: Rescue 2.0 is something like that.

    -Mod to increase RNGesus: Could be interesting, especially for people trying to get that mod and never dropping for them! But in general, RNG should get "fixed" instead of adding in mods to increase our chances.


    -I did not know that you could color the Dragon Nikana holder, I hated the colors as well... Oh the shame for not trying that myself...


    Now my opinion on event things in greater detail:

    I have all of the event mods and weapons that released since I joined, done each and every event.(I think at least, might have skipped that one or so that was worthless) I currently own ALL the frames/weapons*/sentinels/kubrows/mods/etc. I can obtain myself**. And although the bragging rights are nice for some people(I dislike bragging), I see no use in keeping them exclusive when it ruins both my game experience and other's.

    As a Hoarder(I own everything at once as I said) I hate that some weapons and mods are out of my reach for now, despite them still existing for others who were there in time and still being in the codex.(I bought the rhino pack to get the Boar, 535 plat 'wasted'(not to me!) for that single weapon, I'm serious about my Hoarding o.o) 

    There is also the thing of Arcane helmets, but at least the normal helmets are obtainable for everyone they are the same just stat-less.


    @Sitchrea New players won't know WTF your weapons are, and are only awed by its destructive power not its rarity(As if the Gorgon is rare, lmao) truly new players won't know what weapons are rare and which aren't and will only note their strength and MAYBE their looks in-mission. Get out of your illusion.


    Wraith/Vandal could be obtainable from invasions or similar as rewards for doing things for their respective faction, though it shouldn't be as easy as doing 5 runs for a latron wraith*** BP and building it, nor would I want it to be that just 4 people get it from an invasion because 10k people run the same invasion and only 1 group actually made the 5 runs in time.(So being able to re-run previous events would be a lovely way to make everyone have done the same work to get it, but make it available to everyone)


    *Except that pesky Brakk, but I'm working on that! Just the barrel now.

    **Except some Prime Access Exclusives, I wasn't rich enough to buy the accessories sometimes :(

    ***Although I believe that the Wraith Latron is silly(We already got a Prime Latron, how the hell does that work?! Isn't it either Vandal or Wraith or Prime and not multiple or all?!)



    Congrats if you read through all that, revenge for making me read all that OP!

    Feel free to respond to me everyone if you would like to correct me on anything I said or disagree with something I said, discussions can be fun.

  7. It would be a ton of fun to do, but it also leaves the ability to exploit it if not properly implemented.

    Player a/b/c/d joins map, player e joins as stalker and lets himself get killed on purpose, free drops for a/b/c/d... Kinda ruins it :/

  8. You don't get it ONLY after being attacked. I personally have only been attacked by the harvester twice, and have gotten a dozen messages from Alad V. Similarly with Stalker and with G3.

    AND With the G3, I got attacked after my first mark, then was attacked twice more before even getting another message, so no, you don't lose your mark, and no, they don't stack.

    We got different experiences then.

    I only get the message after losing a mark, have run like 80 anti-grineer runs in the past 4 days and haven't gotten a message yet(I got it like 1 week ago) 

    I have never been attacked when I was not marked(Though their spawn chances are terribly low with RNG + Bad Luck for me) except by Stalker, but I believe there was a known issue with his death marks stacking ever since I joined this game a year ago.


    But I guess we just got different experiences then.  

  9. No, you NEVER lose a mark. Once you are marked, that's it, it's never gone.

    So many people think you do lose it, but you never EVER do. When an assassin mob attacks YOU, YOUR mark will NOT! REPEAT NOT! be lost.

    Then tell me why you get the message again ONLY after being attacked hmm? 

    I truly think you lose the mark when you get killed/you kill them, though it might stack(Sadly not increasing spawn chances even if they stack)

  10. I would say put a safety net in to the spawning system so that after X amount of active gameplay the spawn rate starts increasing until you get a guaranteed spawn.


    You know, so they actually use up the marks you have.


    Having the Stalker show up 1 year later for a mark really says something about how often they spawn.

    Yes please!

    run #60 and still no G3 >.>

  11. I hope they buff all eximuses in general. It'd really help with the whole rushing thing. If they run past an energy leach, it'll drain so much energy that by the time they reach the objective, they're out.


    Warframe, imho, is meant to be a tactical co-op sci fi shooter...not Farmville 2.0.

    Say that when you try to get the Brakk.

    Run #70 in 2 days and still no G3, getting sick of this!

  12. I fell into a hole on Phobos during one of my 26 runs trying to get G3 to spawn(Which they didn't!) Only got screens from after falling in it though:





    Got myself out of it by jumping off the map completely(I could basically walk on a huge space below the normal map with 1 open spot where I could jump down into the black abyss) and subsequently dying and reviving.

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