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Posts posted by Ben_Pls_

  1. Another bug possibly associated with Gauss to add to the pile. I was at Hydron leveling my Corinth as Frost Prime in a public game. My team was Chroma Prime, Valkyr, and Gauss with Acceltra. At some point before Wave 5 my Corinth holstered itself at 0 ammo. My Warframe kept the animation set for holding the weapon and I was allowed to aim, move, and cast abilities. I was unable to Fire (Primary or Secondary), Reload, Swap to Secondary or Melee. My partner Valkyr's Destreza Prime had a similar issue temporarily where it sheathed itself . He was able to fix the issue by attacking with melee. There were no network changes such as host migration or clients leaving if that helps.


  2. Since the update, the Shwaak prism seems to be unable to hit Eidolon shields multiple times per shot. I didn't see anything in the patch notes indicating this type of change. 

    EDIT: On a related note, my Rubico Prime seems to deal about 4x the damage it used to to the Eidolon Teralyst. No changes in build for me or my team.

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