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Posts posted by Anzo-Drakon

  1. I had one update failed when updating, game updated and have been able to play some but now the launcher is re-downloading 27.6 gigs of data every time when starting. Is there a fix for this issue? 

  2. I am currently sitting at -12,271 / - 44,000 but am still unable to offer up the sacrifice to get to Deceiver Title which should be at - 22,000. The screen shows that "Arbiters of Hexis requires sacrifice from you to earn the Title Deceiver", then at bottom it states "You haven't earned enough reputation for this title."


    If you need to get to 0, then the text should probaby be updated. Thanks for all the insight.

  3. I am currently at -2 Rank with Cephalon Suda and Arbiters of Hexis, I have paid the initial offering but I am unable to offer the Orokin Reactor or Catalyst to get to the next -1 Rank. The Next Title button is dimmed out. Has something change with getting out of negative reputation with syndicates? Or am I bugged.


    I was able to successfully get out of negative reputation once, however after U15 updates no dice, so wondering if the mechanics changed.


    Thanks in advance for the insight.

  4. I think that DE is correcting some issues that are long overdue. Rare 5 cores are suppose to be just that RARE, and not running 100+ waves  in T4 Survival and having them drop like candy. Unfortunately, there is a sense of entitlement from some players in the community now, and that is disappointing. I have not had any issues with the current changes, I adapt and continue to have fun.

  5. 1. Entropy/Blight: I think that this should have been coded to take in account for Prime Flow which seems to have been the deciding factor here. I think the 25% of max energy should have stayed however been broken down as the following:

    Flow/Primed Flow Rank 5: 25% Max Energy
    Primed Flow Rank 6: 20% Max Energy
    Primed Flow Rank 7: 15% Max Energy
    Primed Flow Rank 8: 10% Max Energy
    Primed Flow Rank 9: 5% Max Energy
    Primed Flow Rank 10: 0 to 3% Max Energy

    2. Mag Shield Transference: I think that this mod should grant additional shields between 30 to 60% on top of the new overshields addition, update rendered this mod ineffective to spend syndicate rep on. The addition of extras shield capacity would help.

    3. Key-Packs: The key packs are fine now, the 5 T4 for 5000 syndicate rep was insane and was blatently abused, If players can find a way to gain an advantage they will, which is why you can't sell the Large Team Restore BP anymore since that was extremely abused.

  6. 2015 Warframe really isn't going well.


    Is there a disconnect somewhere? Does somebody think these mods are desirable, or are they not meant to be desirable to most people, is the intent to not always provide something awesome, but a collection of mods that could serve some use in a minority of circumstances?


    I'm just curious to know.


    The prime mods server 2 groups of players, the farmers and the folks with large amounts of platinum and credits. Farmers have enough cores to max the prime mods and sell for a nice profit to the upper crust Tenno. I don't have problem with that, I just can't justify 3 or 4 full prime sets for a prime mod that does not come max. For the quality/quantity of prime parts we sell for conversion to ducats, I don't see spending it on mods or vanity gear. Baro'ki Teel first visit there was mods and hardware, the last one mods and vanity, this one mods and vanity....maybe better off saving the prime parts and selling for platinum profit instead.

  7. Some things I like to see:


    1. Open world environments and boss encounters.
    2. Relays with defenses - someone shoot the current short sighted architect out the airlock.
    3. Non repetitive Events
    4. Improved Archwing
    5. More customization of Warframes
    6. Gear with stats or augments
    7. Warframe passives
    8. Infested Juggernaut encounter!
  8. So relays don't have any defense systems, plus the Fomorian ship was down to 36%, how the hell was it able to fire the main weapon. Simply not logical. I can see Strata taking some extensive damage but totally destroyed....first time I have to say I don't care for an event.

  9. Mesa is pretty nice frame, had question to those doing extensive testing, does her shield block any Corpus fire? I know it reflects back bullets but in my inital testing it did not seem to have any affect with Corpus laser weapons. Thanks in advance for any insight or testing.

  10. 4) Syndicates weapons If this was to be implemented then the requirement would be to meet the Syndicate Rank to equip and use the weapon. Agree to them being tradeable but at some point why allow folks to get the reward without the risk. The Syndicate mods should have the same Syndicate rank restriction in my opinion.

  11. It was a clever exploit of game mechanics and then things got fixed. 

    This pretty much sums it up, this was no different than max level Infested hive missions exploit that allow for huge leaderboard gains during the event. Frankly it also did not help that most folks abusing the flawed game mechanic on Viver was boasting and bragging. You should be lucky that DE did not look at the logs and reset your syndicate points and that you did not get a ban, for knowingly abusing the flawed mechanic.

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