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Posts posted by ShadowBolt88

  1. There was a discussion about this sometime ago and a comment from a staff member said crab queen is staying.



    Vauban was also before update 9 so he is in for chance to get his prime sooner then others.

    I honestly don't see a Vauban Prime happening right now Volt and Ash seems more logical to be the next male Primes
  2. Just logged into my warframe account to get my daily reward and i had a message in my box.The message was about how my kubrow had died.Now this wouldnt bother me if i hasnt spent 75 plat on both the starter hit and rushing the incubation.Now i understand the wiki says that it can die if its genetic stability falls bellow 0.Yet no ''alert'' or danger messages are sent to the player about this.I am rather annoyed at the loss of time and money and would appretiate it if i could be compensated in any way.Thanks.




    Edit:Now that the kubrow UI is gone there is no way to check,could someone tell me if there is a bar that states its genetic stabilty,Thanks for your time.

    No you didn't take care of it so its your own fault it died....

  3. Feedback, rather than bug don't you think?

    No it's a bug every time I come back from a mission or exit the navigation map Ordis is always saying "Oh great it's hatching" when I can't even hatch my Kubrow egg because I don't have a power core
  4. No thanks... Overheard my friends son playing GTA5 the other day, and all the kids talking on the mic.. Don't want that in this community.. The community is toxic enough as is. Plus it's just a ton more people starting "I want Excalibur Prime" threads..

    I'm sorry but your view on the Xbox community is completely wrong yes there are kids in the community but most of them are left behind on Xbox 360 and Warframe is only coming to Xbox One and don't act like PC and Ps4 versions of Warframe don't have kids because they do I've ran into plenty of them and if you don't want to listen to kids screaming over the mic it's simple MUTE THEM and continue playing (seriously some people act like the mute button doesn't even exist)
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