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Posts posted by Etherblock

  1. Hello, so I got into the game and I got a message saying "Please Make sure that your firewall permits UDP Ports 3960 & 3962"


    I then checked my Windows Firewall, Norton Firewall and Router Firewall and I didn't find anything that was blocking those ports.


    Then I decided to Port forward Those ports (Meaning UDP 3960 & 3962). This fixed one of the problem which was the fact that I couldn't Join any mission with other people and I had to play the mission by myself.


    But there is still the problem with the chat not connecting.


    is there anything that I can do to fix it?

  2. I didn't get a WAR number and i tried verifying files on steam as well to see if i was the problem. I don't know what to do ^_^


    Sometimes it's a black screen and All i can do is Alt-f4 and other times the game closes itself and I have to send a report

  3. So I was so hyped for U14 to come out and when it did it had bugs, Sure that's understandable. But it never used to crash this frequently.


    I know the servers were under attack from DDOS and stuff but that's not what I'm talking about. After we got told the servers were stable and we could go back on the game, i started doing a few defense missions to level up. But every now and then after doing 20-30 waves, we leave the mission, but then Crash at the loading screen or get black screen and there is no way out unless I alt-F4.


    I'm not raging, I'm not asking for compensation or whatever that everyone is saying, But This is ruining the experience and wasting time of a lot of people. i could have forma'd my weapon 4 times over if it wasn't for the crashes.


    Also the crashes never used to happen until a recent HotFix was applied. Please fix this, now im gonna take a break for a week and come back hoping the game will be more stable (This is not a threat btw, Don't rage for no apparent reason, thank you)


    Hopefully you can fix everything DE :)


    In case you need to know, im using:


    Nvidia GTX 660ti

    intel core i5 3570K CPU 3.4GHz

    8GB DDR3 Ram

    Windows 7 64-bit

    And im using Fiber optic Broadband

  4. Just be glad it's not like Closed Beta, when they did a wipe once ;3 I don't remember if it was because of problems or not but at least it's just a login issue or DDOS or whatever. * spins around on my chair *


    It was intended i think ^_^


    If i loose my stuff because of this, it's bye bye warframe ^_^, im sure we'll be fine though :D

  5. We were doing a Exterminate Mission on Earth (Everest). We were farming for the Brakk, everyone was marked. One of the Team members got the Message and we were getting invaded by the Grustrag 3 but While they were showing the messages and saying stuff to my Team member, Someone accidently Killed the last enemy, Then the Grustrag 3 never showed up even though they were about to spawn and Hand over the Brakk parts :(


    Please fix this


    It's frustrating enough that they have a low spawn chance and finally when they do, this Bug happens. I hope its a bug anyways cause if it isn't I find it very annoying that this is "meant" to happen. Thanks :)

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