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Posts posted by buff7879

  1. On 2020-03-07 at 9:05 AM, Samurai_Y said:

    Ok...let's try again

    People misinterpret my posts as "Warframe bashing". It is not. I love the game and want it to succeed; however I disagree with the direction Warframe is going in. After playing Destiny 2, Borderlands 3, and other looter shooters, I have realized just how much Warframe has been lacking in terms of content. To avoid any offense I will condense my opinion as four things Warframe should work on:

    1. End-game Content

    We need missions to utilize the time investment into the game: Movement, Gun-play, Arch-wing, Status Effects, and Warframe ability/synergy knowledge.
    Imagine this:
    An end game mission; where the Tenno are chasing a Corpus Train. Utilizing Parkour and Game Roles; Three Tennos will need to change into the fastest frames (Volt, Titania, Nova Gauss, Zephyr etc) for the chase, whilst one other Tenno needs to hand back with a sniper rifle or in a Railjack to supervise the Corpus Train from afar

    The Train AI constantly changes direction and or attacks the three pursuing Tennos with different Status Moves and Team Wipe abilities. Therefore the "overseer" role needs to communicate in chat or on the mic what actions the three Tenno need to take. Perhaps maybe not team wipe, but something that impedes the movement of the chase. 

    In the next phase, the tenno reach inside the train and set up a teleport connection to the "overseer". Each carriage varies in Strategy to destroy the Tenno operatives. This is the usual Survival, Defense, Interception. But scaled to Level 120-150. Each carriage has an intermission phase for players to change into whatever Warframe will suit the next carriage challenge. The "overseer" can choose to teleport into the carriage or stay as the overseer, granting boosts and using items like Energy Pizzas or Clones. Each carriage rewards players with a rare item, when they reach the end.

    The final phase is when last carriage opens up into a type of battlefield where it are spawns of mob enemies in Horde Style (Think Plague Star, but total chaos with multiple factions). There are multiple ways the battle can pan out; however the main goal is to reach the very end. Under massive enemy fire-power: One can try speed running with fast frames, Arch-wing dashing, Turtle up with Frost's Bubble, Loki Invsible, Ivara Sleep, Equinox Mass Stun.... anything goes in this total Warzone but the Train AI will adapt to your strategies and deploy counter-measures to your approach. Think Simaris ability cancellation or Sortie buff/debuffs.

    At the end...free rivens or some other reward that suits the End-game players. Hell maybe have a new system where Veteran players can buy fashion gear for other people and not just themselves, or maybe make fashion-frame into an actual end-game, and allow fashion gear to be upgraded with a selection of little bit of stat boosts. This is where Destiny 2's Raids and fashion end-game may have a slight advantage. But just imagine if Warframe did the same and had its fashion give new stats or dare I say all new Warframe Augments/Abilities 😮 For example:

    New Edo Shin Guards = Killing stunned enemies with Excalibur's slash dash will refund the cost and give receive a speed/armor boost 
    New Pyro Syandana = For enemies inflicted with toxin, Ember's World on Fire gives a gas explosion (Pox/Zakti Style)
    New Frost Aurora Helmet = New ability: Frost's first ability makes icy terrain that he can skate on with his K-Drive in the air (I dunno anymore) 

    2. Time-Gated Weapons/Frames Development

    Making New Warframes take 12 Hours to be build every part (36 hours)...plus 3 days wait time to build... 108 Hours spent waiting when all we want is to boost our MK-1 Braton with our new unranked Vanilla Trinity. 

    This is "acceptable" for a free game with a few Warframes but not a game in 2020 with 60 characters to choose from and a 100+ of new and gun/melee weapons. Destiny 2/Borderlands 3 has a multitude of weapons/gear but it's yours to keep from the moment you unlock it.

    I haven't even touched on the grind for resources and the lack of player-help to point people in the right directions for resources. Most of the help new players get is from other players. This is a double edged sword as YES new friendly relationships will be built; but players may also be too overwhelmed and dis-heartened at the aspect of grinding...which brings me to...

    3. Why Grind Quests age quicker in Warframe 

    YES Warframe is a looter-shooter and grinding is part of the game, but imagine if we could change the Lotus's monotone voice and swap it with Eudico or Darvo or hell even Tenshin mid mission with a new quest to do. My point is that after a certain time... nothing surprises players anymore: Defense, interception, Extermination, Survival, Spy, Assassination. Rinse and repeat every planet. When Stalker first came out in 2014, it was an amazing experience! People dreaded (and were excited) whilst doing their usual grind that something new might come up and would change their game-play experience. Next came Grustag...then...Zanuka...then...syndicate invastion...then Kuva nemesis... etc etc. The problem is that DE forgot the core concept of Stalker, which is to mix-up the grind in missions. Not just to be another surprise enemy mob to kill.

    In Borderlands 3 or Destiny 2, each mission feels different as enemies can have surprise buffs or will contain surprise boss encounters. Each encounter feels rewarding and they drop a mixture of loot, with a surprise rare once accomplished. Warframe doesn't need to do much with this, they already have Kuva nemesis etc. But imagine a Pod Defense mission on Venus that can randomly turn into an assaination mission, i.e: The Pod you were protecting was in fact... SURPRISE... Nef Anyos's secret Raknoid spider that busts through the tenno pod Ridley Scott's Alien style. You can continue defending the Defense Pod for the usual Wave Rewards...but just something in the mission to vary the grind for each planet.

    4. PvP

    Now I know Warframe is PvE at its core. But any Destiny 2 player who's played Gambit can tell you that this is a game mode that belongs in Warframe.

    Destiny 2's Gambit Mode is a PvEvP...where each team have their own area  to kill mobs as quick as possible. Collect the motes that drop from those mobs (think Index Points)...deposit motes into a collector in the middle of the map. Once the Collector has 100 motes, it will spawn a boss, which a team needs to kill to win the game.

    At every multiple of 25 motes, a portal opens up where one player can "invade" another team's world to prevent the team from depositing motes. The invader has a limited time, but he or she can be crucial to winning the game. In fact, there are various roles that can be further explored through Warframe abilities that will be a source of endless unpredictable fun. As I type this, perhaps only one frame type are to be used as per balancing of teams..... a AoE 4-team Saryn in this game mode might be completely broken... 

    But think of the possibilities: A Loki invis invader VS an Ash Sentry Defender. Rhino Defender VS Inaros Invader. Gauss Invader VS Grendel Defender. Each type of invader may also have other ways of stealing motes as opposed to outright killing the enemy team. This is the type of "game-play" variation a PvP Warframe mode needs. Something with dedicated roles, yet multi-faceted in the ways you can play.  

    In conlusion:
    These are just a few of the improvements Warframe can implement without changing the core PvE Grind. New content should not equal = Grinding new materials to unlock Grinding missions.

    This is not the direction I wanted Warframe to take (Don't take this as entitlement, it's just an opinion ok...). The Story/Gameplay Development of Warframe is an untouched GOLD MINE. But instead we waited two years to fly a ship that' didn't work...to grind missions...that rewarded us with the customization to not make our ship not grind so hard anymore...

    Before I start ranting again. I'll end it here. These are just four improvements that will make old and new players happy.

    I do agree with the time gating, as that’s annoying.

  2. On 2020-03-08 at 9:13 AM, JonBrasil said:
    Regarding railjack, I really didn't like the change in the health of 
    the crewships.
    The crewships are very weak!

    I prefer the crew ships having a lot of resistance against the crossfire. For novice players it is an interesting strategy option in addition to providing a more relaxed playing style as opposed to intense railjack gameplay. I like it. 

    What do you think about it?

    Yep, I just one shot them with forward artillery.

  3. Basically, if you hear evil laughing during your loading screen, wally WILL appear in your ship. I just experienced this. There was no visual, just the noise. Deep laughing. Depending on who you are, you will either jerk out your earbuds or turn up the volume and hit windows-alt-r. 

    Happy man-in-the-wall hunting!

  4. On 2020-02-26 at 1:24 PM, kapn655321 said:

    We also might have a real challenge involved in mastering our parkour skills. 😃

    That's if he even works that way. ...either way, a changing course while you run it... there's a few MR tests with a bare bones idea of this. Platforming boss, but way involved.

    Similar to games like... Super Hexagon, Boson X, Geometry dash (if stages were randomly generated)... flappy bird? Something where the environment has lots of procedural generated tiles that make up variable highly demanding obstacle courses.

    I feel like there are a ton of great for influences here.. Meat boy, No time to explain... any number of endless runner games..  take these kinds of tight control death traps and let a boss use it against us, in a randomized way. Void is imaginary, so this is a great place to do that.

    The whole reality of the world could invert, making the entire world go upside down or wind back time

  5. 3 hours ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

    "yeah, i have no idea how to design bosses. suggestions?"

    Well how does he cut? Are they vertical, horizontal, or diagnol? Are they all dodgeable?

    - Are there ways to deal bonus damage to it? Like what will happen if i slide attavk him? Does he trip in fall? COOL!

    BUT thats to easy if im always able to trip him, what if sometimes when you trip, if you get to close he'll trip you back!

    But thats not fun if he just trips us out of no where, give us a chance to dodge it! Well give him a 1 second wind up and now we can dodge it!!

    - Maybe he can fire fast moving projectiles that can be hit back toward him but its hard because the projectiles move real fast, fun!

    - Maybe he has a very powerful shield that makes him invincible. Maybe he has a lot of these shields and the only way to make him drop it is for the player to risk Melee attacking the shield!

    - What if making him drop a shield sets your weapons on fire to allow you to deal more damage

    - If there is more than 1 player alive, how about randomly blasting one of the players to another room where they have to fight their way out! Imagine if that player was dealing the most damage, those other 2 players are going to be in for a real fight!


    Now you have a fight thats A LITTLE more interesting than making players fire a gun for 10 hours than walk away. The players can now get more CREATIVE! And creativity is one of the main things that make the game great! 


    Simply put, more ways to fight the enemy then just dumping a magazine into the enemy (bullet sponge Aka damage sponge).

    I really enjoyed the ropapolyst boss fight, id want it to be someting like that

  6. 2 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    Like... a man in the wall battle? 😉

    Makes me think Master Hand from Smash Bros... but vastly different.

    I could be wrong about this, but Man in the wall has something to do with forming the void.
    What if he formed an obstacle course challenge, with targets to hit that he obscures.
    Goal would be frustrating him into returning the stage to normal so you could leave.

    oh boy... man in the wall battle?

    were dead within seconds


  7. 2 hours ago, Drachnyn said:

    No enjoyable difficulty is ever easy to design by just increasing numbers. All I get from this is you want a more tanky corrupted vor with invincibility timers. That doesnt sound like enjoyable difficulty to me. Rewards sound a bit unrealistic to me as DE wants to keep selling affinity boosters to everyone.

    yeah, i have no idea how to design bosses. suggestions?

  8. VOID BOSS-The Corrupter 

    This boss will be relatively challenging, possessing high armor and health. He will use powerful versions of corrupted vor's attacks, and will definitely have several phases.

    He is guaranteed to drop 2-4 argon crystals when killed, (this will help ease the grind) as well one of the following new mods (Stats displayed as maxed):

    Tough Hide (for warframe): 12 drain, increases armor by 120% and health by 120%

    Precision cuts (for melee): 16 drain, On headshot kill: 150%+ crit chance for 15 seconds

    Deflection Expertise (for melee): 5 drain, deflecting projectiles now have a 30% chance to stagger attackers, opening them up to melee finishers

    Powered Hide (for warframe): 12 drain, increases shields and armor by 120%


    Ultra forma: Change any two polarities on your warframe without having to rank it up again.

    Cosmic forma: Change any two polarities on your weapons without having to rank it up again

    Celestial forma: Change any polarity on either your warframe or your weapon without having to rank it up again

    These forma (and their blueprints) will be rewards from either railjack or reworked requiem relics

    Build requirements for ultra and cosmic:

    300 kuva

    1 argon crystal

    2 tellurium  

    2000 nano spores

    300 plastids

    Build requirements for celestial:

    500 kuva

    2 argon crystals

    10 neural sensors

    10000 nano spores

    1000 plastids

    4000 ferrite

    Orokin converter

    A device that is rewarded from arbitrations and sometimes invasions that converts catalysts into reactors and vice versa

    Relic RNG lessening

    Adding kuva to void relics will now guarantee either and uncommon or rare part. 

    Kuva Lich rework

    Instead of using requiem relics to get requiem mods, mods now drop from mini-bosses known as kuva destroyers. You must build a key that leads you to the specific destroyer with the specific mod. Every key has the following build requirements:

    200,000 credits

    800 kuva

    1 destroyer beacon (drops from thralls, 10% drop rate)

    5 orokin cells

    3 ayatan cyan stars

    1 ayatan amber star

    Requiem relics will now replace requiem mods with ultra, cosmic, and celestial forma.

    Additionally, failing a mod guess 5 times in a row on a kuva lich will reveal the mod instantly. 

    New weapons:

    Chain gakalinks: a grineer chainsaw type weapon. holding down the melee button will constantly run it, allowing you to mow down hordes of enemies. high crit chance and slash damage. (obviously) comes with new stance which drops from eximus units on any grineer planet

    Ruthless cobra

    Fierce dashes and sweeps.

    Infested gunblade: extremely high status chance and attack speed, can fire shots in rapid succession, innate viral damage, as well has high slash damage. 

    Corpus two handed nikana: high status chance and attack speed, new two handed nikana stance drops from index enemies. innate electricity damage and high impact damage

    Devil's Finale

    Flowing cuts embrace crushing finishers in this unique stance.

    New wrist-launchers of sorts: a new primary weapon that appears as dual wrist blasters. Primary fire blasts rotating lasers, secondary is devastating semi-auto explosive shots. Innate corrosive and puncture damage, a grineer's nightmare. Manufactured by the corpus for invasion missions. Blueprint drops from corpus units in invasion mission with a 5% drop rate. (izi) 








  9. 7 minutes ago, buff7879 said:

    Ok... there can be a game mode where you go in a long series of interlocked missions with a squad of 16 people. 8 man the rail jacks 4 man the avius guns, 1 pilots the avius, and 3 use archwings.


    For example:

    Mission 1: Locate the tower with the orokin triangulation device

    Mission 2: use the device to locate the first sentient ship. Disable it by pounding it with gunfire from the outside, then send in Tenno to plant explosive charges inside, blowing the ship up.

    mission 3: you’ve been rewarded with another triangulation beacon, this one sends you to and infested ship. 

    mission 4: infiltrate the ship, and obtain a datamass.

    mission 5: the datamass will now be sent to any Tenno who is doing a mobile defense mission and has squad link enabled.

    mission 6: land in either the orb Vallis or the plains of eidolon and receive hacked information from the mobile defense mission. (Must defend reciever)

    mission 7: information will send you to a random boss fight in the system, which will have a modifier and increased enemy levels, requiring all 16 players to attack the boss.

    mission 8: drop a dome charge from the avius to blow the bosses’ base to smithereens


  10. On 2020-02-22 at 4:06 AM, Sc10n0fD4rksp0r3 said:

    Maybe the Avius battlecruisers can be used to attack space fortresses belonging to Grineer or Corpus, or overrun by the infestation, or (even worse) Sentient battle fortresses.

    Ok... there can be a game mode where you go in a long series of interlocked missions with a squad of 16 people. 8 man the rail jacks 4 man the avius guns, 1 pilots the avius, and 3 use archwings.


  11. 16 hours ago, (XB1)Shoreg said:

    1. Seems like an OP Concept, but like you said it could just be made to take a large amount of Railjack resources to create charges for it.

    2. I LOVE the idea of home-brew Archwings like they’ve done with Amps, Shawzins, and Kitguns. It would breathe new life into the Archwing system as a whole and really improve variety among cells in Archwing and Hybrid missions.

    3. Sounds a bit like what Crimson Spear intends to do already.

    4. Yes yes yes yes yes. While we’re at it, we need Tenno Battlecruisers too, because no way the Anomalies are the largest ships the Sentients have to throw at us. We’d need the little guys in that case especially to help take out the, at that point, microscopic enemy fighters.

    5. Excellent idea. Maybe with a raider leveling system that improves their chance of raid success.

    6. A billion times YES. It would finally give a purpose to having Orokin Lab Specter Regiments with this eternal armistice up.

    The new Tenno Avius Battlecruisers are now here!

    This will be a one-time gigantic investment.

    1000 Pustrels

    1000 Copernics

    400 Titanium

    1000 Carbides

    100 Cubic Diodes

    100000 Ferrite

    100000 Nano Spores

    100000 Plastids

    4000 Control Modules

    80000 Rubedo

    10 Tellerium

    10 Neurodes

    3 Argon Crystals

    100,000,000 Credits

    The battlecruiser will be a space aircraft carrier of sorts that will dock railjacks and shadowcloak interceptors. It has multiple arch wing slingshots and a huge array of weaponry. Can be docked at Quartergate.




    Quartergate fortresses will have to be HUGE now...

  12. The expansive vortex canyons are Mars' expansive landscape. It is a barren, empty landscape riddled with large valleys and cliffs, but hidden among the caves are the tombs of the Golden Skymen, Orokin Officers that perished against the might of Inaros. Explore the huge area, fend off Grineer, and visit the tiny makeshift village of Ecole. Here you may accept bounties from the village chief, Agdol, as well as special missions called tomb raids. The village also features a sentinel craftman, who will be glad to craft you your own custom sentinel. Explore the villiages deeper areas to find the Quill's agents.


    Grineer walker: A two legged walker that traverses the terrain and blasts at nearby tenno. 

    Grineer skiff: A small speeder controlled by a single pilot. Armed with a high-damage shotgun weapon.

    Orokin sand phantoms: A result of orokin continuity, undying vengeance, and sentient souls. To take them down, weaken them with your void powers, then plant a power cell inside it. Detonate the power cell once safely out of the way, and kill it. 

    Sand whispers: How you get the power cell. Behaves like a vomvalyst. 


    Sandstorms occur every 30 minutes in the canyons and last for 20 minutes. During sandstorms, whispers and phantoms will spawn, giving you a chance to take them down.


    Cloak: the assassin sent to kill Inaros by the Orokin high council.

    Parts are dropped by phantoms. 

    Ability 1: Predator mode-highlights enemies through walls and makes them more vulnerable to damage. 

    Ability 2: Blast: Cloak draws two ghostly shotguns, blasting two rounds in quick succession, stealing health and armor

    Ability 3: Shadow dagger: Cloak pulls his dagger and becomes a wraith. Select an enemy to teleport to them and stab them, charging that enemy with explosive shadow energy. The enemy then explodes, dealing blast damage to all enemies in a radius.

    Ability 4: Blackhole- Cloak manifests himself onto an enemy, making the enemy into a black hole. All enemies are drawn into the blackhole, taking slash damage over time. The blackhole lasts for 10 seconds. When 3 is casted during this, the enemy will explode immediately, dealing increased damage to all enemies in the blackhole

    Passive: Any health stolen will boost cloak's armor.


    Avoid the traps and infiltrate the sacred burial chambers of the Golden Skymen to get exclusive loot, as well as umbra, aura, and normal forma. 

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  13. I wish there was more of a story aspect to it. You kill thralls to find the lich "lieutenant" location. You kill the lich's "lieutenants" to uncover the lich's mods. Then you raid the lich's hideouts to steal those mods. Finally, you fight the lich using all three mods (you still must have the correct combo).

    Lich Lieutenant voice lines:


    1-"Our master possesses the old blood. Die here, and you need not face him."

    2-"Proceed... and meet your end."

    3-"I don't know what he sees in you. You look like a weakling to me."


    1-"You are under equipped to fight my master. Lay down your arms... and I shall grant you a peaceful death."

    2-"That device is puny! Do you really expect to defeat her like this? (Referring to Parazon)

    3-"Behold... you seek destruction."

    Thrall lines (when killed)

    "Information forcefully extracted... I have failed."

    "I was forced. Self-abortion initialized."

    "It was stronger than me."

    "It has taken the secret. Stop it at all costs."

    "I have lost possession of the secret. Report to master immediately." 

    "I have been wrongfully entrusted with the secret. May the void punish me."



  14. The sentient threat spreads. The origin system lies in ruins. The tenno are divided.

    Band together with your squadmates and clan to build a new orokin-tenno hybrid space-fortress, a quartergate. Explore the long-dormant orokin towers in the orb vallis and plains of eidolon to find resources that will build your quartergate. Once finished, use the quartergate's many features to gain an edge over sentients!

    1. Obliteration laser: allows you to complete any extermination mission instantly, yielding normal rewards, as well as special quartergate ones. Must be loaded with special ammo. (Expensive)

    2. Ultraforge: allows you to craft weaponary and custom archwing designs and parts, as well as normal foundry items

    3. Railjack dock: can fit multiple railjacks. can customize and upgrade railjacks here

    4. Shadowcloak interceptor launcher: New vehicles, combining the weaponary of railjacks and the mobility of lisets. Armed with twin imperators and a tip-mounted velocitus weapon. (can be customized)

    5. Force deployer: Deploy specters and converted kuva liches to raid sentient ships and grab resources.

    6. siege: sometimes your quartergate will be attacked. defend the fortress alongside your allies, specters, and kuva liches. Use archwings, railjacks, or shadowcloak interceptors to combat the threat! 

    note- this is after the new war

  15. I'd be very interested in a sort of cyberpunk city-style open world landscape. Naturally, it will be a technologically advanced corpus city. The place will be home to huge skyscrapers and new vehicles. The objective behind the city could be to help free slaves or smuggle refugees in and out. Solaris agents will be present there, allowing you to take bounties. The bounty-taking area will be at a large club. This place is where the most wealthy corpus go. It's also a great place to gather illegal information from quill contacts and the like. Im thinking that the quest tied to this would open with the warframe meeting up with a contact at the club. shortly after, a group of assassins kills the contact, causing a fight inside the club to escalate. This could possibly evolve into a new fighting style, using the parazon only (since we were disarmed once we came in). the place will reflect corpus high society and upper class. 

    Many activities will be included in the city, including stealing cars (GTA) or launching strategic airstrikes (using railjacks). There could even be a whole crime syndicate that we could either join or take down. This syndicate could tie-in to corpus kingpins.

    Just a wild idea. My imagination is really out there today. Tell me what you think!


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