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Posts posted by Secondr1

  1. First of all, I think many people have said this but as a player I hate archwing missions, the submersible variety being perhaps worse than the normal variety as they are unavoidable and interrupt me having a great time on an otherwise great mission.  I would MUCH rather this game not include those missions or include them as an optional other gamemode.  Obviously I know that isn't going to happen but I'm frustrated and thought I'd throw the thought out there. The thing that annoyed me enough to make a forum post was one of those submersible missions in nightmare mode.  I jumped in the water, got swarmed by about 20 of the little things in the water and then died.  I figured alright, no big deal, its my first death I'll just re spawn and continue suffering through this terrible game mode.  But the game had other ideas.  My corpse was slammed unceremoniously through the floor and glitched into the void, and didn't give me the option to re spawn.  It didn't cancel the mission either, just kinda sat there vibrating.  Mocking me.  I was slightly confused and surprised by that turn of events, I was already quite annoyed that I had to play this mission but now there were bugs!!  I was like alright, I'll just take a deep breath and start again.  Long story short, the exact same thing happened and now I'm here.  So yeah, I have to say that these events have defiantly not improved my experience with the game or my opinion of it.  Thought I should let you know so you can perhaps address it.  Even though you probably won't. 

    I don't know if I should have put this post under a different forum topic, I don't really know how to use forums.    

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