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Posts posted by (XBOX)yepbeeble

  1. 30 minutes ago, Sept3var said:

    Have you tried hunter adrenaline mod? you can even stack if with rage for a whoping 85% energy conversion from damage you receive, you will have so much energy you wont even need efficency. One of these mods are recomended for any excalibro player.

    Nidus + Hunter Adrenaline = infinite energy and spamming potential.

  2. Our nightmare mods as it is are pretty good, some of these being Hammer Shot and other niche mods we all know and like. But, we don't need any more elemental mods in the game. We have 60/60 mods, 90 mods, niche mods like Proton Latch and, Warframe abilities that apply status effects like Saryn's toxic lash with the augment.

  3. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

    He only needs a rework on his 2 and 4. His one and 3 are good, but need QoL.

    He should've had the rework with his Prime Access. That was a mistake on DE's part, which is apparent with how short the access was. He has had a deluxe and PA released now though, so I wouldn't hold your breath on a rework for a long time. Plus, there are definitely other frames that need it a lot more.

    Every frame is effective in their current state, but some of them are only barely at that point. Atlas is one of my most used frames and I have used him successfully in all content except Eidolons and Orb fights (I never bothered trying him in those just because those fights are poorly designed for most frames in a normal run in the first place).

    I've straight up done tricaps with Atlas before, on a bet with one of my friends.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, FnaticXLane said:


    As you can see when my Hek just finished building it doesn't have Mod type slots[the top right corner on the mod thingy], i thought it was temp but it still doesnt have any mod type slots. But when i link my config into the chat it has mod type slots, i think its a visual bug or what, i tried everything relogging, re-equipping but it still doesnt show, and the worst part is it still drain the capacity (like when you put the same type it usually reduces the capacity) PLEASE help i really need it, any comments will be helpful Thank you

    So, is this a problem with the mods not going onto the weapon due to a lack of capacity?

  5. 4 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

    Long story short its hard to sync with all platform because of 

    1 - sync updates 

    2- contracts with Microsoft , Sony and Nintendo may have a monetary impact for lets say X% of the money spent for plat purchased on XBox goes to microsoft or something like that

    Not just those reasons, but since exclusive frames like Excalibur Prime exists, cross save would be kinda dumb. The combined economy would crash and burn, along with the xbox/ps4 exclusive stuff (Jade, Obsidian, etc) makes it hard to do cross save.

  6. 20 hours ago, (PS4)NewcastleDisease said:

    totally ok if you know the players.. but on public missions i simply have not the time to klick on every profil, waiting for loaded screen, searching for the predictions to know if someone has finished the quest line and switch to the next.. i would stay about 10 minutes in a mission while doing this - most missions are already done in 10 Minutes.

    if you go public with a low level char you should be aware, that some player are way beyond you're experience so they will have more and other options then you. that's the same in every game... 

    and right after he got spoilered and did some research about it, he didn't even scratch the real surface of what warframes are.. so i don't think that this is so dramatically?

    Creator mode exists for a reason, if you haven't completed the quests. Turn that on if you don't like spoilers. Turn it off when you're ready for some.

  7. Yes, spoilers are a bad thing that can happen, but at MR7 you should have expected something to happen. It was only a time before it happened. 


    Try going through the questline, there are very many details that you're missing.

  8. 31 minutes ago, (PS4)rossi-fe said:

    Yes, I'm trying to do that, 100% cc and 100% status chance with 60\60 mods, but I can't proc Weeping Wounds

    It isn't a battle to get weeping wounds to proc, it's literally just based off your combo counter. 1x combo is 40% status chance. 2x is another 40%. As long as you have combo, it's procing.

  9. 1 hour ago, (XB1)AlexDaemon15 said:

    Hi everyone .. I would like to know if there is any possibility for those who have spent money (a lot of money) here on warframe, to have something more .. Like for example: early access to new content

    Warframe is not P2W or P2P so I can strongly say that DE (Unless taken over by another company) will never do a season pass or something similar.

  10. 2 hours ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    In most UX mouseovers are a last resort - you have extra info you just can't find room for, and expert users who know that they can see it on mouseovers, but also don't want to click it and open something else/dialog/form/navigate away from the current page.

    Warframe uses them everywhere. It's rediculous. Want to know what a mission is? Mouseover. Want to know who your team are? Mouseover. Want to know what a relics called? Mouseover. Want to know what this generic looking weapon part is? Mouseover. Want to know the name of a parazon mod? Mouseover. Want to know the stats of a weapon on the mostly empty weapon screen? Mouseover.

    It's not even the right information before the mouseovers, for instance with missions I need to know that this node is a Spy or Disruption or whatever, not its name.

    It's just bad user experience, bad accessibility and poor interface design.

    And on console you don't have a mouse, you have a cursor that plods across the screen as you move the sticks. Mouseover is truely awful on console.

    Please, please just stop.

    All the examples above should be inline.

    Use the D-Pad.

  11. 1 hour ago, (PS4)de_sch0sch said:

    Not if you're using any weapon that does not have forced slash procs on heavy attacks. But you can bat them arround the room if you like.

    Even if you don't, a red crit with a decent Lesion build 1 shots anything even without a slash forced heavy attack.

  12. 2 hours ago, Space0ddity said:


    i honestly dont want to give up the ability to whip out a tigris prime or a twin grakatas and instantly delete something i’m facing off against like a heavy unit or a nox


    Ah okay. That's your playstyle, but most of the time if I need to take out a Heavy Gunner Eximus or Nox, a heavy attack takes care of them.

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