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Posts posted by Zaraia2

  1. Just started playing about a month ago, am now to the stage where I have to occasionally farm Void missions for argon crystals, and keep getting to the point where the evacuation pointer is entirely inaccurate, (i.e. points to a dead end wall, off the map, etc).  Really gets frustrating when you have to keep running the same darned instances just hoping for argon crystals, (since they're the first resource I've needed that actively decay) so you're running all over, trying to open every possible container, -finally- get one or two to drop so you can craft what you're trying to, (in my case, Limbo's chassis) and after 15-20 mins and running all over the instance, still can't find your way out, so have to abort just to move on, (and, of course, when you abort, you lose the freaking one or two argon crystals you've just run through 3-4+ instances / wasted now 1-1.5 hrs+ to get). 

    As a new player who's honestly getting to the "now -why- am I doing all of this endless re-running again?" point, having the extraction pointer not working is a -huge- turnoff.  Please fix, (and/or at least let us keep rare drops, like argon crystals, if we have to abort - fixing would be much better, but at least if I could have kept whatever I was trying to find to keep moving along in whatever quest I was working on vs totally invalidating my entire play session, that would be something).  Thanks.

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