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Posts posted by (PSN)Lt-Bloodlust

  1. 19 hours ago, Zandermanith222 said:

    I'd love to be able to toggle between melee and firearms without needing to switch myself, but DE is so deadset on the "Taking different roles" idea with the twin and while I appreciate them attempting to make the twin more aggressive with melee... He's still pretty useless at it.

    Could make him not able to equip the type of weapon you currently have equipt while toggling the ability.

  2. 20 hours ago, UltraMex said:

    The problem with tapping is that it mark the enemy so your clone will deal 2x damage to that enemy. Hold down? it is to kill the clone or command it to CC enemy if you have his 1 augment

    With my idea, you can still tap ability 1 on an enemy to deal 2x damage. Swapping could be done when an enemy is not in your crosshairs.

  3. 10 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    If you hold primary he holds melee

    if you hold secondary he hold melee

    if you hold melee with primary equipped (so not holstered) he hold primary

    If you hold melee with secondary equipped he hold secondary.


    So why when I hold primary does he hold primary? Even when I swap to secondary, he still holds primary.

  4. Not really sure where to post this... lol. So Ive been using Wukong for awhile now and I love his rework. But, he seems to randomly choose what weapon he uses. My idea is to make his 1 like Ivaras. Where tapping the ability will cycle between primary, secondary, and melee while holding it removes the twin like it does now. Just a thought, thanks for reading!  Hopefully DE sees this. :laugh:

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