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Posts posted by HamAndCheeze

  1. alright I'm still having this problem, its not showing up in the task manager in either locations, and will show me playing it even for as long as 2 days straight. on top of that it prevents me from restarting steam.

  2. ok I don't know how common a problem this is but recently when i exit the game steam continues to list me in the game and i can't launch the game till i shut down steam and restart it.

    I'm not sure if this is a seam error or a warframe error.

  3. Is there a plan to organised the drop tables in the void perhaps in a fashion so that the lower tier prime gear doesn't require a run though many tier 3 missions?


    the problem i see as is in order to make anything you pretty much have to see it all, not to mention many prime gear items seem to not be worth it, a perfect example of this is Braton Prime, after multiple t3 void missions and ten raw potatoes and all it really adds is 5 points of damage and a 5% increase in status chance.

  4. yeah clan tech is kinda weak sauce, but honestly i would have no problem with most of the weapons if they didn't cost a forma to make; i mean with a forma its like you can create a whole three story reactor, a whole research lab, or one Torid. 

    Honestly its a little frustrating that all new weapons that are coming out are clan tech so ite become a game of farm the forma.

  5. ok this is getting really frustrating for me, almost every time i host a void/ or derelict mission on my laptop my video card driver craps out on me. see this wouldn't  be a problem if i didn't care to host but i can't.

    my video card is Intel HD Graphics 4000. what should i do? i want to host and can't afford to get a new pc right now (its really sad as the rest of the system is chocked full of power, i7 and 8 gigs of ram.

  6. if you wouldn't mind me pitching my thoughts in here, as i am not sure where to put them and really don't want to start yet another new thread about stuff:

    while i for one actually like the new melee system where i can equip the weapon, charge it with suit energy and even carry just that, love all those features. i can't really say anything about U13 as i really have not been able to try anything outside of the melee 2.0 and even that is not complete.


    things I like:

    equipping melee weapons

    charging them

    the new look of some of the mods.

    the look of the new weapons and frame.

    create new (to me at least) alerts

    even the shiny new skins and scarves that i can look at in the shop.


    What i know nothing about still for one reason or another:

    the new weapons as they are clan research (that takes time and formas that i don't have)

    the new frame (as it sounds like i need double farming to do it.)

    Stance mods (i mean this isn't a big deal as i can farm them over time, but i thought they DE said that we would have a basic one by default)

  7. i to like the idea of an auction house, i sit in the trade chat and i honestly have trouble following/ focasing on what is for sale. its a bit frustrating especially considering there are a few items i would like to get rid of and the sell back is way too low for the work i put into making the item, i don't want to have to put even more effort into advertising my items.

  8. alright need to give a little response to this if only as an update, and yes i know this ain't twitter.

    anyway i found out that i was merely grinding for OX in the wrong spot, apparently survival is strangely the wrong gaming mode to be farming it.

    As for prime gear i have no idea how difficult it actually is to get as i spend almost no time in the Void and when i do i'm more than likely trying to get forma. prime sounds nice and all but i simply don't have the room for it even if i could get my hands on it. heck i'm holding off on zephyr till my next platinum purchase/prime access (sorry if this was a bit off topic) anyway, i can't wait for melee damage 2.0 to make melee weapon grind fun again.

  9. Ok, so i thought i might toss my comment on this as it was the most related (out of the many on the same topic) thread.

    anyway i for one have to say i love to grind,and i do that in lots of different RPGs. heck even ignoring the main story to grind; maybe for some one else.(what can i say i have more fun in the hunt than the kill in that sense) that being said the grinding for the required Oxium for Zephyr is a bit ridiculous at this point (maybe because i must be using the wrong map/game type?) when i saw Zephyr in the release video for DE i was so excited to see her powers flying though the air dive bombing enemies and having an bird like grace...but after all the grinding for the clan tech research then again for all the pieces (basically having to pay for it twice) I'm not even sure if I'll care when i get it totally not worth the work i had to do.


    (sorry if this is a bit disjointed its kinda spur of the moment response..)

  10. alright i'm getting a bit frustrated with trying to figure out a proper build for the vanilla lato.

    i feel like i am missing something i'm just trying to max it out for the xp, over all i find it doesn't fit very well with my play style. any builds that could add damage or make it more effiecent at taking down enimies would be greatly appreciated.

    oh right i should mention that Its level 21 and i have hornet strike on it already

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