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Posts posted by (PSN)robbiejn

  1. she's made of glass that's for sure, really disappointing (150 Shields maxed). I want to like her so much and will still try cause there is so much potential. Hopefully DE will tweak her like they said they will. Her Ultimate needs to have heath re gen when she uses it or something like it.

  2. Valkyr is a pretty cool looking frame with decent powers, rip line is fun. But my main concern with her is at level 30 she only has 150 shields. Yes he has the best armor in the game at 300 but at higher levels she is going to get shredded with so little shields. It is possible to mod her the right way so that she becomes sort of a tank but that's only providing you have the right mods. So if your looking for a fun frame to use, go ahead and get her just don't expect to take her to Pluto or other higher level planets. So overall she's not bad but kinda disappointing. 3/5 Rating

  3. I know that Excalibur prime was exclusive for pc founders buti feel that's unfair for usps4 players especially for players who main excalibur like myself. I think it would be a good idea to give ps4 players the opportunity to obtain Excalibur prime

    I disagree Excalibur Prime was for the original supporters of Warframe and its only fair that they get an exclusive item that no one else has. That being said, I can see where you're coming from esp him being your main frame. 

  4. Well, it was supposed to be on launch so we started with U11 and that didn't happen.

    So everyone figured it'd be that Tuesday, and that didn't happen.

    So they assumed the following Tuesday, and that didn't happen.

    So then it was the European launch, and that didn't happen.

    I'm guess this Tuesday with the PSN store update, but thusfar there hasn't been any accurate guesses, it's feeling like End of the World prophecies at this point...




    But seriously, probably tomorrow. If they coincide a sale with it it'd almost have to be a Tuesday with Sony's adherence to shop changes basically only occurring with store updates, though, I'm not holding my breath.

    lmao man thanks for the reply, fingers crossed for tomorrow

  5. There is precedent for coupon codes and reduced pricing on items, they just require another item in the store.


    If they do bring in discounts, chances are it'll be a message with a coupon code that gives you access to alternate purchases, it's far from impossible.


    I just wish they'd speak up on the subject, my slots are full and I'd like to get some, but I'm not going to spend more than I have to. Maybe that makes me a cheapskate, maybe they're banking on the collective ignorance of the community. Either way, if there ends up being no discounts I'm sure the stink is only going to grow surrounding the situation.

    100% agree, seems like no one is answering our questions. I'm with you, I plan on buying platinum but not at current prices. I just hope they get the prime access packs available to ps4 users, I know I would buy day one.

  6. Has anyone received a discount on platinum as a daily log in reward like they have in the pc version? Wondering cause I want to get some but its to overpriced on psn. I'm a grandmaster on pc and want to keep both accounts separate and I usually get discount coupons in the pc version. (At least once a week)

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