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Posts posted by WTFerson

  1. Ah the forums, where people come to be "somebody".

    Such shenanigans should be taken with amusement, don't be angst-filled by bullS#&$ anecdotes.

    With that energy, flood the DE emails, forums, support, etc. with questions about Harvester and Detron.

    If we all annoy them enough, they'll somehow find the time, in their extremely busy day, to write a single sentence of mention in the next update :D


    But I digress...

    Solid update DE.


    Looking forward to using the gun when it's finished building. Thanks.

  2. HOTFIX broke Alert missions.


    I tried doing an alert mission and the entire screen pretty much freezes up.


    According to the general chat within the game, this is happening to several others as well.


    Look into it please.

  3. Yay, the damage system went from manageable to bovine excrement.


    Thanks DE for slowly waiving me off my Warframe addiction.


    At this rate, in an update or two, I can finally rid myself of this game and go outside, albeit snowy and cold.

  4. Here are couple of problems:


    1) on missions, the target indicator (red) gets lost at times.

    It's looks like a random place on the map, and doesn't show you step by step (within the area you are in) like it used to.


    2) survivals seem to be broken

    firstly, the LS spawn seems to be broken. Not nearly enough LS spawns as it used to.

    secondly, the monster spawn seems to be broken. Not nearly as many monster as there used to be.

    By the 20min mark, we are lacking LSes completely on certain maps...

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