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Posts posted by (PSN)KawaiiJetty

  1. I just want the Mag skin... it is not bloody hard making a cheaper option.... even in form of "support". 

    Make a big expensive bundle -> dissect into smaller bundles -> not interested in anything else? Buy individual pieces, you're still paying. I find it baffling the cheapest option has no skins. And of course the currency\regal aya plays a big part in inflating the price, just awful.

    Or make the skins purchasable with plat and make them more expensive compared to other Deluxe skins. 

    It feels weird this is a way to celebrate 10th anniversary

    • Like 3
  2. I am honestly baffled not many speak a major issue: Not being able to shoot through allies and such. That is a huge issue, you cab't blame your teammates, you can't blame your pets. You sort of have to put punch through or something.

    Self damage is a bit weird for this weapon though:

    Not having self damage turns this weapon deadly and brainless since you can just blast anybody close range and make chaos. This weapon easily obliterates high level enemies effortessly with innate Blast damage which is free crowd control. 

    But on the other hand downright one shotting you isn't the right call. It gets scary to use with a squishy frame everytime since you have to worry about straight bullets from high level enemies too. Maybe adds a % of self damage to a Warframe? Cautios Shot or whatever mod feels like bad band aid imo and if we need a mod for those then make it -100% self damage since you are giving up a mod slot 

    Overall you can still totally play with this weapon anyway, it is also a fast weapon so you can rack up huge damage in no time

  3. It sucks. Imagine spending time on Kuva missions where you might not get a relic, might not have the kuva siphon spawned because it bugs out, might not get the relic you want. I already have all the murmurs and it requires that 1 word that i don't have. 

    I could just kill thralls and hope it drops a relic but it gets mind tiresome having to deal buggy thralls that are downed and still do an attack + lich + potential invasion + whatever mode you are doing. 


    Progress is hard stop since i don't have the word nor the relic and incosistent kuva siphons. I am trying to get rid of my 1st lich since he is stealing void traces(that also have a rng factor on how much you get aside people picking your item) in Lith/Meso areas and also having on Ceres that has orokin cell is a big no to me. 


    Sorry for rant but it just feels so unfun 😕

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