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Posts posted by Kavukamari

  1. I had 3 stuck situations recently (almost one per mission) in railjack. this is very inconvenient for my teammates because I will get stuck inside an important object like a gun or the slingshot, and very inconvenient for me because I usually have to disconnect.

    I suggest allowing the chat menu to be opened no matter what state the player is in, and to add a new command: /railjackunstuck

    this command should only work in railjack missions, and should have some kind of cooldown (ten minutes? twice per mission?) so you can't use it to teleport for free for no reason. what it should do is force your player to immediately reconnect to the host. none of this "teleport to nearest walkable position" from /unstuck because when I tried that when I was stuck, I just ended up still stuck but in a different location. it should do a complete reconnect, respawn the player in the railjack cockpit, reset the player state, and try to keep the current mission progress for your character like in a host migration.

    I think this is the best way to handle this sort of problem until the stuck issues can be fixed. sometimes you just need a full reset. maybe it can also take a snapshot of information to send to the DE team at the same time, so you guys can finally figure out what's going on, exactly what state the player is in, what state the mission, railjack, etc is in when a player gets stuck.

  2. Since the bug fixes, my railjack turns exceptionally slowly. I have my warframe/operator mouse settings very slow because the game is very sensitive compared to what I'm used to, but my railjack was always fine, now that the fixes are out, my railjack inherits the slow speed of turning from my frames despite my railjack sensitivity being set all the way up

    maybe we can toggle inheritance? have railjack turning sensitivity completely separate from the default settings?

  3. wtgyxcg5lx841.png

    This is sort of an idea I've had in my head for a few days which would make life easier for the kind of person who switches loadouts a lot.

    When you click on the name of the config you want, it switches the mod config to that for that item. simple.

    I know there are a few small problems, such as not having enough room for slots 4 and up, and the ambiguousness of whether it refers to "Upgrade" slots or "Appearance" slots.

    But perhaps, the first 3 slots are the only ones which get an indicator. if you choose slot 4, all of them are dimmed. and I don't believe it's as important to quickly swap between appearances than it is to swap between mod loadouts

    I'd love to hear people's opinions about this, and whether they think it's a good addition to the game. I think it would be a nice quality of life addition which shouldn't get in the way of anything

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