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Posts posted by (PSN)BlastYoBoots

  1. I've just killed my first Kuva Lich. (ie. the final choice to kill or recruit, kill chosen. I believe he was named "Sovolodo Bekk" or similar.) However, this was in a Mobile Defense mission in the Lich's territory, and the datamass necessary to complete the mission fell out of world during the fight... meaning neither myself nor my teammates could progress the mission at all with nothing to plug into the three terminals. (Yeah, that old bug.) After I was the only player left and had tried everything I could think of (even typing /unstuck), I had no choice but to Abort Mission.

    This resulted in receiving NO weapon or recovered stolen-goods from the Lich I'd spend the last three days working up toward killing. The Lich is no longer visible on my quest map. He's apparently dead as dead, and I've had everything I was supposed to get from it stolen out from under me by a glitch.

    I've opened a support ticket to try and salvage... something at least (like my hope to ever feel like playing the game again), but yeah.  This needs to be fixed before it happens to anyone else.

    EDIT:  The datamass vanishing itself could have also been related to this PC bug, but the rewards bug I'm describing in this thread is separate.

    EDIT2:  Gods above, thank goodness -- the Lich weapon is in the Foundry.  I have no way of telling whether or not the stolen goods were lost, though.

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